The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
Mo Edwards
Joined 4th Nov 2022
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Mo Edwards
Twisted Dreamer
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When sitting in meditation the fundamental question in Zen practice is simple.
Who am I?
There is absolutely nothing to attain for you already have it. The true self is always right here before you but because we see only the surface of things we miss it.
Who am I is found in the cup of coffee you make each morning. On the surface you only see this little self making the cup of coffee and you feel proud of this little even congratulate this little self for making such a wonderful cup of coffee...or you criticize this little self for having made a bitter cup of coffee, you berate your little self.
If you look deeply into that cup of coffee you see your true self. You see the sun and rain...the soil and the coffee plant...the farmers harvesting the see the unknown workers grinding the beans and packaging the see the cow that produced the milk...the sugar see the universe in that simple cup of that tiny cup of coffee one sees infinity in a constant state of flux.
Who am I is extraordinary...and yet you attain just have to look and see deeply into each moment...into this one Mind.
🙏 Mo
Forum Posts: 17149
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17149
Thanks, Mo. 🙏☕
Not ironic that I'm up early charting while enjoying a cup of mushroom coffee ( highly recommend! ). Felt compelled to check in early and this was waiting.
There are no coincidences, my friend. 🌌
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Tyrant of Words
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Weekly Oracle Forecast, Oct 08-14: No. 48 TENTH HOUSE—AUTHORITY
If our chart were a village map, the 10th house would hold the courthouse government seat and the public face of your work. Here is the arena for our most public self, our relationship to authority figures, and our role as a leader.
This card is interesting this week, as Mars, the god of war, will square off with Pluto, the God of the Underworld and harbinger of destruction.
We are being asked to step up and take on the next level of personal authority. It's hard to build something without a clear blueprint. So look at our definition of a strong leader and decide whether we need to amend it. Remember how we felt as a kid about our parents? The school principal? Police and teachers? Observe whether they use their responsibility wisely and encouraged us to develop hours or whether we needed to rebel to be safe.
Notice our relationship to the concept of divine authority and investigate if it was something to be feared, ignored, or expanded. Did it offer us safety and refuge? These patterns affect both how we react to outside authority and what we expect from ourselves as a parent, professional, or leader. Sort between the traits that worked and those not worth emulating. In essence, separate the wheat from the tares. Deconstruct assumptions about authority that no longer serve us. Authority is no longer what other people carry. It is what we are developing within.
Take responsibility for healing old wounds around empowerment and create new blueprints. If needed, tell off someone who abused their authority, either in person, in therapy, or in a letter to burn and release. Get the training and certification we need. Create a mental collage of good role models, people who lead in a way that empowers others.
We need to create a clear picture of a competent, responsible, loving and empowering authority. Step into that role and be the pillar of our community and family with confidence.
Our challenge is not to become a bully, especially with Mars squaring Pluto this week. Be careful not to mistake power over others other people as equal to empowerment within. Our gift is wherever we are in our evolution, it's time to take the next step up the mountain of leadership, empowerment and accomplishment.
Deck: Starcodes Astro Oracle by Heather Rone Robbins
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Tyrant of Words
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Venus enters 00°Virgo00' @ 9:11 PM EDT tonight in the 4th House, the natural home of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, representing home, security, endings, property, foundation, and the latter part of life.
Venus is in its fall ( opposite exaltation ) in Virgo and will have difficulty expressing its real nature. It's like staying in someone's house you're not really comfortable in. Because this happens in the 4th House, ruled by the Moon, we can rely on intuition through periods of uncertainty.
Venus is affectionate, gentle, harmonious, and social. It is known as the planet of love; however, not sex. Ruling art, culture, and aesthetics, Venus possesses beauty, charm, and sentimentality. Virgo is an excellent placement for this lesser benefic.
Mercury-ruled Virgo is analytical, to the point that any emotion may be analyzed right out of the equation. Practical and industrious, Virgo methodically uncovers facts in any situation. Clean and organized, Virgo will work studiously with Venus to streamline and revised routines that will facilitate constructive avenues to attain our goals.
With Virgo's earthy intellect and Venus' sense of value, a lot can be accomplished through this partnership. Pay attention to nudges that involve potential desires to change things up. These are vital urges enhancing our awareness and ability to adapt to needed changes that benefit us in the long run.
Image: The Pilgrimage by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17149
Aspecting the Cosmos, Mon, Oct 09, 2023: Use the flow of morning energy to prepare for the day's challenges and opportunities for mending an emotional soul wound.
