The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Moonology ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Good morning, Great Poets! Welcome to the weekend! Not sure what the weather is there, but it's absolutely gorgeous here! Blue skies and mild temps!
How are we enjoying that Cancerian Moon energy today?! Are we feeling somewhat domesticated? Perhaps in a spring-cleaning/planting/make everything beautiful mood? In combination to that beautiful watery emotional influence of Cancer, who just happens to be right at home in her Moon sign, we are under the influence of Saturn, who denotes longevity, homes, houses, endings, and exorcism—perhaps of negative patterns or habits?
Regardless, it's a beautiful day of support for emotional rapport with others as well as supportive growth for yourself. It's a perfect time to wear a soft, heather grey and burn sage to couple the energy, and take advantage of this ripe, rich soil!
Your card of the day is a beautiful nudge from Queen of the Moon Oracle deck:
No 33. FLOWER MOON: Blossoming
Affirmation: I joyfully blossom and I feel no fear.
Do not give up; you have planned for this. Take no notice of what others think or say about you. Open and rise. Someone around you may be jealous of your success; mark your victories!
One of the things I miss most about living in England are the rolling hills and natural meadows that seemed to permeate the parameter of anywhere we lived or visited. Those natural places where you feel pulled by the magnetism of nature, where, once inside that sphere of beauty, you felt nothing but a peace and oneness with all things buzzing about, with the pollen on your skin and clothing, with the aromas of various wild flowers. Somehow, something unexplained rises up within you void of human fears, and you instinctively know that everything will be alright.
I call this a dose of Nature; a vaccine against human worry. An antibody that would prevent the disruption of renewal and peace within self—where anything seemed possible.
There is a time we all blossom in accordance to what we've sown. This doesn't just include environment ( homes, friends, those circles that influence us - and us them ), but our bodies as well. What we eat, how much rest we get, what we expose ourselves to, etc. The proof is in the puddin, as they say down here in the south. We often reflect what we've chosen to consume in all multifaceted areas of our lives. Particularly the unhealed parts where wounds are buried deep under scars that are unable to fully heal, because each time we're triggered, those wounds throb as a not-so-gentle reminder that they're still here.
Fear is usually the thing that prevents flow and blossoming: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change, fear of what people think. I could go on, but you get the picture. There is a way to release these fears that involves non-suppressive tactics of acceptance. We tend to hide lower-vibrational energies for "fear" of what others will think of us for possessing them. Thusly, we may never admit to jealousy, anger, resentment, spiteful emotions, and so forth. I could go on, but you get the picture.
What if I told you that these lower-vibrational feelings weren't lower-vibrational feelings, but Love, here to serve you? Would that cause you to revisit how you view them? Did you ever have a very stringent teacher, mentor, friend, or parent that seemed too hard on you, but constantly said, "I push you because I know you can do better." Or "I see what you're capable of"?
What we have labeled "low-vibration" are actually mentors constantly reminding us that we still have work to do.
What if we had a conversation with those mentors? What if, instead of denying or suppressing them, we said, "Hey! Wait! I'd like to talk." Acknowledgement is your first step to shining light on something you've kept in the dark, sometimes even from yourself. What if you realized that jealousy ( bitterness, resentment, retribution ) is no more than a wound inflicted on you at some point in your life? And most likely, a wound you've inflicted on others out of your own pain.
Nurse your wounds today, or whenever they present themselves. Don't just apply a topical salve of denial; or, worse, action to that throbbing scar that's been triggered. Instead, open it up, let out your wounds so that light can heal them. Tell them, "Hey! I feel you; I hear you; and it's okay that you're here."
Here's a prayer that was given to me this morning. Maybe it will help you to blossom too:
I know you've been down there, curled around my solar plexus, the base of that many pointed star of emotions known as human my tree of life. I know when you were born, and I know how. I want you to come out now; I want your voice to be heard, and together we will grow through it to become our highest self for the greatest good of all.
Namaste for a beautiful and enlightening day. xo
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Art by Kate Greenaway.
'Fairy Doctors'
The Fairy Doctors are generally females. Old women, especially, are considered to have peculiar mystic and supernatural power. They cure chiefly by charms and incantations, transmitted by tradition through many generations; and by herbs, of which they have a surprising knowledge.
The Fairies have an aversion to the sight of blood; and the peasants, therefore, have a great objection to being bled, lest "the Good People" would be angry. Besides, they have much more faith in charms and incantations than in any dispensary doctor that ever practised amongst them.
From 'Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland' by Lady Wilde. 1888.

