Kitty's Korner
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
To love is to forgive to forget is divine, make sure you find the ways to love self, first
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
Gynecologic Disorders That Can Affect A Healthy Woman Or A Person Who Has/Had Cancer Sex Life
I will be delving into several conditions that affect women who may have had an early Hysterectomy maybe due to an unforeseen medical condition, cancer, or various medical conditions.
Women who bleed during or after intercourse, which is known as postcoital bleeding, or what is an Ablation, since my advocacy is for cancer.
Women who bleed during intercourse how does it affect them mentally, socially, emotionally, how do their sexual partner(s) cope, is there a stigma that follows the intellect for many women who suffer from postcoital bleeding.
Can oral sex be performed on them this is a topic that I have always found interesting, therefore, I have done my research, and I will be bringing my findings this weekend. In addition, this was just a topic in my live blog session recently.
Does it render embarrassment for a woman, it is painful to her and is there help. Ladies, please make sure you take the time to read.
Just some key factors I will be delving deeper into;
Cervical polyps: Noncancerous growths on the cervix.
Inflammation: Conditions like cervicitis or vaginitis
Vaginal dryness: Lack of lubrication can cause friction and minor tears.
Infections: Such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or other vaginal infections.
I will also briefly be discussing Bacteria Vaginoses, a gynecologic condition most women feel helpless because it is reoccluding and it can destroy a sex life only if you allow it.
Everyone please have a blessed Friday and a great weekend
Love and Hugs, always,
SKC Interim DON, APRN🤎
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
Know The Gift of Your Internal Holistic Powers
The Tree Of Life Is found Within
We have 33 vertebrates, the highest level of consciousness upon the Freemasons (33rd degrees)
7 cervical vertebrae (in the neck)
12 thoracic vertebrae (in the upper and mid-back)
5 lumbar vertebrae (in the lower back)
5 sacral vertebrae (fused to form the sacrum)
4 coccygeal vertebrae (fused to form the coccyx or tailbone)
The spiritual significance of the 33 vertebrae in the human body. In various spiritual and esoteric traditions, the number 33 holds special meaning. Here are a few interpretations:
Kundalini Energy: In some Eastern spiritual practices, the 33 vertebrae are associated with the journey of Kundalini energy. This energy is believed to rise from the base of the spine through the chakras, enhancing spiritual growth and consciousness.
Connection Between Heaven and Earth: The spine, with its 33 vertebrae, is sometimes seen as a physical representation of the connection between heaven and earth. This symbolizes the union of the divine and the human.
Symbol of Mastery: In numerology, 33 is considered a “Master Number,” representing the highest level of spiritual achievement and enlightenment. This is sometimes referred to as "Christ Consciousness".
Pillar of Being: The spine is often viewed as the pillar of the being, representing our desire to incarnate and become living beings. It is related to our deepest beliefs and values.
These interpretations highlight the profound ways in which the structure of the spine can be seen as a metaphor for spiritual journeys and connections.
Is there a particular aspect of this symbolism that resonates with you or that you’d like to explore further
(Cited 09-06-24-SKC).
Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is a relatively small gland centered at the core of your cranium (brain) in recent studies it is known to play a significant role of tapping into the higher awareness of oneself. Once you become aware of its potent spiritual power and the gateway to unlocking the transverse nature of your cosmic being. You can learn to become one with earth and spirit.
Be advised the pineal receives an abundance of energy among any other gland in your body. It seems there are 17 glands in a human body. Some are ductless and others have ducts. The main way to categorize them is as exocrine glands or endocrine glands.
In comparison to all of your other vital organs; just to name several, your lungs, your heart, and your brain. However, for such a miniature gland it is the receptive source to receive the highest concentration of energy.
The pineal gland is overly sensitive to light. It is best known as the component for sleep and waking phases.
Whenever your pineal gland is compromised or is off centered. It is an insomniac worst nightmare.
In essence, 30% of the population in the US suffers from insomnia. It does not provide melatonin a natural effect of the brain that regulates sleeps. In addition, while stress plays a major role here, we can’t ignore the fact that a compromised pineal gland doesn’t produce melatonin the way it’s supposed to function.
I will have to say in the spiritual laws of the seven Chakras, the pineal gland primary function as an inner third eye, the Ajna
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is produced in the human pineal gland. In fact, DMT can give a free rein to the mind’s superior powers to hone in and give credence to a higher perception of consciousness.
For most of us, our pineal gland becomes dormant early in life, in several initial studies once we become an adult, it has been proven it dawdles into a weakened state of existence.
The main contribute is the fluoride added to our drinking water and toothpaste we utilize, then you must take into consideration several other damaging factors; processed foods, drinks which contain carbonate, and a lack of the ultraviolent rays we get from sunlight.
Can your pineal gland ever be restored to its original glorious once channeling into the subconscious on a cosmic level?
Yes it can, once you begin to as the saying goes, 'you are what you eat' and when you do, please maintain a balanced diet by eating healthy, and pamper your temple, whereas, it will certainly be beneficial to your, heart, mind, body, and soul, therefore, you can be attuned when summoning positive energy by enrichment of wisdom, boosting your psychic abilities, which, we are all born with the knack, yet most of us are absence to employ.
The pineal gland is the passage to the doors of a higher realm.
In life the road that you walk is for your shoes…how tight they may seem to someone else. Have faith as you continue your journey, gain knowledge, it is always the thirst to power.
Enjoy your evening and have a safe passage as your mind, body, and soul fuses into the future of tomorrow.
I will be delving more in this and how the Council of Nicaea, Constantine I the Roman Emperor who was responsible for changing those seasons, months and time cycle.
Love and Hugs, always
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
I Am The Utopia Of What Was, What is, And Better Times I Shall Become
I am chagrined upon learning all these new laws that is taking America back to such darker days in time.
I just came upon the research that Florida has passed a law that will be adopted in academia curriculum allowing teachers to teach students that slavery was beneficial.
Please be advised this was the same Governor Ron DeSantis(R) who has fought so hard to have Critical Race Theory removed from schools' teaching agenda and out of some higher education classrooms.
Why is it so imperative we are regressing, into the Jim Crow and Willie Lynch era?
I find it appalling we are very much into the twenty-first century and why the masses’ intellects are being diluted with stars private lives on television, a war our military is not involved in.
The government is making drastic decisions and sadly to say it does not involve minorities.
What is the agenda of the Hebrew Man as his footstep govern in the dark to reach the light hopefully at the end of the tunnel.
The African American man and the African American woman do not seem to be on the same agenda any longer, as far as growth and development, and I am wondering what went wrong, where did the breakdown occur,
Our ethnicity has survived, slavery, the racism and riots of the sixties, there was a time when we uplifted each other, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Now, all I see is so much separatism, everyone seems to think I have mine why do I need yours, and that is not the ideology that will pull us through when the time will come for us to stand together as one or fall together as a whole.
Other nationalities are well prepared for disasters, their unity is strong to pull their financial resources together, even these so called militant groups are well prepared if a civil war was to occur here today.
And let's not forgo all these gangs who are just walking over our boarders and setting up their own violent task force.