Overnight the Sun in Libra sextile the Moon in Leo. Self-identity and emotions aligned, creating an opportunity for substantial growth. Those of us sleeping through this should heed our dreams for clues. Early morning Moon trine Chiron in Aries. An emotional wound can be healed when we realize that the medicine is within the heart of it, waiting for release. We have the emotional strength to face it.
Late morning the Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn Rx. Insecurity. Clashes with authority. Overcompensating to prove ourselves. Find a quiet place to ground and balance. Late afternoon the Moon will square Uranus Rx in Taurus. Challenging. Emotional upsets and push backs against conformity. Freedom urges to break from tradition.
Late tonight the Moon conjunct Lilith in Leo in the 2nd House, the natural home of Taurus ruled by Venus, who has just transited from fiery Leo to Earthy Virgo. This is a house of values and freedom highlighting our inner and outer resources. This conjunction emphasizes emotions and shadow aspects, rebellious nature. Bittersweet aspect signifying triggers. Open space for healing through nurturing and selfcare. In acceptance of who we are there is peace and the soul-healing we need to alter our course of thinking.
Image: Night and Her Train of Stars by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
Degrees, Aspects, Time:
Sun: 15°LIB44'
Moon: 15°LEO44'
Aspect: Sextile ( Opportunity )
Time: 3:07 AM EDT
Moon: 17°LEO45'
Chiron: 17°ARI45'
Aspect: Trine ( Flow )
Time: 7:13 AM EDT
Sun: a6°LIB03'
Saturn: 01°PIS03'
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate ( Abrasive )
Time: 11:08 AM EDT
Moon: 22°LEO23'
Uranus: 22TAU23'
Aspect: Square ( Challenging )
Time: 4:36 PM EDT
Moon: 25°LEO53'
Lilith: 25°LEO53'
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 11:42 PM EDT
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #horoscope #zodiac #aspects #planetary
Mo Edwards
Joined 4th Nov 2022
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Mo Edwards
Twisted Dreamer
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17149
This celebrates and honors Native American peoples, commemorating their histories and cultures. The National Holiday was established in 2021 and will be celebrated the second Monday of October.
This movement began as counter-celebration of Columbus Day, which honors Christopher Columbus. Many ( myself included ) reject celebrating him, saying that he represents "the violent history of the colonization in the Western Hemisphere".
On a personal note, he didn't "discover" America - it was already here and inhabited by its indigenous culture. It's time to not only teach the truth of history, but to honor that truth.
Today, 14 U.S. states celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day and not Columbus Day, as well as the District of Columbia.
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Tyrant of Words
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There's stuff everywhere on the Israel conflict, but I needed to gather my thoughts and analyze a chart. Conflict, especially serious conflict such as war, is something I need to process emotionally before I can communicate it in any type of reasonable fashion. This is probably something I should do via video; however, I'm going to attempt to articulate this in layman's terms.
The attack on Israel began around 6:30 AM Saturday morning, Israeli time. Saturday is when Jews observe the Sabbath, and many don't leave their homes; therefore, most would've been in bed asleep after the previous night's ritual, especially with nowhere to be that morning. The fact that the terrorists chose this time to attack makes it more despicable to me.
Israel is 7 hours ahead of us, so I ran the chart @ 11:30 PM Friday evening, which would correlate to the exact time of the attack.
At the top left of the chart, you'll see the North Node, Eris. and Chiron circled. This forms a stellium in the fire sign Aries in the10th House. The allowable orb is 7° for a conjunction ( emphasizes energy ), and as you can see by the degrees, all three are within that allowable measurement. The 10th house is the natural home of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the teacher and Lord of Karma. This house is one of substance and honor, and indicates government, authority, and religion as an organization.
The North Node is our destiny, and the direction we strive toward in this life. Eris is the goddess of discord and strife. And Chiron is the wounded healer. There is such a significance in this alignment.
At the bottom right of the chart, you'll see the South Node, Mars, and the asteroid Israel circled in red. This forms a stellium in the air sign Libra in the 4th House. The allowable orb is 7° for a conjunction, and as you can see by the degrees, all three are within that allowable measurement. The 4th house is the natural home of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, representing our domestic nurturing urge and emotions. This house is one of security and endings, and indicates our home, heritage, and property ( real estate ). This is a house of endings: the closing years of life, the ending of all matters.
The South Node is what we've brought into this life - our heritage, ancestry, gifts, etc., and what we strive to break free from so we can evolve in this life. Mars is the god of war who rules Aries & Scorpio. And Israel represents persecution, attacks, and homeland. Now if that doesn't give you goosebumps, I don't know what will.
