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Perhaps, allowing 3 poems (vs 2) every 8 hours?

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 87

This my not be administratively feasible (or there may not be sufficient space, but how about allowing a 3 piece post every 8 hours...instead of the current limit of 2?

poet Anonymous

The idea is so that the feed doesn’t get saturated by the same people all the time. Variety is the spice of life and all that jazz.

Who writes three poems in a day anyway?

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 87

I understand the potential for monopolizing the feed.  As for the "who writes 3 poems a day" comment, some of us are writing books and have quite a number of pieces we'd like opinions on.  (I asked the question respectfully) Thanks

poet Anonymous

(I answered the question respectfully...)

Here’s an analogy. My grandfather when he was alive got bought a kindle for Christmas. He was bloody amazed with it. When we explained it could hold 10,000 books at once he laughed and replied “what do I need 10,000 books for... I can only read one at a time!”

My point is if it’s feedback you’re after, why work on three at once? Surely it’s better to perfect one, focus on one, get feedback on one and have one really great poem you’ve worked on rather than 3 half arsed ones.


Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 87

I withdraw the question and will not ask another.

poet Anonymous

... why, because somebody responded to your question?

*shrugs* just curious.

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

I sometimes write and submit 3 poems a day. I have written as many as 12 in a day and submitted them all utilizing multiple accounts.

The 2 poems per 8 hours still doesn't slow down new members who want to get all of their submissions entered in a hurry. In being in such a hurry, they miss out on valuable feedback.  

You would do well to submit 1 poem every other day, letting other members slowly acclimate to your presence and become comfortable in responding to you.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 26th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 6

I get where both of you guys are coming from. I can find that happy middle and understand both your points and perspectives - as for me though 2 is fine 3 would be cool. I never try and perfect any of my poetry. I write as it comes to mind. I keep it raw and real I find I can connect with some users on a deeper level. I really just write because its my only outlet to my anxiety and depression. Again though I just wanted to put my opinion here. You both make valid points. And without siding and staying in between you two I use multiple poetry websites so I can in fact write at will just to get out there not for any gain just in hopes I may help others with similar feelings and that reassurance there not alone. I wish you both a wonderful day/night! :)

poet Anonymous

Valid points all round. However, quality will always, always surpass quantity for me. I’m very much of the opinion that you shouldn’t publish every single thing that gets written.

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

For paid memberships, I think it should be
changed to 5 or six poems per day.

poet Anonymous

rabbitquest said:six poems per day is what I'm looking at.

You might wanna get dem glasses checked if you’re seeing sextuplet poems, bunny boy.

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

Miss_Sub said:Valid points all round. However, quality will always, always surpass quantity for me. I’m very much of the opinion that you shouldn’t publish every single thing that gets written.

What goes on at DUP is poetry being shared and not being published in its final state.

Though I can understand some people posting only what they think is quality  beyond revision as opposed to works in progress until they are actuall FINISHED, meaning the writer is done fussing with them.  

I'd rather post everything, welcoming feedback on everything - then revise.

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

JohnnyBlaze said:

What goes on at DUP.....  

...stays at DUP

poet Anonymous

JohnnyBlaze said:

What goes on at DUP is poetry being shared and not being published in its final state.

Though I can understand some people posting only what they think is quality  beyond revision as opposed to works in progress until they are actuall FINISHED, meaning the writer is done fussing with them.  

I'd rather post everything, welcoming feedback on everything - then revise.

Alright. Here’s the part where I’m gonna attempt to have some sort of normal conversation with you on this, because it’s an interesting topic.

I think I’m somewhere in the middle of these two points of quality. I don’t think that a poem is ever really finished. I certainly don’t post poems that I think are perfect and don’t need revision, because everything needs revision. It would be stupid of course to be egotistical enough to post poems thinking there’s never any room for improvement - there’s always room for improvement.

However I don’t feel the need to publish every thought that comes out of my head.

Maybe the point here is not so much an issue of revision, but an issue of personal privacy. The mind not being a public bookshelf perhaps.

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

Miss_Sub said:

Alright. Here’s the part where I’m gonna attempt to have some sort of normal conversation with you on this, because it’s an interesting topic.

I think I’m somewhere in the middle of these two points of quality. I don’t think that a poem is ever really finished. I certainly don’t post poems that I think are perfect and don’t need revision, because everything needs revision. It would be stupid of course to be egotistical enough to post poems thinking there’s never any room for improvement - there’s always room for improvement.

However I don’t feel the need to publish every thought that comes out of my head.

Maybe the point here is not so much an issue of revision, but an issue of personal privacy. The mind not being a public bookshelf perhaps.

I agree with everything you say.

Not everything that streams out of a poet's noggin is poetic. I personally don't give a shit about what's on a poet's shopping list at the grocery store.

Some people in emotional crisis venting their words on a page? Likewise, it's not poetry. It could be made into poetry eventually with some revision and focus.

But if someone were take the time to "consciously craft" anywhere from 2 to 20 poems and submit them in a single day ( provided they had enough  accounts to manage this ), more power to them getting as much feedback as possible.

Though I have personally submitted as many as 12 in a day, I've done so with the understanding that most would slip through the cracks unnoticed. Because I am in no hurry to finish and publish them. They'll get attention when they get attention, even if it takes years.

That's why I first suggested that 1 submission every other day is best for newcomers who are keen on feedback. Blasting all your submissions through every 8 hours 2 to 3 at a time is a recipe for most of them being overlooked for several years in the short term.

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