Why aren’t the African American men/female in charge of our destinies, have we gotten lost in our own cost to survive, yet, worrying about material gains where it will not matter when discord, comes to knock at the door.
I will always find it in my heart to support any man and primary the Hebrew man plight, his agenda in regards to the detrimental history his ancestral pilgrimage has suffered unto the remains of slavery, the separatism of his seeds he has sown only to see it departed, and as strong as his backbone may have been in those crucial times, whereas, his spine was bent in the calling of the wind just to stand on his principles.
And any enslaved female, who had to still uplift his crown and still look him in eyes and respect him as a man that is where my strength will always rest.
There were so many laws in the old salvage of slavery that distanced the unity of the African America male and the African America female.
I cannot fathom as a parent, a child birthed unto you, only to be sold, or yet, befall under the brutality of being reared unto the point or being beaten or sometimes killed.
This is what Criterial Race Theory is all about the truth of one’s history, yet you want to sell the concept to young intellects slavery was beneficial to whom, it was, and it still rings true of being degradable and deplorable to have occurred.
The laws during slavery, one in particular that seem to grip me in aghast is the Louisiana state. which as passed on December 11, 1848, this was a law which stated that all children who were born to enslaved African American women during their incarceration for life, that their children would become the legal property of the state.
Therefore, by the age of ten, these children would be sadly auctioned to the highest bidder, and can you believe all the proceeds went to the state treasurer as part of what was referred to as, “free-school fund.”
This legislation specifically was mandated for children born to enslaved women who were an inmate at the time. The ironic part of this law did not protect babies from being kissed by white women, henceforth, the primary goal was the legal ownership and auctioning of children who were born to these incarcerated enslaved women.
The law reflected the harsh realities of slavery and the exploitation of enslaved individuals for financial gain.
I cannot imagine what some of these women during slavery must have felt, these children did not remain with the father, or a family member, no, that Louisiana law had a such an impact on enslaved families during slavery, and here today, I do believe as a race of people we have not quite regroup form some of those atrocities.
I will state some of the drawbacks that has permeated the African American race here today or had hindered us.
Separation of Families
Some of those families were torn apart when their children were taken away from their mother’s arms and then sold at auction. Can you imagine here today a parent’s heart-wrenching reality of losing her children, and then some of those siblings were often separated as well.
Economic Exploitation
With that being said, all the funds from the auctioning of these children went to the state treasurer This generally meant the financial gain from selling theses enslaved children was prioritized over keeping families intact. It sadden me still to this day that enslaved families were treated simply as commodities, and their well-being was secondary to the state’s financial interests.
Emotional Trauma
This is why I try my best to uplift the Hebrew male, female, we have a past that somehow is on the verge of being revisited, there are laws being passed under our noses, therefore, I do not have time to sit around and exchange unfavored words to prove points, I know my lineage, I know my worth, and I bow in grace to my universal contributions to humanity, I have no time play mental games not when the fate of my ethnicity is being politically reduced and it is becoming the norm, or acceptable by society's standards.
This world is moving too fast either you move with it, or you get lost in its brutal cyclone.
I will say any enslaved parents experienced suffered emotional trauma due to the loss of their children. The fear of separation alone, I am quite sure gave parent sleepless night, and then to worry about the uncertainty about their children’s destiny weighed heavily on their minds.
The trauma of being separated from any loved ones left lasting scars on enslaved families.
Cultural Disruption
I wonder does this have any bearing here today, we as a melanated race with so many hues.
The Louisiana 1848 law I am quite sure sliced into our cultural practices and traditions.
Children were often raised without knowing the identity of their true parents or siblings, family member to tell of their ancestral stories, the language, and their heritage in general.
Legacy of Injustice
The legacy of the Louisiana’s 1848 laws still continues to impact some of those descendants of enslaved families and emancipated, families.
Live Blog Shot (Discussing The 2025 Agenda And How It Correlates To Being A Minority.
This agenda will affect everyone across the board.
Love and Hugs, always
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
I Am The Utopia Of What Was, What is, And Better Times I Shall Become (Part II)
I must mention, beforehand please do not place all your cash on those Cash Apps, banking at your fingertips, place it in the bank, sock drawer, under your mattress, just so you can have access to it.
If you do not know, we are moving into a one currency system. It is best you start investing in Gold, and Titanium, natural resources, gas, coal any natural resource the sale of the American dollar has no value, compared to other countries' currency.
Politics And Earthly Agenda
A question I have been pondering since the debacle of the coup attack on the State Capitol. Who really gives any country its peace.
While we are being mentally mesmerize by watered down politics and a feeble-minded president, there are other countries who are coming together to build its perimeters, military strongholds, and I say that with the humblest respect, and strategic measures to bring American to its knees.
If anyone has taken notice, this is the futuristic of humanity and the AI force, anytime you can implement robots into the very core we call life, and it becomes acceptable, that is the end of humanity as we know it.
There will be a when we come together, black, white, native races, whereas, we will be fighting for survival not among each other, but the longevity against man and the machine.
Remember this, if you never remember anything, that soap box, (the media) who are owned by the elite, have taken an oath to place the truth in front of eyes. In my research about the elite, they must display the truth, therefore, you can never say you were not forwarded. I have to say that is primary reached through numerology, signs, and symbols.
The Mental Brainwashing (The Music)
Let’s talk about the casting spells of the music, the rap/hip hop ethos, back in the day, rap music used to tell resonate about the struggles we need to overcome as a thriving people.
As time has progressed, and the unorthodox Jews who is behind those lucrative contracts of the music industry, the banks, and patents of mass destruction; Covid, Ebola, SARS, manmade genocide agents that can annihilate humanity.
Look around my brothers and sisters, there is no other race the hip hop music has affected than the African American race.
You have hard core rap songs, telling you to kill, steal, build up empires of the dope, twisted sublime messages lowering the essence of the mentality and the ventures of the younger generation of Kings/Queens are becoming lost to the dire effects of what they hear.
You have teenagers all over the internet, twerking, fighting, disrespecting their elders in the name of vanity.
In studying the English language here today, you string along several phrases together from the three translated Books Of The Dead, as I stated I do recommend you reading that book. You can do harm, double words that means more than what meets the eyes. I will elaborate more on that as time progress.
Breaking down that equation, of Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul
Why is this so important, because the world is changing daily as we see it, not as it really is perceived. Occurrences that are sanctioned by the administration of the government are never about the people or for the people.
Mass Destruction Of The Mind
Brainwashing the mind with demonic forces that still today hinder the disunity of the African American race, and this is no disrespect to any other race, but the truth does become the light. For my ancestors to have survived, from being hanging, lynching, tar and feathered, then given us a false book with a blue-eye picture of a bearded man to worship for every race, every culture, it is unfair in a blind systematic that caters to its religion.
Heaven is within the heart; it is your emotional salvation, or it can be your emotional detriment when it begins it become zealous, a cult of some sort.
In this realm we call life, you must be steadfast, and open your third eye of discernment it is about being anointed.
