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Social Experiment - Potential Competition  

poet Anonymous

I had this wild idea, to produce spontaneous prose and poetry, and maybe, do a competition. But It might not be worth it, so If anyone any thoughts please respond.

The idea:

Take an hour- Switch of your T.V, Switch of your WiFi, and switch off you phone. Sit for an hour, with no tech, time it with a clock or timer, then write the first thing that comes to your head. could be a poem, could be a thought.

I don't know, lock-down has made me think about the over reliance on tech.  

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 890

Interesting idea. Is this an hour of quiet contemplation?

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14574

This sounds almost like 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron.  Except that you were supposed to get up an hour earlier to write a stream of consciousness for an hour. This supposedly cleansed you from any harboring negativity, anxiety, et al that you may inadvertently be holding onto. ( It does work, btw, I've done the program/course. ) Yours, if I'm reading correctly, would allow you to do this any time of the day, as long as it's for an hour without technology involved?

poet Anonymous

It has no time scale, or correct time to do it. it can be done when ever anyone has a free hour. But I wanted to see if there was any interest first, before launching some avant garde competition.

I also didn't want to make it competitive - just a selections of responses uploaded with no winner. I would participate myself. I want to see if technology or lack of has any effect on expression.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14574

I'll have a go and pretty certain others will too.

poet Anonymous

Thank you.

poet Anonymous

I barely watch TV to be fair, so this is pretty much how I write all the time...😂

But yes. Totally encouraging this idea.

poet Anonymous

Frustrated_prole said: I want to see if technology or lack of has any effect on expression.  

Out of all my Ghostly Bible entries, I feel the “Mariah Scary, and the telly prompter” came out better than any other passage, because I wasn’t watching YouTube or using my phone to look at what others were doing in the background, and getting distracted.

What’s being asked of, is what I usually do anyway, for more than an hour. Following hundreds of people and trying to respond to everything and everyone is pointless.

poet Anonymous

Great feedback. I'll make a comp up at some point.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2287

after i successfully empty my mind during my morning meditation
write the first thing that enters my mind?

Hmmm, i guess it will depend where i decide to do my meditation.

Could be Fun!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

I never *empty* my mind...

I let the glass floweth over...;)...

Yet , funny enough ;

*Thought + Empty Mind* = 319 = Television

Interesting , to me , at least...

Yet , I believe that insisting the mind shut
down , to receive response , or messages ,
is not what we are designed for...

We are designed for information input...

Integration of information ?

Ahhh... now we are speaking where you are
suggesting , and heading , with your question...

That I could do , if you are interested !

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Yes absolutely , I would give it a go , only I would have to request an alternate period of time  modified choice There is NO WAY  I could sit for an hour Or write for an hour Or clear my mind
Not laughing at you I like the idea
I must laugh at myself It took alot of years to  get to where I am today
Profound Adult ADHD
I could do 15 on 5 off and set a limit of ten things to write on
I am not joking if you would like to modify
It is something I find enjoyable some of my best short stories started this way
Much Love V

poet Anonymous

15 mins sounds better yet you could do something like between 15 - 60 mins make it less strict. As its experimental. Even 10 - 60. I agree that an hour was quite an intense period of time.  It being a social experiment and not a chemical experiment, I think that what you said makes sense.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

What if I spend 15 - 60 minutes typing my poem out on an electronic device? Does that mean I have to travel back in time and be tech free for at least 30 to 120 minutes to counter the difference ...?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

JohnnyBlaze said:What if I spend 15 - 60 minutes typing my poem out on an electronic device? Does that mean I have to travel back in time and be tech free for at least 30 to 120 minutes to counter the difference ...?

Yes BlackWolf has the Code for that

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