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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I LOVED this especially, RiAN. Pure energy is formless, just as space; the space that holds everything together. Like the space between music that carries the melody. The space between words that string meaning; space between pillars that hold up the temple.
And, of course, this!
Be like water to the moon and the moon will show you your reflection.
The Self is close to what we know though the way we can color thoughts is in fact of the mind not of Self.
If we purely can be in the present moment and let go
Self is really about BEING just BEING what you already are, you dont need to go any further than that.
This card is about liberation, breathing in the air around, anything that gives you a clear free feeling
We can stand by a bridge and stare at the distance but we do not have to cross the bridge, we do not
have to look at the tide weather it is high tide or weather the sea is stagnant and still.
Today we are the seer, the sight, the sole being
Today we are the sole members of the Self
Closer to the soul as we contemplate though not adapt or identify with that which is around us.
Be as you are
embrace your SELF
and remember to enjoy the positivity of the guiding stars that surround you!
It's a beautiful reading filled with wisdom and direction to those that choose to heed, RiAN. Thank you for sharing, Sister. xo
I LOVED this especially, RiAN. Pure energy is formless, just as space; the space that holds everything together. Like the space between music that carries the melody. The space between words that string meaning; space between pillars that hold up the temple.
And, of course, this!
Be like water to the moon and the moon will show you your reflection.