The fear tactics of submission to turn the other cheek, while babies, were raped, women, men tar and feathered, a history that is not open for discuss and under the laws of politics is becoming obliterate.
I did read in Florida; churches are starting to be awaken and teach the lost history of self.
Yet, the history of the Holocaust (Jewish), Cinco De Mayo (Hispanic Heritage) to celebrate their culture, Italian Festivals (Italian Heritage) Octoberfest (Germans) St. Patrick Day (Irish Heritage) Juneteenth (The Emancipation of African Americans from slavery) everyone culture/heritage are so very much important, and it must be celebrated.
Therefore, why should anyone voice be silenced the struggles of any race only bridges the gap of impartially and it fosters alliances among all.
This world has moved beyond black and white, the unity is found in hearts, not so much the state of the mind, and blood only has one color when it seeps from the pores, and that is red, sickness only have one outcome and that is getting better, and it does not matter who is healing you.
Deterrence Of Empowering Healthy Heart Energy
Your body is the temple. The next time you look at your reflection in the mirror, you are a superpower within yourself.
The Heart (Anahata Charka) That beating organ is vital to the longevity of life, it pumps the blood through the four chambers, received oxygenated blood.
The Death Merchants, that feeds our sacred temples, processed, foods, with additives for taste, sodium, saccharine, food coloring dyes, canned ham, dried and packaged food, drenched in preservatives.
The Mismanagement Of The Soul
This has always been my blessed mantra, and that goes to say, you never, and strongly mean never, allow your intellect to become stagnate in its growth, deterred by outside forces who have no bearing in your journey's path, or allow it to be compromised, unto others.
There is a Haitian Proverb my grann always says “Never allow the sword tongue of the foolish who looks into the mirror and sees someone else's pilgrimage other than their own to lead you to your throne of glory, if so, it leads to a heartless and emptiness state of one’s existence,’ unquote.
And no matter how strong you think you are, you will never recover your lost self-esteem, ponder on that perception, please, if not and by designs, you begin to slowly lessen the value of YOUR own beautiful worth, and I was never raised to bow down or mentally accept the falsehood of someone’s else twisted ideology, what for?
Going Forward
I will be bringing some medical researched information to the forefront, the whispers you do not see, but I hear. Starting with Bill Gates and his bioengineered food. I do not make these things up, but I will get to the bottom of this, I have been thoroughly researching as a medical profession I have to look at it from a scientific approach.
The billionaire couple, in less than a decade, have accumulated more than 269,000 acres of farmland across 18 states, more than the entire acreage of New York City. The farmland was purchased through a constellation of companies that all link back to the couple’s investment group, Cascade Investments, based in Kirkland, Washington.
Until great minds fuse together ..take care of your mind, believe in yourself, and smile.
Live Blog Shot (Discussing The 2025 Agenda And How It Correlates To Being A Minority.
This agenda will affect everyone across the board.
Love and Hugs, always,
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
I Am Therefore I Become
Those are some powerful words to add to the mentality of the mind, being in the now moment of self is not always productive in the manner of discussing. The time you must allow the soul to just remain still, be quiet, allow it to just listen, and just be.
There is no magical formula to that other than just resting the mind in solitude, pampering the illumination of all its beautiful possibilities, in my chosen profession it is a luxury to be on the outside of the window looking in, then dissecting it from within, in that capacity, my wall of armor has been firmly eradicated in peace.
There is a thin line between love and hate and I must dig deeper in my goodie bag to adapt to the duality of both emotions, while maintaining the core values of an oath, and just being a woman in general.
Society expects of us as humans to be responsive and conduct ourselves appropriately, upon that notation, not to surrender to the phases of darkness; the blame game, I did not know any better, he/she had it coming, they tried to offend my sense of self-worth, instead of trying to find its own escape hatch.
The brain’s core values functions at an unprecedented peak, however, without resting in its own of injustice or indifference, for some it is not easy as we think it to be, but as person who advocates Mental Health Forensic (Criminal Court System).
Can you imagine sitting in front of an individual who displays random outburst of pure rage. I am speaking from my professional view, and that details for anyone who is making a transition from being incarcerated in a halfway house, and needing Vivitrol Injections, Suboxone, or counseling in general.
In the form of a realistic person and listen intently to the misplaced vibrations of their intellect, and you know, somewhere within the scope of that obscurity there lays a beautiful mindset, then within an hour organizing a plan of care to reassess its livelihood, whereas the person can thrive within the boundaries of normalcy to cope in civilization.
Once the mind has affixed itself into a state of detriment, living and breathing its kernel. Then to have to find a way to chisel and chisel until a spark of hope shine through and before you can capitalize on the progress of its breakthrough, it regresses, then you must shift the focus of self-protection, self-comfort to find the other side of the brain hemisphere to reorganize.
I am pre-conditioned by my rite of my trade, to hear the stumbling cries of darkness, the uncertainness of existence, the bi-polar, schizophrenic, the grandeur dissociates personalities disorders that festers so deep inside a soul until it becomes their coping defense, it becomes them.
That gives way to the birth of a sociopath with narcissistic intentions, or a psychopath.
Be advised these are not official diagnoses but fall under the broaden view of ASPD. (Antisocial Personality Disorder)
Not recognized as a clinical condition in official diagnostic manuals.
Antisocial and tends to break rules.
Impulsive and erratic behavior.
May struggle to maintain a job or family life.
Can form attachments with like-minded individuals.
Traits include breaking the law, physical aggression, manipulation for personal gain, unpredictable mood swings, and impulsivity.
Emotional deficits:
Lacks remorse.
Takes pleasure in manipulating others.
Limited ability to feel empathy and remorse.
Risk-taking behavior, lack of fear, and pathological lying.
Charming personality but no genuine love or attachment.
Typically lacks a conscience.
For a person who suffers from any form of Mental Illness, where variables identifiers will range from sane to the criminally insane.
In life there will be times when we must lower the impunity of ourselves to reach higher, strive to excel, and pray the results or your endeavors will be the fruition of your success.
Positiveness continuously moves the spirit of the soul. Hopefully, if it is not met with degradation, discord, or disunity.
I dare not take the passage of my soul on that course.
No one truly cares about the longevity of anyone else’s soul, other than the person who it inhabits. I say that with the uttermost respect. We are in the technology age, our feelings, our soulful emotions are being captured by AI (Artificial Intelligence).
We are enslaved to a computer one keystroke at a time, our wishes, our desires, our darkest secrets, are mirrored from heart to mind, and that is where it shall remain. We tend to hit the enter button, then we expose our souls, therefore, guard your mind, above all, that sacred place is your sanctuary, never allow anyone to encroach it, let it remain private.
I say that based on facts, once you allow the elements of hatred, racial disparity, detrimental illusions, to settle those harmful elements, where they signify your mindset, where only you can uplift to seeing the development of its health, if not, you have already lost yourself, think about it.
Make sure, each day you tell yourself you are worthy of your presence, remain humbled in your convictions, and slow to anger, evaluate the circumstances and then reassess all other possibilities before settling. We are all born with the dynamics of acknowledging what is right and what is wrong.
