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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14574

Tonight is the night DUPoets! I hope you've set those intentions!  

This one is a powerful one for me, as my Moon is actually in Capricorn!

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14574

A little bit of info about the Capricorn Moon:

We are currently moving into the powerful Capricorn super new moon energies! This new moon becomes exact Jan 2nd at 10:33 AM PT (1:33 PM ET) in 12 degrees and 21 minutes of Capricorn.

With any super moon (a new or full moon at its closest orbit to the earth), we may tend to feel more amplified energies and emotions.

The Capricorn themes involve our goals and planning, responsibility, structure, boundaries, reality, and achievements. This is a time to be conscious and committed to showing up for ourselves and deciding what we are choosing to create in our lives.

New moons=exciting new beginnings!

What do you most desire to create in this brand new year?  Do you know your Moon sign? If you want to drop me a " ? " below and I'll let you know! ( This entails private information such as birth date and time. ) ✨

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14574

And a reminder of a little new moon ritual for you!

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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A dear friend just lost her mother one year after losing her husband. There are many grieving at this time, and it's okay to grieve in your own way, for as long as it takes.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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[Art: victoriazschommler; http://www.victoriazschommler.com]

I absolutely love this. When we realize the Earth is a living organism that deserves respect, the world will change.

. . .

Ask permission:

Before cutting the branch of a tree or removing a flower, tell the spirit of the tree or plant what you are going to do, so that they can withdraw their energy from that place and not feel the cut so strong.

When you go to nature and want to take a stone that was in the river, ask the river keeper if he allows you to take one of his sacred stones.

If you have to climb a mountain or make a pilgrimage through the jungle, ask permission from the spirits and guardians of the place. It is very important that you communicate even if you do not feel, do not listen or do not see. Enter with respect to each place, since Nature listens to you, sees you and feels you.

Every movement you make in the microcosm generates a great impact on the macrocosm.

When you approach an animal, give thanks for the medicine it has for you.

Honor life in its many forms and be aware that each being is fulfilling its purpose, nothing was created to fill spaces, everything and everyone is here remembering our mission, remembering who we are and awakening from the sacred dream to return home.

~ Getting To The Root; http://www.gettingtotheroot.org/

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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The rise of hunter-gatherer peoples from the East and their migrations into The Levant, Asia Minor, and Central Europe signaled a cultural and religious shift.  The warlike, male-dominated tribes brought the spear and sword, which replace the plow.  That coupled with better metal working techniques, perpetuated the shift to male deities and the dominance of the patriarchy.  

Men in agricultural communities reacted to the resurgence of their importance, which was previously replaced by the agricultural religions of Goddess.  The patriarchy was born, the destructive roots of which we continue to suffer today.  The Goddess was literally written out of religious liturgy and scripture, which is clearly referenced in the Bible, in most cases sublimated, and began to wear a different mask (i.e. Asherah, the consort or Yahweh becoming the Holy Spirit of the Christian Trinity).  

Yahweh himself was a minor metallurgical god until he was retrofitted onto the faith of the Israelites and conflated with the god of the Old Testament.  Asherah, his beloved, disappeared and the god of the Old Testament was declared the only, supreme god, with the Goddess (representing nature) and her attendant deities being declared false.  

Thereby, nature was also put under the boot of the patriarchy to suffer its will.

The Vanishing Vulva: How the Ancient Greeks Wrote Women Out of Worship


Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
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^ Fascinating article. Yes, the Menfolk did such a hitjob on the vulva that even Hugh Hefner was ashamed to put it on display for 40 years.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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There are times when one can only shake their head. Behold, the epitome of fear-based belief.

"Yoga Barbie" is at Target on the shelf. Satan always comes as appearing innocent. He will never come with horns and a pitchfork. This Barbie has 5 guided meditations. Remember,  Yoga IS Hinduism. You cannot separate the poses from the religion. Each pose is designed to invoke a hindu deity in the spirit realm. I have seen children get possessed by demons. This Barbie also teaches you deep breathing(pranayama). Her pet is also involved. Satan is after the children.  He wants to use them and indoctrinate them for his glory. Then, when he is done, he will destroy them. As your kids grow, they will get rebellious,  depressed and many will be suicidal. You won't understand what's happening as a parent. God forbids all practices of eastern religion as a Christian. You must remove all toys and clean your children's room of all demonic attachments. Deuteronomy 18:10-12
For more helpful information:


Dangerous Mind
United States 17awards
Joined 8th July 2019
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Firstly, I’m glad to see this thread again!

Secondly, how sad that so many are afraid of such a beautiful expression of body and soul.  I have been doing yoga for nearly 30 years and have never once been possessed by anything other than a healthier mindset and a more flexible body lol.  About 20 years ago, I taught a “core essentials” class at my gym that was nothing but basic yoga poses, but we had to change the name due to so many people being afraid of the word “yoga”.  It makes me so sad to see it hasn’t really changed.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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Forum Posts: 14574

Thanks, Luna. Quite a few have been nudging me to bring it back.

The fear-based arm of religion is one of the most damaging reaches into humanity's destructive nature toward others who disagreed. It's very sad.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Firstly, Happy International Family Day! May your day be blessed with much love and happiness!

Secondly, Today's Celestial Event: Total Eclipse of the Full Blood Moon in Scorpio. This eclipse is visible from North America, except in northwestern regions. The Moon will enter the penumbra at 9:31 P.M. EDT on May 15, and leaves at 2:52 A.M. EDT on May 16. The eclipse will overlap the Full Blood Moon in Scorpio between 12:15 AM - 2:52 AM EDT, May 16.

This heralds a total Karmic Purge!

When in its shadow, Scorpio is the darkest, deepest sign of the Zodiac. Co-ruled by Pluto and Mars, the Scorpion mystery is magnified by the shadow energies of both these planets.

If not consciously controlled, those shadow energies can appear thru outward struggles such as: competitive self-expression, subtle manipulation and/or over-powering tactics of domination.

As most of you know, Full Moon energy is strong; therefore, you can imagine how strong a Blood Moon Eclipse can be! How each person experiences it is different as well. It could present itself in a number of ways: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Soul Contracts are activated by eclipses. It's a good time to remember that whatever challenges, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, present themselves, it helps to know that you are exactly where you need to be to grow.

Typically, these challenges indicate both an end and beginning. Ergo, when one door shuts another opens - as Scorpio is the sign of endings and beginnings. You may also find yourself shedding layers of superficiality in order to transform into a deeper and more authentic state of being.

And while Scorpio energy represents transformation, it is also connected to the Phoenix. The Phoenix has the ability, the strength, and the power to birth itself from ashes. From the ashes it rises into its true and highest form.

And so can you.

Happy New Moon Eclipsing to you!


Dangerous Mind
United States 17awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 883

Thank you so much for posting this, Ahavati.  I pulled the total eclipse card from my Spirit de Luna deck this morning, so I’m taking it as another sign I’m headed in the right direction xo.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14574

LunaGreyhawk said:Thank you so much for posting this, Ahavati.  I pulled the total eclipse card from my Spirit de Luna deck this morning, so I’m taking it as another sign I’m headed in the right direction xo.  

You're very welcome, Luna. Excited to see where your future leads from each present moment. xo

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14574

Solar Eclipse in Portugal

~ Irena Harney

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14574

Total Lunar Eclipse Live - NASA begins in roughly 45 minutes for those interested.


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