The Self is close to what we know though the way we can color thoughts is in fact of the mind not of Self.
If we purely can be in the present moment and let go
Self is really about BEING just BEING what you already are, you dont need to go any further than that.
This card is about liberation, breathing in the air around, anything that gives you a clear free feeling
We can stand by a bridge and stare at the distance but we do not have to cross the bridge, we do not
have to look at the tide weather it is high tide or weather the sea is stagnant and still.
Today we are the seer, the sight, the sole being
Today we are the sole members of the Self
Closer to the soul as we contemplate though not adapt or identify with that which is around us.
Be as you are
embrace your SELF
and remember to enjoy the positivity of the guiding stars that surround you!
It's a beautiful reading filled with wisdom and direction to those that choose to heed, RiAN. Thank you for sharing, Sister. xo
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Moonology ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Greetings, Great Poets of the Deep Side! It's a very peaceful day today; it's overcast and cool, and I am enjoying it immensely before the heat of summer consumes.
Each morning, I typically draw for myself personally, then for DU as a whole. So, when I placed my personal card back in the deck, shuffled, and reshuffled until the Universe presented me a card, and that card was the same card as my personal card, then I know conclusively the message is wide spread today.
No. 15 from Queen of the Moon
Waxing Gibbous 6: ACTION
Affirmation: I am responsive and ready to take action.
What are you afraid of? What has you paralyzed? What is so strong that it prevents you from moving forward? I'll tell you in one word: FEAR. We discussed a bit of this yesterday in my channeled message:
Fear is usually the thing that prevents flow and blossoming: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change, fear of what people think. I could go on, but you get the picture. There is a way to release these fears that involves non-suppressive tactics of acceptance. We tend to hide lower-vibrational energies for "fear" of what others will think of us for possessing them. Thusly, we may never admit to jealousy, anger, resentment, spiteful emotions, and so forth. I could go on, but you get the picture.
One of the quickest ways to remove the blockage of fear is to openly discuss it with a trusted source, such as a dear friend, a spouse/partner, or mentor. It takes a great deal of courage and vulnerability to become ourselves, because we have to put ourselves out there. There is a time for solitude and reflection; however, now is not the time. Now is the time for action.
Ask yourself today what it is you really want? Do you know what you really want? Do you know what is preventing you from moving toward it? For example, what about a new job? But, you fear losing your current job and source of income, so you remain chained to that which you feel obligated, not moved to perform. Day. After day. After day.
Two years ago I quit my job. No; I did not have another. I had been a professional photographer for over a decade until I moved into marketing/graphic. I still did it as a side for special individuals or organizations that I had developed close relationships with; however, these shoots were few and far in between.
It was the scariest thing I've ever done. Ever. But I knew in my heart that it's what I needed to do in order to save myself and heal emotionally from the abuse inflicted by that employer. Being unappreciated, taken for granted, and taken advantage of because you need a job is no way to live, and will destroy you physically as well as emotionally and spiritually.
In the midst of all that, my house was practically yanked out from under me when my current landlord took advantage of a loophole in the contract and decided to sell it out from under me. All of this was hitting at once. This only contributed to my former employer's unacceptable behaviour. Some have no problem bending you over a barrel when they think you have nowhere else to go. But, I did.
I deserved better, so became vulnerable and sought out council from two spiritual mentors by sharing the truth of what I was being subjected to, and what I felt inside: resentment, bitterness, anger, etc. I allowed myself to be vulnerable and completely human to these mentors. I let it all out. And both, not knowing the other ( one from the south and the other from the north ) conclusively advised the same thing: Trust where the heart is leading and walk away. You will be provided for.
Well I did. And I was provided for every step of the way. It led me to a wonderful company who pays me twice over what I was making, plus, supplies all my personal supplements and body care products to the tune of about 300.00 + a month. And, most importantly, appreciates and respects me more than I have ever been in my life by any client or employer.
The best part is that it's part time only, which leaves me plenty of time for school and writing. Was it easy getting here? Hell no. But you know what? The Universe always had my back. I had a network of support from best friends and my mentors were right there to counsel and guide.
Believe it or not; so do you. Yes; you. I'm speaking to you. You also have a network that is available to you when you become vulnerable with the right people. I would caution who you trust; some will use it against you when they become angry.
The path to happiness and fulfilment begins with the decision to set boundaries on acceptable behaviour toward you. To know that despite circumstance, YOU deserve BETTER. You deserve respect. You deserve appreciation. And, most importantly, you deserve LOVE.
Take action today. Take the first step toward the life you want. La Femme de la Lune bids you to flow as water to the life of your dreams.
Namaste, Fellow Poets. xo

^ True story, no bullshit. In fact, her personal situation was even more dire than mentioned. And she turned it all around on her own by believing, not giving into fear, and focus.
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Tyrant of Words

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Thank you for that lovely message, RiAN! Journaling is a wonderful outlet for pent up negativities that may infiltrate the beauty of life. Words are beautiful things aren't they? They can contain so much meaning when the letters are arranged just so.
It's overcast and damp here, but that doesn't hinder the birds from singing, nor squirrels from foraging, nor cats from visiting the morning soup kitchen for breakfast!