My free will to always find ways to help to others, that is the most rewarding peace because it comes from within and it is not asked of or for, that is my, foundation, and yes, it has taken me years to build and yes, due to arrogance, until at times, I caved and where has it gotten me other than a time I could never recoup.
Time waits for no one, therefore, use it wisely.
I am truly pleased and content in my divine solitude, whereas I can reach the vastness of my lands, see those clouds clearing during any storms, silent bow to like-minded people in my guiding footsteps, so that I may graciously see the Grand Rising of my glorious sunrise while listening to the night sounds of the wind.
It is a comforting feeling just to be, and please forgive me for sharing, but it is better to sow and reap the fruits of your own labor and open your eyes in peace, then barren land and closing your eyes in the synagogue of bitterness, right.
Until our intellects come together, may all your days going forward be blessed with stability as a person, faith for you to continue, and smile once you have arrived.
Love and Hugs, always
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
Honoring A Woman's Sacred Placenta II
I thought I would revisit this sacred topic and how the placenta is interviewed as being a consecrated connection between mother and child and the usage once it is expelled during the afterbirth.
What Exactly Is The Placenta In Detail
The placenta is a vital organ that connects the developing fetus to the mother’s uterine wall. It supplies oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and removes waste products from the fetus’s blood.
I would say, depending on a person’s customs and their culture’s most sacred beliefs, a woman’s placenta may hold cherished symbolic or in some cases spiritual meanings.
In the essence of that worthy affirmation, a woman’s placenta in my French Creole Haitian culture is considered precious, it is sacred, and to a female it is revered in its power, I will go a step farther and say worth even more than gold.
Let’s Explore What The Placenta Means To Other Cultures And How They Celebrate It In The Joy Of Its Consecrated After Delivery
In doing the second part of my extensive research and the global responses from my blog I was shocked to discover the many purposes where cultures honor the placenta, and the righteousness ways of each, I have come to respect.
There are many cultures around the world that have unique customs and traditions associated with the placenta. I will give you in part the cultures that I felt deserve its merit not saying others not mentioned do not.
The cultures represented and the practices I deemed of importance were from the citizens that responded and gave me a glimpse into some of their practices and then me taking the time to delve into comparing to make sure the information was relevant.
The Culture, The Traditions, And Their Sacred Beliefs
The tradition of the people who reside in Bali, believe in the practice of wrapping the placenta in a cloth and placing it in a coconut.
Their strength lies in the acceptance that the child’s guardian angel whose spirit stays with the child throughout his or her lifespan.
I have come to search for the meaning as to why some cultures bury the placenta, I was advised because it connects the baby to the land and to their heritage, which is so beautiful within.
In some cultures, burying the placenta connects the baby to the land and heritage.
The Navajo tribe and many Hawaiians are known to place their placenta in the ground to their faith it is sanctified for them to connect the child to his or her homeland and their bond them with their ancestors.
What I was surprised to learn in some of the Caribbean countries is that the women bury their baby’s placenta surprisingly under a fruit tree. It is said to help make sure the child when famished and will return home if ever needed.
For the descendants of Africa, the placenta is denoted as ‘Our Mother’ and attaches the child to the spirits in the ground when the mother tends to bury it.
I was never aware of this until one of my bloggers alerted me to the practice of the Kenyans, however. They are known to accept the ideology that both the placenta and the umbilical cord are a connection and a sacred attachment between mother and child. Now their practice is to deposit their umbilical cord in an uncultivated field and then they cover it with grass, and it is a symbol of fertility.
I have much respect for the Motherland and any surrounding country.
In the gift of the Mayans placenta and in their honor of their a placenta rite of passage, they will ceremoniously bury the placenta under a tree. This ritual is said to give protective powers over the child.
In addition to the Japanese and Chinese culture, their placenta burial is believed to grant the holy dedications of protection for their child’s future.
As you can see from reading the many ways women around the world honor their placenta and the holiness from the womb that has united mother and child for nine months.
There Are Other Unorthodox Usages Many Use The Placenta For
Would you believe it if I told you some people have admitted they consume the placenta raw or yes cooked, the benefits are said to boost energy levels, and increase milk production, now I do know the placenta does contain a lot of stem cells, but I really wonder how true this is, but some did admit this.
After the birth of a child no parent truly ask for their placenta therefore, it can be used for scientific purposes such as, making skin grafts, treating eye diseases, or developing stem cell in the research of cancer.
If you do not remember Henrietta Lacks. She was an African American woman whose cervical cancer cells were taken without her knowledge or consent in 1951. Her cells were then used to create the first immortalized human cell line, which today are known as the HeLa cell line, which has been used extensively in medical research.
Her cells were used without her consent. So, I would suggest any woman who has a child to retain your placenta and have it frozen. Who knows, those beautiful stem cells it is enriched with could one day save you or could be utilized for a breakthrough patent to save humanity, you never know.
Then you have some people in society who utilize the placenta to make a topical cream or ointment once applied to skin to promote healing, reduce inflammation, or prevent infection. It is used effectively once the placenta is dried, powdered, mixed with oils, herbs, or blended with beeswax.
I could not believe this, when I researched it but yes, you could use placenta to make jewelry, yes you heard me, make unique pieces of jewelry. Creative jewelry, such as pendants, rings, or bracelets.
The placenta is usually dehydrated, cut into shapes, and preserved in resin or metal. How neat is that?
The temple of a woman’s body is so beautiful from our menstrual flow to give us the stamp of approval and the essence of our fertility to the womb who carries the seeds of life and the nourishment from within the birth canal it pushes forth life through that sacred rite of passage.
It is so embracing to know from one end of the world to the other so many women of various cultures somehow give back to Mother Nature through the soil by burying in connection with their ancestors unto the simplistic rite of passage employing that generational placenta.
Until our intellects blind together on the common ground of faith where we merge on the wings of universal love take care of yourself and be mindful others.
Love and Hugs, always
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
Promoting A Healthy State Of Existence To A Better You
About time this medical journal reaches you, may it find the body at its peak performance, the strength of the mind in a serene place, and the heart pulsating to give you the vital essence of life.
We are moving into a new season of Autumn, just peaking on the horizon. Caution in the elements that could have dire consequences if we do not take care of our immune system, keep it holistically boosted, by eating the right food to sustain our vitality, exercising at least three times a week, for keep our lung oxygenated, and if you are elderly, or immobile due to unforeseeable ability that limits the range of motion, then I would strongly suggest you do basic chair exercises for strength training, and if you are a paraplegic, here are some of the various ranges of motion movements that is beneficial, and safe, however, make sure you check with your physician prior to starting any exercise regimen.
Regular exercise is essential to ensure the circulation of oxygenated blood to your joints and muscles and prevent muscle shortening and spasticity that results from prolonged sitting, so please keep that notation in mind.
Medicine Ball Rotations, Woodchoppers, and Seated Oblique crunches is just some exercises that aids as a stress reducer and deter those muscles from becoming atrophic.
If you are Quadriplegic, please be advised, you are at greater risk of developing muscles tightness and shortening in the hips, chest, wrist, and shoulders, therefore, breathing exercise are strongly recommended.