An opposition denotes polarity that needs to be reconciled before healing can take place. Chiron reveals this by his presence in the North Node/Eris stellium, where the goddess of discord and strife, Eris is representing while opposing the God of War, Mars, in a stellium with the South Node ( history ) and Israel.
Not only that - but an opposition is also forming between the Moon dignified in Cancer, and Pluto, god of the underworld and harbinger of destruction and rebirth in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the teacher and lord of karma. The energy of this opposition was growing stronger through the attack and perfected by 10:00 PM Saturday, Israeli time. With the Moon dignified in her own sign, emotions would've been off the chart globally in the aftermath of Plutonian destruction.
And if that wasn't enough, we've got another fire stellium in Leo between Black Moon Lilith, who, according to the Jews, is "a female demon of Jewish folklore, who tries to kill newborn children. In the Talmud she is the first wife of Adam, dispossessed by Eve" and Venus, goddess of affection, and Juno, goddess of commitment and relationships. Thus, it could be interpreted that Lilith seeks to divide families, relationships, and commitments - even those of ceasefire between countries. Her position in the middle is separating the two goddesses.
So we have two fire stelliums and one air. Air fuels fire. Astrology is so literal.
This has been bone-chilling for me, which is why I needed time to process before posting about. I possess Jewish heritage traced back to Latvia. Yet I don't resent Palestine, and I certainly don't fault them as a whole for the malicious actions of a militant group. I sympathize with their plight. What happened to them would be akin to Native Americans being granted the rights to take back their original lands and occupy our homes. Being of Native American descent, I wouldn't be able to resent that beyond those not being able to let the past go and move forward.
And that's a part of history we all need to learn is to let the past rest in peace or war will always prevail. Because in war there are no winners, only widows.
I am doing all I know to do to bring peace to Israel and Palestine by eliminating extremists and militants from their populations. I pray and practice the same for America and her extremist faction as well.
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Tyrant of Words
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Aspecting the Cosmos, Tue, Oct 10, 2023: Be aware of our surroundings and our own reactions as well as those of others today.
Pluto stations direct 27°Capricorn 53' @ 9:10 PM EDT. Post forthcoming or sneak peek here:
Overnight the Moon conjunct Vesta in Leo, 1st House, the natural home of the Leo ruled by the Sun. Emotional harmony in the home and committed relationships. Early morning the Moon will trine Mars: heightened emotional energy. Ready for action.
Midmorning the Moon is going to oppose Saturn. Emotional conflict. Sensitivity. Insecurity. Shortly thereafter the Moon will conjunct Venus in Virgo, 11th House, natural home of Aquarius ruled by Uranus. A house of goals and circumstances beyond our control. Increased awareness for both positive and negative energies. Intuition can steer us clear of toxic relationships and into healthy ones. New friends and for those single, new romance is favored at this time. Deep appreciation for beauty.
Late tonight Neptune Rx in Pisces will sesquiquadrate Ceres in Scorpio. Abrasive reactions. Potential conflict with mother or caregiver. Escapist urge should be resisted. Instead, try to see through the fog to the root of the issue. Not everyone knows how to be aware, but our responses ( vs reactions ) can lead the way.
Degrees, Aspects, Time:
Moon: 26LEO52'
Juno: 26LEO52'
Aspect: Conjunction ( Emphasis )
Time: 1:41 AM EDT
Moon: 28LEO48'
Mars: 28LIB48'
Aspect: Sextile ( Opportunity )
Time: 5:36 AM EDT
Moon: 01VIR01'
Saturn: 01CAP01'
Aspect: Opposition ( Awareness )
Time: 10:06 AM EDT
Moon: 01VIR20'
Venus: 01VIR20'
Aspect: Conjunction ( Emphasis )
Time: 10:45 AM EDT
Neptune: 25PIS42'
Ceres: 10SCO18'
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate ( Abrasive )
Time: 10:46 PM EDT
Image: Astronaut Lost in a Colorful Galaxy by DarwinAIArt Zürich
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Tyrant of Words
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Israel/Palestine prayer altar. White and peach Selenite: Natural Protector. White candles: Peace, purity, healing. Blue Candle: Protection, forgiveness, truth, calm. Purple Candle: Spiritual power, government, breaking habits, driving away evil. Angel of the harvest for prosperity for both nations. Merkaba Stars: Divine vehicle made of light to help connect body and spirit to the higher realms. Rose Quartz bowl: Love & Healing. Personal items connected to heritage and faith representing belief. 🙏🤍💙💜🙏
Light a candle for two tiny nations to unite. Miracles happen every day.
