
Facebook Solicitation.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

Hi everyone.
I'm here to ask you all to please help me out if you can.  

I'm interwebingly whoring myself out for some likes to win a contest. Normally, I wouldn't be this pushy but I've been told to just give up already cause I won't win.  

Personally, it doesn't matter if I win or loose because I know the people who support me are loyal and just plain out awesome individuals.  

In all honesty though,  I must admit to myself that I'm just not as social in real life enough to actually win with just my following alone. I just dislike being told to 'give up' and that phrase triggers me to do the complete opposite.  

Which is why I have come to DU for some extra help.

Can you please go and LIKE the Video in the LINK here:

LINK --->

You don't necessarily have to like it if I don't sound good but I'd really and absolutely appreciate the help.  

Thank you!!!!

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