Breathing exercise are important to improve your cardiac and lung function and ensure that your respiratory system does remains strong. It also increases your lung capacity and expansion and reduces your risk of secondary respiratory complications including pneumonia.
For senior citizens, a brisk walk if you are able and ambulated to do so to get the heart rate up, and ladies, make sure you have Bear Spray on your person if you tend run, in the AM, or in the evening hours, partner up with someone.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
During the colder climate months, several people within society tend to suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is a known disorder due in part the reduced level of sunlight in fall and winter may cause winter-onset SAD. This decrease in sunlight may disrupt your body’s what I call an internal clock which can lead to feelings of depression. In addition, a drop in serotonin, a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that affects mood, might play a role in Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Since the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer, I can only suggest that you get as much sunlight as possible, start your Fall/Winter morning by opening the blinds, and exercise. This could be walking outside in the sun.
Drink plenty of water, I beg of you, it keeps our sacred temple hydrated and the skin supple and moist.
I am finding most people do not drink enough water; H20 is the most beautiful and natural way to detox the body, and helps of metabolize your food for fecal elimination, without falling to constipation, moreso, becoming impacted that can lead to twisted bowel. I usually drink Spring water at room temperature with a lemon slice in it. One note also to take into consideration is, water can elevate anyone symptoms who suffers from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) Subsequently, if you consume red meat, or pork, make sure you corporate more fiber in your dietary needs.
The skin tends to get dry, crackling, and lack moisture in the colder mints, so, a little baby old in the water it makes the skin feel so soft (be careful so you will not slip due to the oiliness left behind) and once you step out of the shower/bath tub, rub in your favorite lotion when the skin is not quite dry, it will lock in moisture, your open pores will thank you for it, and slouch off any dead skin while the skin is wet, the areas or the soles of feet and heel area..
I wanted to bring this to your attention, for those who do not take notice, when you buy your fruit, vegetables. Make sure you are not purchasing any of those items with the Radura symbol.
The Radura logo, used to show a food has been treated with ionizing radiation.
How do you identify irradiated food.
Look for the Radura symbol along with the statement “Treated with radiation” or “Treated by irradiation” on the food label. Bulk foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are required to be individually labeled or to have a label next to the sale container.
The WHO (World Health Organization) USDA (U.D. Department of Agriculture) states the radiation applied to fruit; vegetables is to control pests. And in its minuscule usage, not enough gamma rays to cause cancer.
I do not know about you, but I only eat organic labeled fruit, and no GMO foods., and being a born vegan from birth. I grew up on plant-based foods. Since I got here in the states. I love sushi and when I am training for another New York marathon, which is in November, I had to set it aside
GMO stands for genetically modified organism. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) refer to crops developed through genetic engineering and society wonders why we are known to get cancer, when proprietors are openly promoting and feeding American citizens cancer causing free radical food that leads to cancer.
So please be aware of that symbol above and the world irradiation sticker on your fruits or vegetable pass it up and make a better choice, for you and for your family.
I will be promoting ideals for better health going forward during the fall and winter months.
This time of the year, you have the holidays coming up, please be kind, and have patience in your journal, the most rewarding gift is sharing of yourself and expecting nothing in return.
-Exercise, drink water, incorporate fiber in your diet, get plenty of sunshine, and since you are what you consume, please make it healthy, and if you have little ones, make sure they are eating healthier fruits and enriching vegetables.
Be blessed in your path, and for weary souls you may encounter, extend your hand and heart, for the simple fact, you never know when your ties may bind once again in life, hopefully, it may be for the greater good.
Love and Hugs, always
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
paraplegic, wheelchair exercises
Quadriplegic Cardio Challenge | Episode 1| Drew's Fitness Journey
Live Blog Shot discussing the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump
A Queen’s Crown Apparel™
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
Bowing Unto The Sun And The Moon (The Eclipse Of Deliverance - COTS)
Beautiful tears of merging hearts
In the silently of ears your nation cries out to our Throne in the dusk of night
Roswell crashed, classified, operative top secret in mid-strife
Technology strangled, our Kings restored the power and the source in spite
We seek out our Queen, we bow to give unto you the riches for what we sent you to seek
Gold in the depth of earth, prosperous upon Grand Risings to all to share in its wealth, the absence of upturned palms still greet the eyes of the meek
A starving nation, moot existence by clocks, air pollution, tainted water, and toxin food
Unified melody as planes chem trials channels whether timbers fallen no more erected wood
By divinity a mortal cannot live by bread alone
As we soar to the Heavens kneeling at God’s throne
Ordained and blessed, one plus one now equals two
A halo for us, yours have been bankrupted by your Strawman account, your birthright prospering number, your denied just due
Commemoration of the first time you ever touched me
Sheltering my presence when you lead
Freeing the Aquarian nature of my water bearer needs
You took my hand as you suspended my mind
Forever yours in time
My body you laid out on the bed of a Morocco sand dune
I saw the stars, the sun, as our bodies kissed the illuminating moon
Seeds to sow, planted deep within Mother Earth
The essence of man’s life to submit, as he giveth unto the flow from his harden girth
Physiques now asunder from the coalition of its dipping rebirth
We seek this one who has slipped through our ancient Moon portal of time
Whisperers of the grand scheme baptized by our divine
There are others who seek to destroy the messages of the truth
Do not drink the KoolAaid of the fundamental fool, his or her food is no sweeter than the morning dew
Oh, it was so beautiful, rapture of entwined souls, locked in a time one could never compare
Umm…Our hands rebuilt the ruins of the lost empire we still have the lost strands of Samson’s hair
Up, up and away, feelings blanket the souls as the heart reveals to show
Balanced streams of life down below, continues to flow
Down to earth, spirits as one, we slowly descend as we go
We, the Children of the Sun
Here not there, as sure as the mighty river runs
In this year we celebrate, the deliverance of our Kingdom as Earthbound by time
Tantalizing lines blended in a rainbow by mental designs
Starship as you beam me up at night
His destiny has gotten the mission of humanity wrong
Or the doom of mankind’s technology by fate has gotten this right
Our thrones will decide, our King’s will shall be done and exonerated upon their likelihood of that manifest in the calling of Sun and the deliverance by twilight
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
8th Dimension Celestial Rebirth (COTS- Lunar Eclipsed)
Black Tourmaline
Black Candle
Palo Santo Incense
In essence, of the zodiacs you have been introduced pertaining to the history of astrology, which traces back to ancient times, where humans looked to the celestial bodies for guidance and meaning.
Let’s delve into its fascinating history. The people who were of West Eurasian peoples, the earliest evidence for astrology is recorded during the third millennium (BC).
During that reign, calendars were utilized to forecast seasonal shifts and manifest celestial as signs of divine communications, to chart the seas, the forces of Mother Nature is such a soft innate throughout the ages, given to man as a gift to enjoy from the trees that deliver oxygen, the water to quench thirst and soil to fertilize and bring forth the sweet bearings from her womb.
