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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
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Gung Hay Fat Choy! Happy Lunar New Year! 🐉🐲 Wishing you a healthy, prosperous and joyful 2024 🤗

2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon. Dragon is the 5th animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac signs, coming after the Rabbit and before the Snake. Recent years of the Dragon include 2024 (this year), 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, and 1952, with the next Dragon year in 2036 (Year of the Fire Dragon). It is associated with the earthly branch symbol chen.

Dragon is powerful, endlessly energetic and full of vitality, goal-oriented yet idealistic and romantic, and a visionary leader. They know exactly who they are and possess the keenest sense of self among the 12 zodiacs of Chinese astrology.

Personality Traits of Dragon Signs
Dragons present themselves as magnificent yet benevolent rulers who’re confident, generous, idealistic, and ambitious. In Chinese culture, these mythical creatures are in a class of their own, regarded as the givers of abundance and longevity.

Dragon’s confidence is neither false nor empty, as they hold lofty ideals they’re striving toward— usually for the benefit of their community instead of themselves. They are independent thinkers who’ll never yield their highest conviction.

Dragons are strong and independent figures, but they yearn for support and love.

Dragons are wise and adventurous and, at times, temperamental and impulsive. They’ll be loved and admired by many but find it difficult to return such affection. This will be one of Dragon’s most important lessons.

Even though they may not care to invest in relationships, Dragons cannot stay alone for too long without feeling desolate. Once they find that special someone, Dragons will guard that person as their treasure horde.

Dragon Strengths
Dragons are upright characters themselves and scorn any hypocritical or dishonorable behavior, and have a self-respecting pride that’s matched by Dragons’ wisdom, generosity, vigor, and talent. They’re full of energy and can attract followers with their charisma.

Dragon people are usually courageous and fearless leaders who’ll never back down from any challenge. This enterprising spirit, coupled with their innate talent, will, without a doubt, make Dragons the movers and shakers of this world.

Dragon Weaknesses
On the flip side of Dragons’ confidence and courage, they can also become domineering, temperamental, self-centered, and gullible. This last possibility seems difficult to understand until you realize Dragons believe themselves to always know best.

On the social side, Dragons can be prone to desperation in their younger years because they hate being alone, especially in love. They can come off as overbearing when they’re only showing that they care.

Wood Dragons are intelligent, attractive, and usually well-loved. They’re blessed with the ability to make good use of their environment and have an intuitive sense of timing, so success will not be difficult to attain.

They’re very popular and move in different social circles, but because of their fiery temper, Wood Dragons may not be as lucky or auspicious in their intimate relationships. In finances, Wood Dragons’ fortunes often come enviably quickly.

Lucky (and Unlucky) Things for Dragons

Blue and purple, the numbers 6 and 8, west and northeast bring good luck for Dragons, while black and red, 4 and 9, east and northwest are unlucky for them and should be avoided.

Your Ben Ming Nian, or zodiac birth year, is also considered unlucky in Chinese culture, and to ward off any misfortune you should wear red colors (red underwear is popular).

• Lucky Things
• Lucky numbers: 6, 8
• Lucky colors: Cyan Blue, Purple
• Lucky directions: West, Northeast
• Lucky flowers: Bamboo, Cyclamen

Unlucky Things

• Unlucky numbers: 4, 9
• Unlucky directions: East, Northwest

Ref: https://chinesenewyear.net/zodiac/dragon/

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Tyrant of Words
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What to do for Chinese Lunar New Year 2024

Here are a few tips to get your year of the Dragon year off to a wonderful start:

So first let’s first begin by doing some house cleaning.

Make sure all your lights are working. Replace burnt out light bulbs, polish your mirrors and clean your windows.

Liven up your home with fresh flowers and some new plants. Orchids, narcissus and lucky bamboo are favored.

Plan a New Year’s dinner and celebrate with family and friends.

Enjoy plenty of good food, include many different dishes.

Make enough to have leftovers, this symbolizes that you’ll have money rolling into the next year.
Play music and games.

Give your children gifts of money in red envelopes.

Avoid pointed or sharp objects. Getting poked by pins, or getting cut can be a harbinger of surgery to come.

Dress in “up-beat” clothing or new clothes. Wearing red underwear is also favored.

If anything breaks, like a cup or plate during New Year say “Fall to the floor and burst into bloom!”

Refrain from cursing, this will affect your luck for the year. If you should curse inadvertently say “Tong yen woo chi!” to reverse the affect.