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Tyrant of Words
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Pluto stations direct 27°Capricorn 53' @ 9:10 PM EDT!
I, for one, commend my co-overlord for moving forward!
Pluto, the cosmic harbinger of destruction and regeneration, is the farthest from the Sun. Its orbit is the most eccentric in our solar system and is also known as the slowest. It takes approximately 248 years to travel through the zodiac, staying in each sign between 12 ( Scorpio - Dignity ) - 32 years ( Taurus - Detriment ).
When Pluto shifts, notable cultural upheavals often transpire, upgrading our cultural mythology in real-time. It is known as the third transcendental planet whose influence is not immediately felt by the individual.
With anything that takes time, Pluto's eventual impact is deep and far reaching. And the entrance into a new sign leaves an imprint on an entire generation. Thus, it is heralded as the generational planet, as its transit into a new sign initiates a new generation.
When studying your natal chart, pay particular attention to which House Pluto resides; it indicates insight into the role you may be destined to play. And because it takes time to impact you, its function conjuncts with the passage from the South to the North Node ( what you're born into and your destiny ).
Pluto rules our deepest subconscious and embodies the principle of transformation and regeneration; thus, it can bridge the spiritual and material worlds. It may be small, but the old cliche that dynamite comes in small packages has never rung truer than now.
Capricorn is the Cardinal sign of the South and has the power ( along with the three other Cardinal signs ) to govern the change of seasons. And this doesn't just mean weather-wise. It also means the seasons of humanity. Not only does Capricorn govern the South, but the season of winter as well.
Pluto was last in Capricorn from 1762 to 1778. This was the time of the Declaration of Independence, the Boston Tea Party, Watts invention of the Steam Engine and the reign of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The Industrial Revolution was in full swing, and the rigidity of many governments of the time led to rebellions and uprisings in later years. Its ingress in 2008 corresponded with the Great Recession. Each of these crises, while encompassing Capricorn virtues of ambition and authority, had their origins in another sign: Perpetually optimistic Sagittarius, where unchecked governmental and economic institutions had been deemed too big to fail.
Think about that one. ^ Pride cometh before a fall.
According to Nyssa Grazda:
"During Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, we are collectively instructed to examine the integrity of political, commercial, legal, and religious establishments that we believe will afford us protection in an ever-changing world. This period addresses the shadow of allegiance, exposing an obvious truth. That investing our time and resources into safeguarding the status quo is rarely rewarded with prosperity or even basic security. Our fidelity only serves to advance the agendas of the so-called Plutocracy, of those already in power."
Image Irene Sheri Vishnevskaya
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Tyrant of Words
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Aspecting the Cosmos, Wed, Oct 11, 2023: Three aspects to Chiron, the wounded healer. What wound beckons us to heal so that it can rest in peace?
Overnight the Sun in Libra will oppose Chiron in Aries. Many will be sleeping in the U.S.; however, those waking up may feel a gnawing ache from an old wound that disguises itself as nostalgia. With the Sun directly opposite, it's shining it's light on that wound. Pain, whether physical or emotional, is one way Chiron manifests to get our attention. We may feel exposed and experience an impulse to withdraw. Don't.
Midmorning Venus in Virgo sextile Mars in Libra. With Venus in her fall and Mars in his detriment, and anaretic to boot, this is a welcome opportunity to assert ourselves socially. We will feel confident but not overconfident in both providing and receiving affection. Shortly thereafter, Moon in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, so we'll experience heightened intuition and a harmonic flow of energy toward philosophic topics and investments ( time, energy, or finances ).
Early afternoon the Moon will semisquare Mars. We may feel irritated or rubbed the wrong way. Because Mars represents action and energy, and is on the anaretic degree, we may feel impatient if something isn't happening as fast as we'd like for it to. Don't take things personally or become overemotional.
Early evening the Moon will inconjunct Chiron. Adjustment required to restore balance and an emotional state of healing. Did we heed the Sun's opposition to Chiron earlier? Is our resolve being tested? Wounds never disappear; however, they can become scars that can't be triggered once healed.
Late tonight Venus will sesquiquadrate Chiron. Relationship challenges. As we dig deeper into a wound, it's going to hurt worse. Don't stop. Go beyond the symptom to the root of the infection so that it's sterilized and can heal in a healthy way.
