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The Politics Place

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

It's not easy living under the guise of world savior as we like to represent ourselves across the world. To live and trust those who make the decisions here can bring a sense of shame on those of us who see the truth as you do Lep To uproot myself and leave my country has always been in the back of my mind but for now it shall be as it has been. which is to stand for truth and justice and to be a voice against the regime that hides behind the facade that this country pulls all motive from a place of peace.

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 40awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1742

lepperochan said:seeing as folk like visual aids.

Never forget who the real threat to the world is

A familiar list -- thanks for the reminder ...
but the real threat to the world is not America or Russia or China, but people in positions of power who are too cowardly to process their childhood trauma -- and then off-load all their unprocessed stuff onto others, including whole other nations.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 759

lepperochan said:seeing as folk like visual aids.

Never forget who the real threat to the world is

Don't see any bombings from Trump on the list???....I do see wars against islamic terrorists and communist on the list... Yes, we fought and died for other countries problems tooooo fucking much. Slowing the spread of Shiria law and leftist authoritarianism around the world for decades. You are welcome. But that is in the past. Fight your own wars, international community... No more American blood and money spent to fix other people's problems...

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 759

rabbitquest said:Alas, just the latest reason why Mr P told us why he. invaded.

Then the Nazi spin 8s sent out to your trusted news feeds and you parrot it as if you actually know what you are saying but it turns out the demonized ukrainian leader is actually Jewish.
Prove it?
Well, did you ever put on your Nazi spin before thursday, when putin did?

but what does zelenski say?



You do know there was a whole group of jews that were Nazis in 30s Germany, right? And that Nazi groups around the world were of all colors and religions during WW2... The current installed government leaders have imprisoned and murdered their opposition...Call them authoritarian if you want...it doesn't change their actions...

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

Josh said:

A familiar list -- thanks for the reminder ...
but the real threat to the world is not America or Russia or China, but people in positions of power who are too cowardly to process their childhood trauma -- and then off-load all their unprocessed stuff onto others, including whole other nations.

I think the biggest threat to the world are us ordinary people. we are too predictable, too easily manipulated, and too forgiving post-manipulation

......     .......    .........    ........    ........      ........     ........   ...

the Nazi thing... has been reported by the BBC on since 2015


maybe go down that rabbit hole

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 759

Strangeways_Rob said:Leftist? Rightist? Fuckist? Don’t really understand your vernacular. I know a Jim Crow, but guessing the J Crow you reference is not a 75 year old man with a wooden leg. Sweeping stereotypes are slightly dangerous. There is a Louis Theroux documentary about Nicholas Fuentes and I’m not deluded enough to believe he is representative of the American right (not his political views, but the implicit ignorance, sexism, misogyny, solipsism of the U.S of A, racism)

It’s plausible to be apolitical. It’s not all 2 distinct shades. We are all political animals by nature, be it in relationships, marriage, work place, communities, friendships etc. I am Welsh first & British second. You could never, ever understand. How could you? I have limited knowledge (or interest) in American politics, so there is no point in any discourse.

Says that "Right and Left" doesn't matter

Then proceeds to attack the "Right"  
(I guess it does matter but only in the middle of a rambling paragraph)

Then says that he has no clue or interest in U S. politics.

Got it!!!

Im glad I can still trigger pro establishment people into rants about nothing to calm their ego...

Since America is my home country, I can relate historical facts about my country quite easily.  

Jim Crow was a name given to DEMOCRAT laws set up to segregate the races across the country. The Pentagon was built with separate bathrooms for races because of this. The laws also forced business to hire only certain citizens. They were laws because businesses DID NOT want to do that since it was not profitable to discriminate. Those racist, eugenic laws inspired the Nazi's Nuremburg laws. The Nazi's loved 30s U.S  democrats. Hitler had a large picture of Henry Ford in his home.

Sooo.   70 odd years later... The Democrat Obama administration helped orchestrate a coup and installed an actor as leader in Ukraine that in turn with Neo nazis attacked opposition party members and killed several hundred citizens.

Obama should be in jail for such ..

The "Right" in my country, excluding globalist RINO neo con false Republicans, like the warmongering Bushs ...have fought against these treasonous democrats every since we took away their slaves.