Surround yourself with colorful fruit so that you will have a fruitful year:

**Oranges and tangerines represent money and wealth for the coming year.
**Apples symbolize good health and safety.
**Pineapples symbolize fame and promotion.

These are all good things to have in your house during the New Year celebration which lasts two weeks and ends with the evening Lantern Festival February 24th, 2024.

Ref: Marina Lighthouse

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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You still have roughly an hour to celebrate the New Moon in Aquarius. Sit with your silence because it is in this silence that the answers we seek will rise from the pools of our internal world, providing us the fodd3er with which to craft our highest-centered intentions.

Create your sacred space. Let candlelight surround you. Settle into your internal hearth and stoke its fire. Divulge your deepest, most heart-centered desires. Ask for guidance and watch as the sparks from your belly's flame illuminates the darkness with the answers you seek.

Work with laborite to enhance psychic awareness & mental clarity.

Believe you are a conduit and that answers will flow through you.

ref: Wild Moon Lunar Phase Deck

Tyrant of Words
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, Feb 11, 2024: Seek the source of rebellion and discord in order to steer a situation into the waters of compromise.

This afternoon the Moon in Pisces oppose Juno Rx in Virgo sextile Uranus in Taurus: Emotional tension in a committed relationship ( personal or business ). If we can reconcile the difference with cooperation and/or a compromise, we'll be emotionally awakened to something we weren't expecting. A higher mind is available to us.

Early evening the Moon square Vesta in Gemini and Venus in Capricorn square Eris in Aries: Domestic issues arise. Potential discord and disagreements. We may feel restricted or desire to restrict someone born of fear. See rebellion for what it is and lean on the above energy of compromise.

Late tonight we'll get relief when the Moon sextile Venus: A light, airy feeling of freedom and fun becomes a breath of fresh air we need only breath in.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 18PIS39, 9
Juno: 18VIR39Rx, 3
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 2:16 PM

Moon: 19PIS11, 9
Uranus: 19TAU11, 11
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 3:06 PM

Moon: 21PIS47, 7
Vesta: 21GEM47, 10
Aspect: Square
Time: 7:15 PM

Venus: 24CAP14, 5
Eris: 24ARI14, 8
Aspect: Square
Time: 7:19 PM

Moon: 14PIS27, 5
Venus: 24CAP27, 3
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 11:31 PM

#art Ivan Efimovich Slavinsky

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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If this isn't Pallas in Sagittarius, I don't know what is!

Collective Casting Oracle of the Week, Feb 11-17, 2024: 12. AMUATA

Test all opinions, advice, research and alleged facts according to your own intuition and instinct, which will guide you on how to proceed through a deep inner knowing. There is always new knowledge beyond existing boundaries of thought. We simply need to be open and willing to receive it with patience, discernment, and trust for the greater guiding power. The Oracle of AMUATA comes to you with guidance that an answer is coming, an important piece of information, and that when you are centered in your heart, you will recognize that for what it is and know how to proceed.

For those wishing for additional Spiritual Guidance and the Healing Practice that accompanies this card: http://inspiritualservice.com/earth-warriors

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Sedna stations direct 29°TAURUS27' @ 10:41 AM EST, 1st House, the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars. It will remain in Taurus until April, when it will Re-enter Gemini until August 2067. It takes approximately 11,390 years to orbit the Sun. However, because its orbit is elliptical, the time spent in each sign differs.

Sedna is a dwarf planet known as the "Goddess of the Sea" or the "Asteroid of Abandonment". She assists in an introspective process that helps us to identify our greatest fear. Symbolizing abandonment issues, she can help you face the truth of yourself sans excuses.

Sedna's name originates from Inuit mythology because it is the coldest, most distant place known in our solar system. According to Inuit mythology, Sedna, Goddess of the Sea and Mistress of Marine Life, is thought to live at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, one of the coldest and most unexplored areas on our planet.

Sedna is a prime example of spiritual evolution born from traumatic events such as betrayal, treachery, or abandonment that produced mental and emotional stress.

According to humanistic astrologer Alan Clay, "When a new solar system body is discovered, clues to the astrological meaning can be found by looking at a range of factors. But primarily, meaning comes from studying the planet in a large number of charts to find common themes."

One such discovery that Clay linked to Sedna is the development of neural networks, the foundation of Artificial Intelligence.  From the below article:

"Ray Kurzweil is a scientist, inventor and futurist, who made a series of predictions in the 1990s. All his predictions to date have been realised.

