
What Is The True Definition Of Normal?

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Don't humor me with the actual definition.
I just would like to know your thoughts on this subject since for so long I struggle with this topic and I'm pretty sure some people out there can relate whether if it's due to having a different sexual orientation, a different mental disorder, a physical disorder etc. whatever it is that makes you feel like you aren't well...normal and you struggle with it because people pick on you or just don't understand who you are therefore think you are weird, look weird, act weird, or are being weird.
So what is the real definition of normalcy? Can someone really be normal?
And do you think people should worry about being normal? If so why?

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 99

I've heard many people say there's no such thing as normal, and equate categorizing what is normal to some kind of insult to anyone who falls outside of that standard. I actually tend to disagree with this sentiment. We have the word "normal" to describe an objective concept that exists in the real world: that which is expected, average, unremarkable.

The problem with the idea of normal as applied to human beings arises when anything outside of that standard deviation of normality is regarded as amiss, which does not necessarily follow. This false equivalence of "normal" with "correct" is where I see the meaning and intent of the concept becoming derailed.

In short, there is a normal. And one can not be that, and that's still ok. In fact, it's probably an advantage.

So no, I do not think people should worry about it. Just be who you are driven to be, and let those who will accept you be those who you surround yourself with.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Normality is waking up every morning to go to work, kiss your children, strap yourself into your wheelchair, do yoga in the local park, or do nothing at all.

It's crying over the film that touched a nerve. It's the small light inside you that says try it one more time. It's eating breakfast and blowing love into your mug of tea, wishing the one you can't stop thinking about was fucking next to you.

It is breathing. It is beauty. It is love. It is passion. It is the mundane. It's the everyday shoes, the banana in your fruit bowl, the phone call that made you smile, the nail file, the butterfly landing in your garden.

It is loving yourself. Fucking loving yourself because it's the only love in the world that will never let you down. It's becoming comfortable with the skin you're dealt, every lump, crevice and patch that volunteers itself as the vessel for your life.

It is fear and acceptance in equal measure. It is realising your humanity. It is doing the best you can with what you have. It is never settling for anything fucking less.

Normality shouldn't be in a dictionary. It should be your life. Your story. Your tears. Your face. Your face. Your face.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Miss_Sub said:Normality is waking up every morning to go to work, kiss your children, strap yourself into your wheelchair, do yoga in the local park, or do nothing at all.

It's crying over the film that touched a nerve. It's the small light inside you that says try it one more time. It's eating breakfast and blowing love into your mug of tea, wishing the one you can't stop thinking about was fucking next to you.

It is breathing. It is beauty. It is love. It is passion. It is the mundane. It's the everyday shoes, the banana in your fruit bowl, the phone call that made you smile, the nail file, the butterfly landing in your garden.

It is loving yourself. Fucking loving yourself because it's the only love in the world that will never let you down. It's becoming comfortable with the skin you're dealt, every lump, crevice and patch that volunteers itself as the vessel for your life.

It is fear and acceptance in equal measure. It is realising your humanity. It is doing the best you can with what you have. It is never settling for anything fucking less.

Normality shouldn't be in a dictionary. It should be your life. Your story. Your tears. Your face. Your face. Your face.

Well said Miss sub, very well said

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
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There is a definition for normal. Problem is that definition is context specific and objective, and is existing with at least a hundred over definitions.
Seems 'normal' the word has roots that mean 'carpenter's square': the triangle or L shaped thing that itself is a misnomer for square if ever there was one! According to Huey Lewis & The News, it is hip to be square though, so there is that.

People should worry less about fitting in, and more on being themselves. The greatest and best of humanity and history have hardly been normal as they do extraordinary things and no one follows the exact same path or does the exact same actions with experiences.

If someone says they are 'normal' then either they are trying too hard to fit in, or are trying to hide something, or are an abnormal psychopath mimicking the 'normal', or are a dirty demagogue wishing to get people on their side without having to actually connect or acknowledge individuals.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
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I'll go out on a limb and try to make an analogy to chemistry and science, which is how my brain tends to work:

"Normal" is a type of measurement that defines a concentration of a solution.  We say that the normality of a mixture, is how many gram equivalent weights of something, in one liter of solution, and a gram equivalent weight is a measure of a molecule's ability to react in a chemical reaction.

Therefore, if you mix compounds together, they'll cause a chemical reaction, thus giving a "normal" value to that mixture.  If you take us, as humans, and mix us in any given circumstance, we're also going to react to it, and a "normal" will form for that event, that will last for an undetermined amount of time, based on how long we are in that situation (or "solution/mixture").  Adding things to the chemical solution, changes it to something new, or a different normality, as does adding or changing something in our human-ness, that also does give us a new "normal", with each new event.

So personally, I don't think there is any true normal anything--what's normal for one person, may be not normal for another, just like the chemistry mixtures.  I believe there are desired "standards" which humanity tries to attain, just like in chemistry, where the goal of any chemical reaction is to reach a steady-state where the exchange of electrons is constant, and the reaction is in balance.  

Until then, we humans are in a constant state of changing "normals" and there is no perfection or constant, until we leave this life and join in the presence of God.  So there you have it, another excerpt from Madame's geeked-out mind....

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 2nd June 2017
Forum Posts: 2

Normal to me is status quo, without change or difference, comfort to some, a nightmare to others, and for those like me wary to change but always wanting it, there's some balance to it, and a sense of balance in having it, calm in the chaos of the world and entire universe,  boring, calming, a part of life, there are many ways to see it, depending on how you see the world

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14587

The routine of societal expectations without the pursuit / expression of the arts.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 5th June 2017
Forum Posts: 2

Normality is nothing more than an opinion. I've noticed that most people are most uncomfortable with what they are unfamiliar with.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 17th Apr 2017
Forum Posts: 14

I find it next to impossible to classify human beings as normal. Society has a baseline for what is expected of us. Job, house, kids, wives, husbands, car blah blah blah. That could be perceived as normal simply because it is the expectation and therefore the standard.

However, as we continue to grow as conscious, self aware beings we discover and set our own standards. We live up to our own expectations. We are all different in many varying ways. Everyone has their issues, demons, battles, etc. Pretending not to is what has been the societal normal for a long time now but it is coming around. People are opening up more. So in a sense the "abnormal" could and should become the new "normal".

I think normality is set by each individual. Not normality of other people but normality of one's self. You decide what your baseline is. You decide what is comfortable for you. You decide when you have strayed to far away from your base.

People shouldn't worry about normality. It is a useless oversimplification of humanity. Trying to be "normal" snuffs out the beauty of our imperfections.

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