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Establishment Democrats cornhole America

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 759

Jim Crow Biden and the plantation strap on a round of executive hard ones and ram freedom's backside by flushing the constitution down the memory hole and civil liberty into oblivion....but nothing to see here says the media lackies...How close are we to the point of no return???

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

runaway-mindtrain said:Jim Crow Biden and the plantation strap on a round of executive hard ones and ram freedom's backside by flushing the constitution down the memory hole and civil liberty into oblivion....but nothing to see here says the media lackies...How close are we to the point of no return???

Trolling aside, there is some pretty nasty sexual  anger here....your scars are showing.

How about you dial the fear back a couple of notches and see if you can engage, rather than spit, and maybe also think about  telling  someone you trust exactly what it is got you so riled man.

It’s easy to hate cartoon versions of “other” people.....maybe see people as people a bit more...

Just a suggestion.

(Also.....obvious troll is obvious)

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I like that stock.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Runaway- mindtrain
It's unusual to see someone initiate pecking order when they are the only one around
To lasout with insults that are sexual in nature you are seeking a victim within your imaginary hierarchy
Your attempt to shame by using sexual remarks is classic textbook pecking order
When someone feels threatened or are shut down intellectually they lash out as you did
You have attempted to create a memory with you in the center as the one who takes no shit and is most intelligent because you think differently

I'm sorry but the only memory you have created for me with you in the center is one that sees you as a sore love her misinformed reluctant to see the whole picture and extremely biased

If Biden is exposed for his suspected pedophilia that would not be a cause to celebrate that is a tragic event
Yes that behavior should not continue but neither should your lashing out it's unhealthy for you mindtrain
Get to the root of the cause
Be blessed

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

i will not play ball with you, you cannot play and do not understand the rules

Jack Thomas
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 687

anna_grin said:you cannot play and do not understand the rules

That is so true it hurts When I read the OP I couldn’t even make out what he was saying. Even with the most unenlightened, angry commentators I’ve seen I’ve at least managed to discern what they think is happening and what their opinion on it is.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 759

For fours years I have been called a Nazi, lied to, censored, de-platformed, watched cities burn, people murdered, cops hospitalized by slave party democrats...now by fraud, that the whole world sees, an on camera child fondler and documented segregationist racist is signing everything elites place in front of him. All done by the Jim Crow party that now calls me a domestic terrorist as to set up a police state and purge their enemies...But I AM SUPPOSED TO PLAY NICE, right.... Soo...white elitist democrats can fuck right off...

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 759

No one is here to play. I am only proclaiming the civil war that has already begun. It will end like the last with freedom loving Americans taking out the authoritarians. We eliminated most all the Democrat KKK by 1890, not to rise again for decades, the influx of the US by Commie/ Nazis in the late 40s, the dixiecrats in the 70s, and will soon take care of neo eco-socialists that push
a new authoritarian doctrine.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 759

I don't care if you understand

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 759

One hundred and eighty years of democrat lynching, that never stopped. Playing patient and nice time....is over. I understand Democrats are upset. They haven't been this upset since we took their slaves. I know elite Democrats want their slaves back. Just look at the plantations set up in democrat inner cities. As clear as ice but much colder. Y'all can't have the rest of the country. Sorry

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 759

Very interesting stock happenings. At first it seemed crooked. There are regulations that requires a certain amount of capitol to cover the trades. So the halt was for a reason but other entities other than the brokers DID commit crimes. The investigation will be interesting. It was incredible to see both socialists and conservatives calling for transparency and review

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

runaway-mindtrain said:No one is here to play. I am only proclaiming the civil war that has already begun. It will end like the last with freedom loving Americans taking out the authoritarians. We eliminated most all the Democrat KKK by 1890, not to rise again for decades, the influx of the US by Commie/ Nazis in the late 40s, the dixiecrats in the 70s, and will soon take care of neo eco-socialists that push
a new authoritarian doctrine.

Gotta admit , runaway mind train...

Your diatribe makes me snore more
than a four pack of 9% stout...

You have to realize...you live in a state where
the vast majority of residents disagree with you...

Think it's time you move to another state ?

( the Texas governor might welcome you...just sayin' )

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

runaway-mindtrain said:I don't care if you understand

You just wrote about 5 responses in as many minutes, spitting/combining/cajoling/abusing, but you “don’t care if we don’t understand”.

Yeah right.

There are lots of perspectives, and lots of people talking, saying they have a truth others don’t, or that their truth is “the truth”. Any time someone is 100% certain...100% certain only they have the correct facts, and at the same time no other view is even allowed to be discussed, you have stepped beyond reason.

It doesn’t matter what your argument is, rather the way you are making it. It just reads like hate man.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

runaway-mindtrain said:One hundred and eighty years of democrat lynching, that never stopped. Playing patient and nice time....is over. I understand Democrats are upset. They haven't been this upset since we took their slaves. I know elite Democrats want their slaves back. Just look at the plantations set up in democrat inner cities. As clear as ice but much colder. Y'all can't have the rest of the country. Sorry

To quote a source commenting on exactly this spin that seems to say “we can’t be racist because Republicans ended slavery”.

“ Republicans tried to claim their political ancestors at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night, casting back to Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, to argue they deserve more credit from Black voters.

The problem is that the Republicans and the politics of 1860 bear almost zero resemblance to the Republicans of today.

Back then, Republicans were, generally, a party of Northerners and Democrats were, generally, the party of the South”

The party is completely different now, right down to basic ideology, and it’s also a weak and transparent argument.

The Democratic Party is not the devil.
The Republicans are certainly not saviour-saints!

You want it black and white cos it is easy to understand and gives a nice tidy “other” for you to work you hate out on.

You don’t give a shit about politics.

You do like to get angry though.

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