Degrees, Time Aspects:
Sun: 17LIB40'
Chiron: 17ARI40'
Aspect: Opposition ( Awareness )
Time: 2:20 AM EDT
Venus: 02VIR12'
Mars: 29LIB36'
Aspect: Sextile ( Opportunity )
Time: 10:04 AM EDT
Moon: 13VIR23'
Jupiter: 13TAU23'
Aspect: Trine ( Flow )
Time: 11:05 AM EDT
Moon: 14VIR42'
Mars: 29LIB42'
Aspect: Semisquare ( Irritating )
Time: 1:45 PM EDT
Moon: 17VIR38'
Chiron: 17ARI38'
Aspect: Inconjunct ( Adjustment )
Time: 7:39 PM EDT
Venus: 02VIR38'
Chiron: 17ARI38'
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate ( Abrasive )
Time: 10:04 PM EDT
Image: The Centaur Chiron instructing Achilles poster by Louis Jean Francois Lagrenee
Forum Posts: 17149
Tyrant of Words
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Mars enters 00°SCORPIO00' just after midnight tonight, @ 12:05 AM EDT, 5th House, the natural home of Leo ruled by the Sun. Can I start singing "Here Comes the Sun"?! This house focuses on creativity, fun, romance, the love that we give others.
Welcome home, Warrior! It's been over 15 months since transiting your dignity or exaltation! For Scorpios who are co-ruled by Mars, it's one of the reasons we may not have felt like we were operating at full power. Especially with the shadow of the South Node crossing our Sun when it was in Scorpio for 18 months. And now those who have the S or NN in Libra, it's not over until 2025; however, Mars in his Dignity will help with action and energy. Not to mention Pluto stationing direct. Hang in there! Life is speeding up, and we'll have the energy to keep up and control of our circumstances.
Furthermore, every 2.5 years Mars makes its return to our Natal Charts. A Mars' return in Scorpio encapsulates the essence of Scorpio: rebirth. I'll get to taste my return next month! We'll experience an influx of energy and willpower—though it won't be without challenges. Challenges promote growth the same way that pruning trees yields more fruit.
Mars, Roman god of war rules and is dignified in Aries and Scorpio, while exalted in Capricorn. It represents initiative, action and energy. Because it's linked to our animal nature and sexual desires, those traits will be enhanced here in Scorpio, the sign of intense passion and desire.
Mar's aggressive urge combined with Scorpio's determined motivation reveals a formidable and practically unstoppable duo. Natives with this natal chart placement are strong, self-disciplined and considered a planner and strategist without equal. Known to lack the power to relax, it's imperative to take time for self-care. Also, being a fixed sign, learning to be flexible in changing situations that are beyond control is vital. An all-or-nothing attitude has no room for compromise. A reed will break if it does not bend, which then releases the Scorpion sting in the form of vindictive vengeance.
Since Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto, the harbinger of destruction and reformation, this transit indicates that it's time to make some positive transformations in our lives. As Pluto ruled the underworld, this transit can delve into and reveal the deepest and darkest shadow aspects we hide from others. Pluto reveals what is hidden; therefore, this will be challenging yet evokes the deepest level of transformation, enabling us to stand in the midst of our vulnerabilities with courage and strength.
This is an inspiration to others who may have difficulty facing the shadows of their own life.
Image: Tremors by Aegis-Illustration
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17149
Aspecting the Cosmos: Thu, Oct 12, 2023: Time for selfcare and weighing the balance in relationships.
Mars enters Scorpio:
Early morning Mercury will conjunct Pallas in Libra in the First House, the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars. It's a house of life and identity and represents beginnings, appearance, physical body, and health. Because Mercury bears the caduceus, a symbol of modern medicine, today is a good day for selfcare and/or to strategize a new health regime.
Pallas represents warfare and wisdom—never the aggressor, but defender of what she loves. With her vision and Mercury's communication, new ventures can prove lucrative. In addition, Pallas is also known as a healer, so this adds emphasis to the selfcare mentioned above. What better to defend than our own health?
Midmorning Puto, now forward in Capricorn, will inconjunct Juno in Leo. It's time to evaluate the depth of a relationship and whether it truly serves us. Measure the balance of what we give against what we receive. If not equal, it's time to for an adjustment. After all, that, too, is self-care.
Degrees, Aspects, Time:
Mercury: 13°LIIB06'
Pallas: 13°LIB06'
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 6:03 AM EDT
Pluto: 27°CAP53'
Juno: 27°LEO53'
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 10:14 AM EDT
Image: Constellating by Cathy Hegman
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Tyrant of Words
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Message from the Akashic Records during a session this morning: Healing and release are often disguised as gloom and shame. Trust the process. Cleaning out a wound is always painful in order to make sure it's sterilized.