Now Biden shows the world what a Jim Crow democrat looks like and what these amoral shitheads actually do ...

poet Anonymous

Last time I looked this was an international site. Who is going to understand the "Jim Crow" reference? Now you've explained - all is slightly clearer.  Attacked the right? Er...ok. Only referenced Fuentes appeared to be a despicable & hateful young boy. I wont stoop to your sooo low  level of personal insults.  

Thought Provoker
Australia 3awards
Joined 28th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 235

What a rambling load of crap.

Meanwhile in the real world Trump continues to praise Putin like the weak, brown nosing, sad excuse for a man we all know him to be. The three fascist dictators: Trump, Putin and Xi Jingping are all on the same page.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2636

don't forget us here Eamonn we are the people
the women and children who feel helpless stuck in the machine
I am not a wealthy person I barely get by
we are being gouged here for everything
mean while the cities aren't safe etc.
drugs are pouring in here
the poor need them to cope
we die.

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

Same here, Lady. I'd guess it's pretty much the same the world over.  there's no shame in it I wouldn't equate the Amercan people to their administration

five minutes walk from where my grandkids live there is a plot of land. it has been established through documentation there are hundreds of babies buried ..or to be more accurate  ...thrown into a septic tank  ..by The sisters of Mercy  when they ran a mother and baby home

it's been known some years now and no one has gone in to retrieve the bones to give them a proper burial

I could go on all day about how this government and pretty much every Irish government since the country's partial independence 100 years ago has fucked the people

I know people who choose between medicine / heat/ rent and food

yet the most wealthy of us have managed to multiply their worth while everyone else was skint

all this drama is a great distraction. we can concentrate our frustration on the players be it USA USSR EU etc

what gets me is the sheer hypocrisy of it all.  

I do support 100% the Ukrainian people. it's clear they are being held hostage by a number of actors with a number of agenda

I do support the peoples from the two breakaway Republics

I think we are at a juncture here in terms of governments and media. it's worrying

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

For the academics out there


Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

What's Musk got to do with it???


Platoon of Russian soldiers surrender. It is not nice to lie


Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

rabbitquest said:What's Musk got to do with it???


Platoon of Russian soldiers surrender. It is not nice to lie


they think a platoon of Russian soldiers surrendered good stuff. I think this post is probably the best case in point regarding the survival of our species. gullible is putting it mildly

here's a questionable one running in The Irish Independent: Russian soldier texted his mother just before he died. said he was scared said 'they' were hitting everything even civilians. Ukrainian guy held the phone up at the UN special meeting and said the texts on the phone was proof the Russians were targeting civilians

are soldiers allowed bring mobile phones to war with them. I know some people might pull out the mobile phone while driving or something, surely a soldier isn't going to take his eye off a hot battle hes involved in to text his mother


Ukrainian government has banned 16 to 60 year olds from leaving the country. that doesn't strike me as a government who has its people at heart

they have essentially locked them into a theater of war. they are handing guns out to anyone and everyone.

obviously anyone who volunteered to stay and fight a superpower is to be commended for their bravery, apauded even. but don't force them to. don't force civilians into conflict

call me a cynic but it would appear arming the civilians might make the 'human sheild' thing a bit more palatable

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5599

For a different perspective, have a listen to this broadcast from yesterday :


This is from the "church" perspective, not any one religion or denomination but church in the sense of Bible believing christianity, simply.  The host and speakers in the video have been around for decades and are not a cult or anything along those lines and I've been following their ministries for years.

Johnny in the video is a prophetic leader that deals with discerning the times we are in as well as being a trusted christian source that has given guidance to many world leaders on the topic of the church in general .  

He brings up some interesting points through research that he's done and sees the Ukraine situation as being a source of deliverance for the citizens from some in power who seek to control all the nations of the world and have been setting the stage for the evil part of globalism, which is found in the Book of Revelation .

What the media is showing us about the situation, includes some recycled photos and videos to sway the narrative , according to the research presented in the video link above .

Have a watch & listen, for another perspective.  it's about an hour long.

poet Anonymous

Seems the only real solution lies in the hands of 145 million Russian citizens.

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