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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
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Well, that was a first. I just saw some kind of orb in my house. In a corner where no light from the outside can be reflected into. Huh. Maybe I'm being visited by the Muses of Christmas Poetry Past, Present, and Future.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
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Forum Posts: 5573

Ooops wrong thread LOL!

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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Happy Solstice! Winter in the North, Summer in the South! I am looking forward to more daylight! Blessed Yule!

Tyrant of Words
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Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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These darker days, invite you to rest well; to remember and reclaim the gold and the nourishment held within.

Winter teaches that nothing can be outward all the time, nothing can be forever spring; growing, young and outward.

All natural beings need rest in order to sustain themselves.

We need this time to go into our own dark richness. Into the places we may fear inside ourselves, so we can turn them into medicine, through love and kindness of who we are.

This is a time where deep nourishment is called for, in the form of good wholesome foods and tender love of our own hearts.  Reminding ourselves that through the darkness comes the light, that this time is not only necessary but needed.

Just as the baby becomes whole in the darkness of the womb and the seed needs the black quiet earth to ignite what is held within. This time of quiet darkness mirrors the beginning of all things.

And so this time is the invitation to begin again, to die mini deaths in your darkness so you can be rebirthed into the light of spring more alive and stronger than before.

Light the fires and the candles in your hearth, honour the gifts your heart and the heart of others can bring.

Create a nest you can rest in, a place to love yourself in and journey in.
Write and dream.
Eat well and sleep well.

Winter is showing you that this is the time where you are the embryo in the womb, the seed in the darkness.

This is the time where nature asks- what do you need to heal, to feel safe enough to become whole, to become who you deeply are.

What needs attending to so you can feel peace in your body, what needs loving so you can grow well in the light that is to come.

~ Brigit Anna McNeill

Art by Beth Wildwood

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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Forum Posts: 14572

The Winter Solstice and the Birth of Huitzilopochtli (Hold Only Good Thoughts)

"The allegorical story is told that when the moon, Coyolxauhqui, along with her brothers Tzentzowitznawac (the stars) found out that their mother Coatlicue (Mother Earth) had become pregnant after tucking an eagle feather into her breast, they became angry and plotted to kill her. However, their brother Huitzilopochlti (the sun) while still in his mother's womb, heard their plan and assured his mother that he would help her and in so doing was born fully formed. Upon his birth (the rising sun), he drove his siblings away (the stars of the night sky) and dismembered his sister the moon (representing the moon in her four aspects: new, waxing, full, and waning).

During the days preceding the solstice, the sun travels across the sky producing the effect that appears to us as if it is leaning towards the south and left, much like the human heart (Abajo y a La Izquierda). At this point, the sun has already traveled the sky for many days and “dies" on December 20 (the shortest day and so less sunlight). The sun goes to Mictlan, the place of the dead, to battle the darkness (longest night) and is reborn victorious on the 21st as Hummingbird, demonstrating great heart and willpower. The old ones, who were outstanding astronomers and mathematicians, noted this celestial phenomenon as the birth of Huitzilopochtli, of the Sun, with great celebrations of music, dance, and food. Elders encouraged people to hold only good thoughts and to generously offer friends and neighbors food and drink. Gifts of baked blue corn mixed with black honey in the shape of Huitzilopochtli were also offered to friends and at temples.

Taking a deeper view, the word Huitzilopochtli is made up of two other words: huitzilin, hummingbird, and opochtli, left (side), and is a metaphor for our heartbeat; for heart-centered will power and volition -- consider the immense energy and determination of the hummingbird that flies thousands of miles from the South to the North and back again.
The birth of Huitzilopochtli represents the rising sun and light overcoming darkness (consciousness and unconsciousness), self-mastery (overcoming the challenges of the Sun's long night of the soul), and willpower. It is the challenging inner work known as the Flowery War; our internal battle to awaken from the dream of materialism and of living without purpose.


—Grace Alvarez Sesma, Curanderismo, the Healing Art of Mexico
See also, Ofrenda Magazine new article, Huitzilopochtli and the Notion of Intent by Jorge Garcia at, https://www.ofrendamagazine.com/.../huitzilopochtli-and...
And, Panketzaliztli: the Raising of the Banners by Kurly Tlapoyawa of Chimalli Institute, https://mexika.org/.../07/panketzaliztli-raising-of-banners/

Holding only good thoughts and wishing you a happy and blessed Winter Solstice!

Artwork: The Birth of Huitzilopochtli by David Gremard Romero of El Tonalamatl Ollin. Look carefully at all the beautiful and detailed art. The dismembered moon is on the lower left side beneath his arm; the main aspect of Huitzilopochtli is above mother earth.


Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14572

Artist Jackie Morris  'The Guardians'

“May the light illuminate your hearts and shine in your life every day of the year. May everlasting peace be yours and upon our Earth.” ~  Eileen Anglin

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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I wish you each the happiest of Christmas Spirit!🎄 May your day be blessed with miracles, magic, and many answered prayers.  For those who are experiencing their first Christmas with an empty seat at the table ( and those who have tasted many without a loved one ), this is a reminder that it's okay to grieve.

So much love to you all on this Christmas Day! xo

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Artwork by Hal Cameron, @creeativeartwork (you can follow on Instagram) Kitâhcahk e-opinimâkawiyîn - “your spirit is being uplifted”.

Next Sunday, January 2 @ 1:33 PM EST, the New Moon in Capricorn marks the beginning of a new cycle in a new year.  It's the perfect time to set your intentions for the year. Self-reflection is always a good place to begin.

What triggers YOU is not for another to carry by walking on eggshells with their words, etc. That triggers YOU symbolizes what needs to be and can only be healed by you. Triggers will continue to happen until you decide to take responsibility for them so that you can face the pain, accept the pain, learn from the pain, and release the pain.

Below is a wonderful post about honoring who you were without bitter resentment. May the New Year find you peaceful and prosperous in ALL things that truly matter.

GOODBYE PRAYER TO MY OLD ME (translated from Spanish)

To all that I was one day: THANK YOU...
To my dead parts: THANK YOU...
To my forgotten parts that I left in places I no longer remember: THANK YOU...
To my parts that were once broken into thousands of little pieces and never found of me: THANK YOU...
To my empty parts that I once tried to fill with distractions, attachments and obsessions: THANK YOU..
To my frustrated and angry parts of those dreams I never fulfilled: THANK YOU...
To the parts of me that are no longer with me and don't even make sense to me anymore: THANK YOU...
To the parts I didn't want and couldn't embrace: THANK YOU...
To my parts who did not dare to set boundaries for fear of not being accepted: THANK YOU.
To my parts who were once mistreated and allowed to be mistreated by others: THANK YOU...
To my parts who didn't believe in themselves: THANK YOU...

Today I make a request for his farewell. Grateful for His Transition in my life, because it is all those versions of me that I appreciate so much.

Today I dismiss and release in absolute surrender to everything that has already fulfilled its time.

It is THANK YOU to all my little deaths that today there is a new space for opportunity, life, creation.

Thank you LIFE and DEATH for dancing harmoniously before me. Today I celebrate life and sing loudly to this new birth. And to my parts you're already dead, I hug them, I love them, I honor them, I appreciate them and I say goodbye. Because they were the best I could do for myself at that time and place, therefore I didn't criticize them but I gave them all my honors.

This is why today more than ever I feel like I can be born again, and as for the first time, I was born naked again as a lotus being.

I give a new welcome to authenticity in all its light. And from that ingenuity I allow myself to embrace life again, today stronger than before, to give me my first breath in this birth.

Dear and beloved old version: You've already done your role.


For all of you who have that ability to see us not as pitiful human beings; To look within another person and see that there is still our spirit left and that it is powerful and full of good. #Iskwêwak Kinanâskomitinâwaw 💜

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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(Image of Tasha Tudor, American Illustrator 1915-2008)

One of my favorite stories is by Elisabeth Elliot, the now deceased widow of the missionary Jim Elliot, who was speared to death ( along with four others ) by the Waorani (then known as Auca) Tribe in Papua, New Guinea.

Jim and Elisabeth met and fell in love while attending college. However, God led Jim to the mission field after he graduated, leaving Elisabeth to finish her education. At first, they decided to write to one another; however, through a remarkable response to their prayers, they were led not to. Instead, they were told to trust. Therefore, they decided to trust in God that if they were meant to be together, God would bring them back together. They both had a remarkable faith & trust in the Universe.

Faith is the inner expression of love regardless of the outer expression of religious affiliation.

Two years passed and Elisabeth graduated and was assigned to the mission field where Jim was serving in Papua, New Guinea. They were married shortly upon her arrival to the station, and had a daughter, Valerie. Valerie was only 10 months old when her father, Jim, was speared to death.

After their deaths, the other wives returned to America with their children shortly after; however, Elisabeth didn't know what to do: leave for America or stay and continue Jim's work so that his death would not be in vain. She struggled with this decision day after day, trying to decide what would be best for her family back in America, and, most importantly, Valerie. Finally, one day, while sitting on the front porch watching Valerie play in the dirt, she asked God ( again ) what she should do. He said, "Do the next thing, Elisabeth." She sat there perplexed over what the next thing to do was.

Then, she realized, sitting on that porch, in a country thousands of miles from any home and family she had, that the next thing to do was change Valerie's diaper. That simple, seemingly mundane act of changing a baby's diaper led her to her destiny step by step. She eventually sat ( along with Valerie ) and broke bread with the woman responsible for the deaths of her husband and the other men. This woman thought them to be evil and told the tribe elders, who in turn killed them. It's a story of love, of redemption, and of forgiveness, which sealed the wounds forever and led to destinies.