Drew one of my favorite cards today from Queen of the Moon.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Moonology ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
No 41. Queen of the Moon
Sovereignty: "I reign over my own realm"
This is such a beautiful card filled with a powerful reminder about the Divine Feminine within each of us. Sovereignty is a very powerful word, which, as RiAN has demonstrated above, contains many other words:
and so forth. What I found an interesting correlation between this card and the words contained within it is the essence of femininity: Eve, estrogen, Eros . . .which is exactly what this card embodies. You are sovereign over your own life; therefore act with grace and confidence. Just as an envoy, you have the ability to unite disparate people and views should you choose to do so. The buck stops with you. You are powerful; act like it!
Goddesses of the Moon are one of the oldest kinds of Feminine Divine and feature in mythologies from almost every corner of the globe:
Diana - Ancient Rome
Artemis - Greek
Astarte - Semitic
Hina - Polynesian
and so forth. All of the above ( and many more 0 are linked with the Feminine Divine and the lunar planet and cycles. These goddesses, in all their myriad of forms, were extremely powerful. They are demonstrations to all women that we, too, have power at our disposal should we choose to utilize it.
Thusly, we should strive to be powerful queens of our own domain. Women, especially, have been socialized to defer, to keep small, to be quiet and to hold a very twisted kid of service that borders on servitude? Sound familiar?
While in many first-world countries women can choose to be what they wish to be on paper, women still experience inequality in most countries, particularly in the area of wages and imbalanced numbers in regards to political representation.
However, what has been accepted in the past is now making way for a new paradigm of leadership. This is being demonstrated by the rise of the feminine in both political power and wage equality.
But, and I cannot stress this enough, it begins with us. Within our own homes and circles of friends, acquaintances, and business associations. We set our own boundaries as to what is acceptable and how others treat us. Without these boundaries the same historical patterns of submission and domination will continue to exist.
We must set healthy boundaries and raise our children accordingly. This does not mean we must rule with an iron fist. Or become cruel and ruthless against the patriarchy. We should always aim for benevolence, justice, and a great love for all. Though it does mean we must strive and push against those who do not respect our line in the sand.
We must stand firm and push forward with determination and grace. After all, what would it help to become the monster you hate?
Namaste for a beautiful day, DUPeeps! And for the female members, know your super power!

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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A beautiful message, RiAN. Belief is a powerful counterpart to manifestation of our passion! I am not surprised you drew that card today, being Tuesday is ruled by Mars, which signifies, you got it, PASSION, sex, aggression, and protection. ALSO, the Moon is Waxing in Leo today! What does Leo signify? Exactly! The Lion! Protective of his pride. He is not considered the King of the Jungle for nothing. He also draws the emphasis to self ( which also plays in with your card as far as focusing on our own passions ), and central ideas away from institutions or conventional thinking.
So says the king!

The Queen of the Moon also concurs with her pull today.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Moonology ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
No 35. Thunder Moon
Change: "I welcome change and I ride its energy."
( Channeled, meaning NOT from the book )
Change; that ever-eternal balm or bane of time which brings welcome relief or painful experience. Who doesn't both anticipate and/or dread the changing of the guard for circumstance? Be it the joyful birth of a baby, or birthday celebration, change can create beautiful memories and present great gifts. However, it can also bring loss, death, and heartbreak in practically the same breath.
If you will notice the card, you will see that the stance is resistant to the energy of change, and thus is creating an atmospheric whirlwind of disruption via the elements. These elements represent our emotions during the energy of change. When resistant, we magnify the pain of any circumstance by holding onto the past. When we release and allow, despite the pain, it will pass through our lives much quicker, allowing future joy to enter in.
That's easier said than done, isn't it? Many individuals deliberately hold onto the past our of fear of betrayal ( in the case of a death of their loved one ), or belief that they will never love or be loved in such a capacity again ( in the case of a breakup ). Some feel safe in the arms of the past and grow accustomed to the misery it presents. It becomes a way of life encompassing deep-seated pain and disbelief.
The Universe, particularly Earth, is a freewill zone, meaning we choose how we arrive to our destinies. This can take many lifetimes of learned experiences; but, make no mistake, we all reach taste our fate eventually. It was said once, that our life was like a great mountain comprised of rocks comprised of granules of sand. And you could remove full truckloads of granules, and you would've even touch the amount of destined experiences.
I am not here to tell you to step our of your experience. How you live is your choice. I am here to tell you that you will taste what you have before; maybe not in this lifetime—maybe not in the next. But, eventually, you will have it and more: knowledge and wisdom to ride through these waves of change gracefully, that the pain not permeate to your core. You will cease resistance toward what you have chosen to create in order to evolve, and you will evolve beautifully.
You will have Love in a capacity that you've never known. And you can take that to the bank.
Namaste and peaceful day, Beautiful Souls.

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