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Fire of Insight
Ireland 5awards
Joined 11th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 30

This is the truest statement on here yet

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

I have had a u turn of feeling after a very recent experience here. Blocking seems important. Sorry I didn't see that before.

poet Anonymous

ImperfectedStone said:I have had a u turn of feeling after a very recent experience here. Blocking seems important. Sorry I didn't see that before.

Sorry to hear of the circumstances, and glad you could see the importance of it. 😊

Mr A
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 17awards
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878

blocking's for pussies--you'll not scare me with your dick pics

(let's not test that tho, eh)

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

A Positive Intent
As I said I have been bullied for over a year this has included:
Lies upon lies
vile poetry written
vile comments made
sarcasm about having no legs
laughed at and belittled because of a disability
told to commit suicide
sarcasm for having mental health issues
sarcasm for being impotent
ex-girlfriend recruited and pumped for insider information (lies)
this information was twisted and used for vile comments and poems
info also used to make false complaints (Proven false)
continually stalked with attempts of intimidation
recruited other poets and with slanderous lies and got some to ignore me
sabotage attempted on a group I was running
People falsely warned off from participating in this group
sarcastically accused of playing the victim role, when I am in fact, a victim and a survivor
sarcastically accused of playing the disabled card, when I am actually disabled
accused of being a:
legless cowboy
a narcissist
a dick head
a crap poet and critiquer
a bully
so may stump references
and lots of other vile crap
Attempting to destroy my reputation
destroying anything I tried to do
started to campaign to get me removed from being a MOD (Successful)***
constantly broke DU guidelines (Unpunished)
a large number of victims, some leaving the site altogether
a provable history of bullying and intimidation
I have had a genuine unreserved apology spat back in my face
e-mail address hacked
Youtube account temporarily was taken down
Poems and videos were taken down and banned from Facebook (All restored successfully)
threats from Face book of de-platforming
anonymous threats of physical violence
anonymous Death threats

All this has happened if the short space of just over a year

The thing about these kinds of people is that they are all bottom feeders. They pick out those they perceive to be weaker or in a bad place. They do not pick on people who are strong and will fight back because they are inadequate cowards. But beware, they can do some very serious damage especially to fragile hearts and minds and DU has many by its very nature. It is only a matter of time before we have a DU related suicide. This is not mellow dramatic it is my own actual honest experience. I was always taught to stand up to bullies, not to let them off the hook. I campaigned against such behaviour for my entire career. The internet revolution has put paid to that with people being able to hide in the shadows and be unidentifiable. It is now a very different game and will never be stamped out, it is now impossible. Anonymous VPNs, Photoshopped evidence, Catfishing; the future will all make this kind of behaviour so much easier. It has taken me over a year of extreme misery to formulate some conclusions (some that go against the grain and my established moral code)

***(Note to the Webmiss) I now actually agree with my removal as a MOD. I made the mistake of retaliating sometimes like for like against my assailants and I concur that this was a mistake on my part. It was my chosen path to retaliate and I should, as a MOD, have been above that kind behaviour. Which I now offer her my sincere apologies

And so to the positive solutions that I would recommend:

The 12 Rules For Internet Life - An Antidote to Bullshit - (Not by Jordan Peterson) by David Macleod

1. If bullied, harassed or berated - take screenshots and report these to the MODs every time it happens
2. Block the assailant/s
3. Do not retaliate like for like
4. Ignore the public comments from your assailant/s
5. Ask friends to not contact you with info concerning you assailants
6. Ban yourself from reading every word they write
7. Campaign for a Facebook-style blocking tool on DU
8. Never take your assailant/s behaviour as personal (They are just sick individuals)
9. Never feed the trolls they will end up ruling your life
10. Try to avoid Gossiping with your friends about them (an unproductive waste of time)
11. Only respect those who treat you with respect (respect must be sought and earned)
12. If it happens once, it will happen again. Do not trust someone when your trust has been broken

I write this as my final statement of intent:

I am blocking my two assailants
I will not read another vile word they write
I will not retaliate even when provoked
I will not enter any of their competitions nor will I comment
I will not comment on them at all
I have asked my friends not to report to me on my ex-assailants words
I will not allow anyone to steal my power or enjoyment of DU and will treat people all the same
Love and respect gets love and respect, disrespect demands blocking
I am unable to lead or assist in a campaign for zero tolerance (Sadly)

I will campaign for an extensive block function on DU (Separately and unrelated to this issue and for the good of the site)
I will campaign for the practice of multiple accounts to be stopped (Separately and unrelated to this issue and for the good of the site)

* Note: This reciprocal deal was offered about six months ago to my two assailants. As per their nature they spat it back in my face and carried on regardless, they do to this very day.

this will be my final word on this subject and my two assailants. Yes, I have lost but it is seriously no loss at all. This will now be my chosen path and a necessary one. I only wish I had followed it a long year ago, but upwards and onwards, lessons learned

so it is written, so it will be done
(Still smiling like a smug twat LOL)
(I am a new broom just not flying on one)
DU "The Best Poetry Site On The Internet"

David Macleod xxxxx :-)))))))

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

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