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Humor category for this site

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 59

To: that one Time

Once when I was 17
I bought a motorcycle queen
I rode her hard and flipped one day
Into the windshield of a grey
Minivan that was my friends'
Mom and though she was the bomb
We cried then laughed "it's all okay"
My queen still rides this very day.

poet Anonymous

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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

We now have themes for #funny, #parody and #satire

Check out this discussion for more info on this new feature:

Lucian Hodoboc
Strange Creature
Joined 19th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 5

I'm a little confused. How many categories does this community have? I don't think I'm seeing all of them. Does the number of categories members can see increase once their post count increases?

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

Lucian-Hodoboc said:I'm a little confused. How many categories does this community have? I don't think I'm seeing all of them. Does the number of categories members can see increase once their post count increases?

There are two separate things; categories, of which a poem can be in only one, and themes (like hashtags) with which a poem can be tagged with up to five.

You can find categories and themes on the poems page:


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