"By the 2030s, virtual reality will begin to feel 100% real. We will be able to upload our mind/consciousness by the end of the decade. By the 2040s, non-biological intelligence will be a billion times more capable than biological intelligence. Nanotech foglets (micro-robots – known as 'smart material') will be able to make food out of thin air and create any object in the physical world at a whim.

By 2045, we will multiply our intelligence a billion-fold by linking wirelessly from our neocortex to a synthetic neocortex in the cloud." (From a 26 January 2015 article on singularityhub.com by Peter Diamandis.)

Sedna wants to be with her soul in joy and abundance, not treated as if useless, not disassociated from true Self, working her ass off, suffering.

Sedna in Taurus is all about stability, values, and dependability. It encompasses possessions and financial issues. Its shadow aspect represents global economic policy, censorship of information, massive wealth acquisition (read stealing and hoarding), and global influence, but also with occasional massive disadvantages for large numbers of people.

It’s the massive chasm between having empathy and having none, because one ruthless party wants the $$$ equivalent from other’s life force energy or inheritance of wealth.

Sedna's higher expression is often those individuals who had been significantly disadvantaged by their policies, coming out the other end massively transformed by what could have felt like a near-death experience, or at least near-total collapse or loss, but perhaps having gained “everything” in return; for total release of an old life and outworn ego identity… Conscious… Aware… “I am that I am.”

The second house, the natural home of Taurus, represents financial affairs, possessions, investment, and earning power which leads to any gain or loss through our own efforts. There's a need for fulfillment in this house, our emotional feelings, sense of self-worth and values. Because many consider liberty is largely a matter of money, this is the house of personal liberty, but also material debt.

I suggested in June of 2023 to review budgets and make solid plans for the stability and security of our financial future. Doing so in an honorable way can lead to personal fulfillment and a sense of self-worth that honors our values. There is a freedom in doing something right, even if it costs us something we value.

If you took the above suggestion seriously, your footing should be stable to move forward with a solid financial plan for the future.

For more detailed and in-depth information about Sedna in Taurus: https://www.abiggerpicture.com/sedna/tag/sedna+in+taurus

#art Stephanie Law

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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
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my altar I placed in Kate's garden it is destroyed now because the people I live with say she was a bad witch... I thought it was perfect place for the altar...

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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That breaks my heart. Hopefully you can erect another one soon. xo

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
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no the garden was destroyed the picture is the new one I put up in the ruined garden....

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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crimsin said:no the garden was destroyed the picture is the new one I put up in the ruined garden....

Oh! Okay. Well, that warms my heart. Hopefully this will serve you well. xo

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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#Aspectingthecosmos, Mon, Feb 12, 2023:  Hopes, dreams, wishes, and goals are wonderful things as long as we don't forget to care for ourselves in the midst of obtaining them.

Moon enters Aries @ 8:26 AM EST: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024 Void of Course Moon: 7:32 AM - 8:26 AM EST

Early morning the Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius: Fresh, regenerative energy; new beginnings. Emotional depth into the means to attain our goals and dreams.

Late morning the Moon trine Pallas in Sagittarius square Ceres in Capricorn: Strategic wisdom wanes if we don't utilize the available energy. If we feel emotionally defunct, it can be transformed by a simple self-care practice.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST):

Moon: 00ARI43, 1
Pluto: 00AQU43, 11
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 9:35 AM

Moon: 01ARI46, 12
Pallas: 01SAG46, 8
Aspect: Trine
Time: 11:17 AM

Moon: 0ARI52, 12
Ceres: 01CAP52, 9
Aspect: Square
Time: 11:27 AM

#art: Catrin Welz Stein

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United States 126awards
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thank you Ahavati I just wanted to dispel their negative energy in the grieving garden...

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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crimsin said:thank you Ahavati I just wanted to dispel their negative energy in the grieving garden...

Well hopefully it will! Lending you my latest message from the Universe!  It rocks! 💜

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
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Ahavati said:

Well hopefully it will! Lending you my latest message from the Universe!  It rocks! 💜

aw so beautiful it's perfect thank you sweet lady ❤️

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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Moon entered Aries @ 8:26 AM EST this morning: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024 for more information on lunar transits or Natal moon in Aries info.

Void of Course Moon: 7:32 AM - 8:26 AM EST

While it's the perfect energy in which to begin something, we may not have the staying power it takes to complete it. Events and circumstances will pass as quickly as they appeared. Guard our ego and hard-headedness against argumentative or selfish gains at the expense of others.

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