The Beautiful Solar System
That which holds the chromosomes the nucleus of our creation. The stardust from which His nostrils breathed the breath of life. Our voice for which we speak, our aura as we present the reflection of our soul to the world.
To be at one with civilization and at peace with self, you have to give humble appreciation to Mother Nature, respect the animal kingdom, at best, try to preserve the endangered species withing the depth of Aquatic Life.
During this Partial Lunar Eclipse as the earth witnessing the passing of Moon and Sun, during that shift, make sure you pray, in some cultures such as mine this is a reflective time for transformation and rebirth.
Once that embracement of Father, Sun, and the Holy Spirit moment is taking place. The darkness during that period is about discarding our older perspective, giving your persona a boast, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and I will always pray for you and your loved ones to see better days, financially.
Please keep in mind during such a blessed solstice occurrence once the eclipse subsides and the light returns, it symbolizes rebirth, for any Spiritual Seer, or an Indigo Child a rewarding time to build your spiritual makeshift altar, prayer rooms, or sacred space you may use to elevate your mind spiritual.
Incorporate your divine space with offerings found in Mother Nature's favor, sacred items to replenish her purpose, strengthen her offerings unto mankind, and renew your faith in all subject matters you deemed not possible for you complete, make that oath to yourself during this eclipse.
During that time, it is best to pay close attention to your universal/spiritual offerings they must be balanced like Ying and Yang, it draws in that esoteric cosmic vibe flow.
The Awakening
In some religions not just the benefit of culture, but there is a sense of honor and during that spiritual mental connection, there has to alliance of heart, mind, remember you are opening up your soul to the world, and if it is found not to be pure in the offering for which you are given to be manifested in return, from what gifts you are seeking it will not manifest.
A meek heart speaks with a whisper.
Celebrate The Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)
I will not elaborate due in part, is a sacred, but your choice, therefore, however, you use this universal gateway to give you mental clarity to the world, bring you peace as you assist others, and find ways to propel you mission of existence celebrating its new beginning during the divine passing of the Moon and Sun.
In my culture our resonating incantations are the elements to reach the other side of this realm, make sure you always spiritual fast, pray and meditate before entering any realm of uncharted sidereal planes in a field of celestial untamed energy in any magnetic field.
Always know what spirits you are praying to or attracting. The energy shift during an eclipse amplifies intentions and manifestations.
What I will add is to be positive, with spiritual energies and use that cognitive awareness of enlightenment to amplify your footsteps in life for the greater good of self.
Thank you all for reding this three part series. I love it when I can give credence to my passion and that is Astrology, Numerology, or Reflexology, the essential for an overall being.
Our Mystique Energies Dancing In The Majestic Sky For All To See (We Are Here)
The Earth is our planet, and the Moon softly orbits our planet.
And the Moon is known to manipulate the tides
The Sun
The Sun is known as a dwarf star.
Its source provides heat, energy to our solar system.
The Sun’s core undergoes nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen into helium.
The duality of that power that will be passing in the realm of time, and the energy is imaginable, make sure you capitalize, and reach inside your vessel, unlock the door to your lagging potential, replace those setback, with some sparling energy to get those dreams fulfilled, this is the New Age of Aquarius uprise and show your true purpose, now, therefore, when that Total Solar Eclipse is occurring and have occurred your accomplished will be in the midst of happening.
And this year, smile more, relax your mind, unwind yourself. You are the navigator of your soul, rather you are sitting, or doing nothing with time. Your destiny is to learn to stand and take one day at a time.
You have enough information to approve the evolution of your energy in any era of time, from the Vedic, Western, Egyptian, China, and the Themes Zodiac, in addition, the Ophiuchus constellation.
May our minds come together to ascend to seek the truth and may your journey through life always be filled with love, peace, and a quiet sense of direction, and do not forget to smile.
Live Blog Shot (Discussing The P-Diddy Federal Charges, due in part, he was arrested in New York
“Assalamu Alaikum”
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
One Molocue Ahead Of Time
Secrets found within the galaxy’s alignment
The allurement of fate cast of no resentments to circumvent
Within the benediction of the Sun, the Stars, and the Moon, governed by the Ankh in the palm of my hand
My compass voyage upon it as I proudly stand
A beautiful song blanketed of its journey, as a muse’s lullaby to any mortal man
Echoed from the four corners of the vast great lands
As my ancestral jeweled crown graces proudly on top of my head
Words of passion, love, spoken desires, a silken odyssey to explore once in my bed
The thirst of my knowledge streaming and beautifully felt all up in your head
Fools rush in where Angels never fear to tread
We as ancient Queens
From the sky given our fertile wombs we bear as we ceremonially bow unto Moorish Kings
We silence the stigmata tongues in moments in humbleness, only wisdom twist the providence of my mental key
Trickling rainfalls to covet any perceptual sensations, as you sink deeper into my psyche abilities
From my bearer as my water is quietly sipped to inspire
As a Moth is drawn to my intellectual stimulating fire
What your own intellect cannot perceive on a higher spiritual degree
Fills a wicked tongue in thoughts of ignorance, darkness of hearts, minds
Misconceptions to earthy deceive
In the queues of my gentle whispers, entangled temple christening, we extol
Sacred sensations I softy give unto the benediction from my head down to my toes
Inferiority spreads for the obscurity found in the fire as earth quietly bestows
Rebirth in the caresses of my arms found, rapture, ecstasy, yearn in tow
I flow with the highest power, enlightenment given to and fro
Uplifting your mind as my presence cajoles
Tenderly playing the heart strings stimulating the chasm of your soul
The vast universe of my knowledge I lay at the tiller of humanity feet
Blending vernaculars, echoing temples engaging upon our Holistic meet
Weaving around each other's souls, I walk in faith
A King's staff is the equilibrium of his shadow uplifting his soul, giving credence to his purpose
Soothing endearments in its wake
Mm.. I commune with you my King from off the same hymn sheets
Gyrating melodies of our life songs, oh how sweet
Emotional medicine given as the sands of time, stolen moments flowing at free will
Mm.. got you mesmerized, your heart palpitations once standing still
Kneeling in honor of my lascivious goodwill
The last breath of life determines who you would meet
If your soul is wicked, darkness you shall greet
Therefore, play, laugh, live, and embrace to love, but never assume
It only dulls your limelight, increases your values of self-mental gloom and doom
As the saying goes, when you assume you make an ass, out of self
Stand for the witness of your presence to soar after earth has been left
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
The Motherland
Let the ruins of the Motherland speak from the dusk of the wind
My voice sailing through the soil of Macedonian as the trees welcome my presence the breeze kissing the roots as I walk by as they bend
Who dares tread upon the ancestral rite of betrayal, love, and the politics of pain
Close your eyes and feel the era in the supremacy of life’s reign
Mm... now that I am free upon the sidereal, my hollowness shall breathe
Let my tender serenades across my land soothe your weary soul, my handsome man
Unto my throne, bow to me, grasp my hand, in the castle we shall dance
Let me hear the beating of your heart when pasted against mine
Your faint voice I’ve have heard through the calling of time
Taste the savor of life’s passion from off my lips
The intoxicating flavor as potent when caressed by my kiss
Whisper sweet passion in my ear as our bodies sway to the melodic strings of the Harp
In the movement our entwined spiritual doctrines drift, we are the sepia pages, torn, reborn an antique work of art
Some may say life is the start by the rush of the traveling seeds
Those are the humans who have not astral traveled across the roaring seas
