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Ask The Person Below You A Question

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5687

Here's how this one works:  When you post, you have to answer the question the previous poster asked, then leave a question of your own for the next person.  Ready?  Anything goes!

I'll start:

What is something that scares you?

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 13th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 2523

well, apart from veins, brown paper and spider webs... closeness.

What's your favorite season and why?

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 441

Summer...it seems the coolest...i love wearing short clothing and being out all hours of all days...and my birthdays in that season...

How did you sleep last night?

Tyrant of Words
United States 18awards
Joined 17th Sep 2010
Forum Posts: 631

Slept Well.  Went to bed late.  Watched Family Feud on GSN.

Do you have pubic hair or do you shave it bare?

poet Anonymous

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

well they are too embarrassed... bare, and powder my asshole too.

are you racist, classist, homophobic, sexist? (any, or all)

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 12th June 2012
Forum Posts: 344

not racist,classist,homophobic nor sexist.

Have you ever taken a risk? If so what?

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 32

Yes. I moved out on my own for the first time, by moving 600 miles away with no one I knew anywhere near me. (I'm less than social, so it was...interesting.)

Are you reading any books lately? What are they?

Illogical Logic
Lost Thinker
Joined 23rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 15

Yes...World War Z. I'm much to busy to bother with it often though, unfortunately. I'm only in a couple of chapters, and it seems interesting so far.

Can you juggle?

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5687

Figuratively, yes. I work two jobs, take care of my Grandmother and somehow keep my own house/family in order.

What's the most embarassing thing that's happened to you?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 2408

Umm, lately? Haha. I fell in front of a bunch of strangers while hiking the day before yesterday.

What is your favorite place to "escape" to?

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 13th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 2523

hehe Caliban

right here  

What is the first word that pops into your head right now?

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 303


Have you ever done something you are a shamed of? Is so what was it?

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

Many things, Revealing myself in class when I was a freshman was the biggest. The girl was the only one to see it, but the tormenting looks of the next day were hard to deal with.

What would you do, if you lost a figurative piece of yourself?

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1831

siphondarkness said:Many things, Revealing myself in class when I was a freshman was the biggest. The girl was the only one to see it, but the tormenting looks of the next day were hard to deal with.

What would you do, if you lost a figurative piece of yourself?

As I recall I have...

I've given birth. Then I got up the next day, walked downstairs and smoked my first cigarette in awhile.

If you could be any character in a book, who would you be?

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