"Do the next thing" is one of my solid mantras, especially when I am in the midst of doubt and uncertainty. So this little piece of advice below hit home.

My grandmother once gave me a tip:

In difficult times, you move forward in small steps.
Do what you have to do, but little by little.
Don't think about the future, or what may happen tomorrow.
Wash the dishes.
Remove the dust.
Write a letter.
Make a soup.
You see?
You are advancing step by step.
Take a step and stop.
Rest a little.
Praise yourself.
Take another step.
Then another.
You won't notice, but your steps will grow more and more.
And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying.

~ Elena Mikhalkova

Do the next thing and take small steps are both solid foundations for spiritual advancement. May the New Year bring your dreams to fruition one small step at a time, doing the next thing.

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

^ I remember you telling me this story a few years ago. I've tried to practice the advice ever since.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14572

Artist Credit: Jackie Morris

Winter’s Cloak

This year I do not want
the dark to leave me.
I need its wrap
of silent stillness,
its cloak
of long lasting embrace.
Too much light
has pulled me away
from the chamber
of gestation.
Let the dawns
come late,
let the sunsets
arrive early,
let the evenings
extend themselves
while I lean into
the abyss of my being.
Let me lie in the cave
of my soul,
for too much light
blinds me,
steals the source
of revelation.
Let me seek solace
in the empty places
of winter’s passage,
those vast dark nights
that never fail to shelter me.

~ Joyce Rupp
‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍
JohnnyBlaze said:^ I remember you telling me this story a few years ago. I've tried to practice the advice ever since.

Yep. Just do the next thing!

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14572

Art by Lucy Campbell

Sis, the inability to receive support from others is a trauma response.

Your “I don’t need anyone, I’ll just do it all myself” conditioning is a survival tactic. You needed it to shield your tender heart from abuse, neglect, betrayal, and disappointment from those who could not or would not be there for you.

From the parent who was absent by choice or by the circumstance of working three jobs to feed and house you.

From the lovers who offered sexual intimacy but no offered no safe haven that honored your heart.

From the friendships that always took more than they gave.

From all the situations when someone told you “we’re in this together” then abandoned you, leaving you to pick up the pieces when shit got real, leaving you to handle your part and their part, too.

From the lies. The betrayals.

You learned along the way that you just couldn’t really trust people. Or that you could trust people, but only up to a certain point.

Ultra-independence is a *trust issue.*

You learned: if I don’t put myself in a situation where I rely on someone, I won’t have to be disappointed when they don’t show up for me, or when they drop the ball... because they will always drop the ball sooner or later, right?

You may even have been intentionally taught this protection strategy by generations of hurt women who came before you. #generationaltrauma #ancestraltrauma
Ultra-independence is a preemptive strike against heartbreak.

So, you don’t trust anyone.

And you don’t trust yourself, either, to choose people.
To trust is to hope, to trust is vulnerability.
“Never again,” you vowed.

But no matter how you dress it up and display it proudly to make it seem like this level of independence is what you always wanted to be, in truth it’s your wounded, scarred, broken heart behind a protective brick wall.

Impenetrable. Nothing gets in. No hurt gets in. But no love gets in either.
Fortresses and armor are for those in battle, or who believe the battle is coming.
It’s trauma response.

The good news is trauma that is acknowledged is trauma that can be healed.

You are worthy of having support.
You are worthy of having true partnership.
You are worthy of love.
You are worthy of having your heart held.
You are worthy to be adored.
You are worthy to be cherished.
You are worthy to have someone say, “You rest. I got this.” And actually deliver on that promise.
You are worthy to receive.
You are worthy to receive.
You are worthy to receive.
You are worthy.
Worthy, sis.
You are worthy.

You don’t have to earn it.
You don’t have to prove it.
You don’t have to bargain for it.
You don’t have to beg for it.

You are worthy.
Simply because you exist.

I love you. 🧡~J.

~ Jamila White, Psychic & Life Coach
IG: @inspiredjamila

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14572

Happiest of 2022's to each of you DUPeers! I wish you each a blessed New Year that is prosperous in all things that truly matter to the heart, beginning with self!

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

Ahavati said:Happiest of 2022's to each of you DUPeers! I wish you each a blessed New Year that is prosperous in all things that truly matter to the heart, beginning with self!

This page ended 2021 with a bang of fireworks, especially those final two posts.

Put your trust in that the Universe delivers on everything that makes existence worthwhile; you only need to learn how to ask for it properly.

And throw out your scales; start conditioning yourself to feel joy and your body along with everything else will add to it.

I can't wait to see what 2022 brings!

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