Seen the fire turned up ninety degrees
Or glimpsed hunger of my people, starving from doctrinaire greed
Alien races among ancient faces takes up half of the population sociality spaces
Some have slipped, micro chipped, classified intelligence Roswell in the reminisce
Reptilian species
I give the window of my hidden agenda to you, look up, and appreciate life in positive little pieces
Wanting my taste, as the wet essence trickles from my sugar walls
She who stands firm in war remains standing tall
Before the battle cry of combat to atone
In the last breath of death my fragrance whiffed before internal rest sends them home
Unto the face you will see of me
Our limbs entwined, ouroboros intellects locked, giving credence to fate, releasing in our destiny
To be upon the chosen cat of my heart, patting from midnight to the rise of the sun
What good unto a women's mind when the low vibrations she carries defines her graffiti in hate, her staff in confusion, the duality of her mission unto this fifth dimension never recovers
The journey of past sins to her mind still, dominates in the darkness of her heart, there it still hovers
So many scared lessons from the mouths of truth, which leads me to the crossroads of my blessings
No time to relish in the distractions of someone else’s bitter mental weapons
Life is here, and we are in the now
The lineage of your bloodline should manifest to be the helm of “Your” shroud
Words to uplift, to try to guide
I hear daily the festering curses when vessels are encased in lost minds
Go deeper, yes, take it even deeper, the mass deceptions, false prophets, they are on life shores
I cannot sugarcoat the truth anymore, what for
Mass destruction, wickedness, from the serpent’s tail
Biological warfare, poisonous metal leaking in the air from the skies chem trails
Anointed by the waning phases thy star gazing upon my Moon
On the other side, the darkness I have stepped, my footprints to make hearts swoon
I bow unto the lost greatness as I bathe the cocoon of my spirit in the Nile’s Blue Lagoon
Assalamu Alaikum
I snapped this picture during my Thursday Ladies Night, Live Blog yes, I am in my robe and slippers. talking about Africa and its mineral resources
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
The Motherland Part II
I will attempt to elaborate on the more aggressive theories that seem to marginalize, relevant concerns that has made me ponder and see if I intricate the whys, or at least find the source of its understanding.
I had to revisit the concept of understanding the complexities of the mind due in part.
Mental illness seems to on the uprise, and it is affecting our youth at an alarming rate. Thus far the statistical for adults has not started for the margin.
A slope in the statistical incline, or shift seems to be affecting the Caucasian youth, more now than ever. I have been subjugated to deem these values valid when rendering of commendable in judgment when asked of my opinions.
Counseling to a minor who is displaying abnormal anger management related issues, predominantly children from affluent foundations; they are self-mutilating, and most have solicited several animal therapy sessions to combat several lacking cognitive skills to perform basis command of interacting on a daily basic scale of functioning outside the norm.
It becomes evident when a parent and his/her child are in an intermediate therapy intake session and the roles are somehow reversed, pertaining to the parent being suffocated by the offspring’s behavior where the mood disorder of the child/teenager is very disrupted to the self and to the family as a whole.
As a professional in the sector and as a French Haitian Creole lineage, I know there is disparity within my profession, and an even grave matter with trying to come into grips. Why are the European race more depressed than other nationalities?
This is the time, where white privilege is not the structure common factor, but the lagging denominator, for the mind to survive outside the realm of society.
The numbers are staggering when assessing the patient’s demographics, the findings are phenomenal. I thought this was just a subjectable observance until I became the counselor, and I have seen firsthand and the social disorders, then diagnosed with some form of a chemical imbalance of the brain. I have to be fair; this stigma does not apply to the population who have suffered or who have succumbed to mental illness and not by designs; incest, rape, PTSD, childhood trauma, those what we call mental clauses are warranted to receive counselling and that shall come under the duress to treat and manage of any gender.
I do not mean to cross reference from a professional standpoint to incorporate my personal opinions or to be biased in my initial evaluation.
Mental Illness is not a race problem, it is a humanity problem, and before I joined the ranks and really glimpsed into the mind of people who need their fragile mentalities rebooted, to function accordingly I was under the impression by assumption, the African American race suffer from mental illness and requires counseling. Oh, was I incorrect in my assumptions.
In the back of my mind, I must hold a question that forgo my integrity, but I will ask.
Why are the European race seeking mental rehabilitation, taking mood stabilizers, prone to suicidal intention, overdosing, than any other ethnic groups.
African Americans and other minorities are more prone to detrimental social ethics that cripple the infrastructure of us thriving, unemployment within the communities is at an all-time high, the victims of denied reparations, yet we thrive, gun violence, police brutality, in the midst of it all, we cope, and we move on.
The European race, from the cradle have been pampered by the peers of society, upper class by profession and monetary status quo, social philanthropists, and legacies of wealth, when you take those factors into consideration, the question, as to why European and its descendants are not happy. I continue to ask the question, but the more I have asked is the more the complexities of the European race baffles me with the solicitation of mental health myths fostered by the media.
In addition, the playing field is not leveled, subsequently, white females between the ages of 23-52 cannot deal with life in a healthy and conduit manner.
Caucasian children from the age of 4 to the age of 16 are on some form of mood stabilizer medication, in a residential facility for mental illness, or institutionalized to receive some form of group or one-on-one therapy with a licensed Psychiatrist.
I really hate to bear the news of my professional observation, but it is what it is, the truth.
In regard to the younger generation. Has it always been a design plan to control the world and the masses? The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
The first plan was to discontinue using paddles in schools, taking the Ten Commandments out of school. The pledge of allegiance. Therefore, when kids misbehave, cease and exist the structure to correction (corporeal punishment is what it was deemed) Let’s not to forget to mention, you cannot even correct your own child, that is when they came up with 411 kids, have them reporting on their own parent’s any verbal/mental abuse; the concept is allowing the system to intervene, more statistics for juveniles to be incarcerated until the age of twenty-one, labeling them a menace to society before their first drink of alcohol every reaches their lips.
Therefore, the plan of action, medicate their young minds bend them to the will of the way. Now you have youngsters, and as being an adult, you cannot even disciple to this day, with words or action.
These same individuals carry so much hatred for society, until the point they are becoming dead minded, lifting weapons in the name of anxiety, bi-polar, depression, Add/Adhd, committing such heinous acts.
Apathetic to the world with malicious plights, and we look around and ask of self, who is to blame? The system for making our hands bare to chastise, as our hearts remain heavy to watch a child become stigmatized by the injustice of the system, to do thy will of self, do we blame the parent(s), who are raising militant men from the womb to the streets. Or is it the school system’s fault who labels our future generation as aggressive, lack of concertation/focus, and advises us our child need to medicated, therefore, when their young mind have been accustomed to the chemical imbalance, of brain neurons transmitters being disarmed, and hushing it with a mood alteration drug, which falls under the classification of a narcotic, the consequences as such, is like keeping dynamite buried in a glass box, it will eventually explode; bad nightmares, mentally withdrawing from society, and with our hands tied, we can only shake our head and pray our children have adopted the caring of their parents love.
The introduction of technology has warped the younger generation mental ability, where is the empathy most times I’ve witnessed fights, gang style, smashing and grabbing loot, filming citizens dying on streets, instead of rendering care, blind eyes seem to submit cell phones viewing and likes.
Have we as adults lost touch with reality, or is our future generation now considered our parents. It makes one really sit back and asset the situation from all angles.
In this life, it is our mission to self and to others, to reach or teach one
Love and Universal Hugs, always
SKC, Interim Director Of Nursing, APRN
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
Understanding Angels And Demons In Millenium Retrospect
I have noticed for the darker mindset and more stoic hearts and minds of humans, who must interact with twisted and warp intellectual behaviors, there are dire consequences when it comes to revering in the diabolical intent of our true nature.
Does fate have any bearing when it transposes our presence to be at the right time, at the right place, has destiny been fulfilled when the time of element brings people within our path to hurt or enlighten us, to tempt us with sugary words of deceitful ideology.
I always must take into consideration; we are a casted people who have lost our way.
We have lost the strive to find compassion, we have become lovers of ourselves, and we have become judge and jury on anyone who attempts to gravitate toward the Heavens with simple words of truth.
You will always have demoralizing minds, that bitter myths of pessimistic jargon at the end of the tunnel. Wavered intrusions of disgruntlement to trespass on the core of philosophical morality.
If you were to sit in a room along with likeminded people, same aspirations, same goals, and the same successful drive. When the time to exit that same room, instead of those individuals finding the common denominator that brought great minds together, to reach, teach, or preach you will find more comparisons which has asunder them in their unlikeness, their faults, their indifferences, in other words, no one is ever exempt from a wagging tongue of ugliness, this seem to occur moreso on a social sites. We are the acidity voices found in our keystrokes per say.
I learned being indifferent by standards to the necessity of the norm when in conversations with someone who had a mind, very perceptive in religion beliefs, yet, arrived at her different analogies.
I never once fostered my notions among her and vice versus. It came to mind over matter, we were intelligent females rapidly dialoging, heavily persuading by the doctrine of our religion, yet totally separated in deriving in our conclusions, the historical facts as a whole.
Did it make one more valuable than the other, no? Did it make my opinions more superior because I believed in God and she did not, no, however, it made me more aware how subtle mentalities can underhandedly attempt to imprison the accessibility to someone's mind if unaware of the intent or invade the degree of their personal space that is one element of how cults begin and then thrive in perseverance.
I stand on my spiritual faith, and it has never wavered, and it is not flexible when it pertains to Heaven and Hell.
The frailty of religion is very complex, it is sacred, and it is always personal. That is not my call to judge what or who you believe in... It is only one Heaven, how you get there, if you want to go there, it’s your personal journey, your crusade.
However, as I will always state... If God was standing with a refreshing glass of water to save one of us from dying thirst, who do you think he will offer that glass too first? I left this stranger with that pondering concept and somewhat baffled to retort. From that moment, we moved on to discuss more pertinent revelations of what is happening now.
Therefore, judge, let you be judged not, that concept is too old and hearing it from foolish tongues it becomes very tiresome, and it’s outdated in merit in such perilous times as of now.
What an eye-opening experience to get a glimpse into a mind of an Atheist. I have read most people will admit they do not believe in faith-based denominations, the afterlife, reincarnation, God or any deity in general, and I respect their opinions, their honorable resistance, and their beliefs.
It is more heightened in words to actually listen to a person who can tell you why and can articulate on the same level, in regard to their creed within the comparative analogy, in return, you can advise them of why not, therefore, it will always be wise to read and research the value of your intellectual's worth for you to question the validity of your morality when exchanging metaphoric dialogue energy in retrospect.
I cannot stress that enough, knowledge is power and that is within everything we think the mind will never interact in this realm we call life.
Until our minds entwine as we gravitate in seeking the truth, stay positive in these cruel times, be kind, and above all, smile.
A Queen’s Crown Apparel™
Love and Universal Hugs, always,
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Live Blog shot (I discussed An Article Out Of The Final Call, Witten By The Nation of Islam- America's Anarchy)
Forum Posts: 2083
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2083
Softly Tapping Into My Divine Energy
Secrets found within the galaxy’s alignment
The allurement of fate cast of no resentments to circumvent
Within the benediction of the Sun, the Stars, and the Moon, governed by the Ankh in the palm of my hand
My compass voyage upon it as I proudly stand
A beautiful song blanketed of its journey, as a muse’s lullaby to any mortal man
Echoed from the four corners of the vast great lands
As my ancestral jeweled crown graces proudly on top of my head
Words of passion, love, spoken desires, a silken odyssey to explore once in my bed
The thirst of my knowledge streaming and beautifully felt all up in your head
Fools rush in where Angels never fear to tread
We as ancient Queens
From the sky given our fertile wombs we bear as we ceremonially bow unto Moorish Kings
We silence the stigmata tongues in moments in humbleness, only wisdom twist the providence of my mental key
Trickling rainfalls to covet any perceptual sensations, as you sink deeper into my psyche abilities
From my bearer as my water is quietly sipped to inspire
As a Moth is drawn to my intellectual stimulating fire
What your own intellect cannot perceive on a higher spiritual degree
Fills a wicked tongue in thoughts of ignorance, darkness of hearts, minds
Misconceptions to earthy deceive
In the queues of my gentle whispers, entangled temple christening, we extol
Sacred sensations I softy give unto the benediction from my head down to my toes
Inferiority spreads for the obscurity found in the fire as earth quietly bestows
Rebirth in the caresses of my arms found, rapture, ecstasy, yearn in tow
I flow with the highest power, enlightenment given to and fro
Uplifting your mind as my presence cajoles
Tenderly playing the heart strings stimulating the chasm of your soul
The vast universe of my knowledge I lay at the tiller of humanity feet
Blending vernaculars, echoing temples engaging upon our Holistic meet
Weaving around each other's souls, I walk in faith
A King's staff is the equilibrium of his shadow uplifting his soul, giving credence to his purpose
Soothing endearments in its wake
Mm.. I commune with you my King from off the same hymn sheets
Gyrating melodies of our life songs, oh how sweet
Emotional medicine given as the sands of time, stolen moments flowing at free will
Mm.. got you mesmerized, your heart palpitations once standing still
Kneeling in honor of my lascivious goodwill
The last breath of life determines who you would meet
If your soul is wicked, darkness you shall greet
Therefore, play, laugh, live, and embrace to love, but never assume
It only dulls your limelight, increases your values of self-mental gloom and doom
As the saying goes, when you assume you make an ass, out of self
Stand for the witness of your presence to soar after earth has been left
“Assalam alaikum”
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
If you have allergies to any of the ingredients within this awesome smoothie, please do not attempt to make
Blend well and enjoy