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* The Meditation Room *

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

^ I can certainly say I'm done with politics for another 42 months. End of story on that LOL.

As for this:

When the First Ray of Power is indicated, a long-term plan that was once important to you may suddenly seem as though it needs to change or even be released altogether. Or you may suddenly get the motivation to go for something you have been dreaming of for a long time. Once this ray affects your life, your understanding of what is helpful and what
is not can change overnight. The changes will feel very true, freeing and helpful. Those people, dreams and opportunities that remain in your life afterwards have survived the ‘onslaught’ of divine will. This means that
the Universe is confirming that they are meant to be part of your journey at this time.

I feel that has already happened to me.

The First Ray of Power is energy of conscious
destruction. It can be used in a healthy way
to eliminate the past and allow for a fresh
start. The First Ray also carries the frequency
of leadership. It can assist you to stand in the
truth of your light so others can find their way
by it. It helps to strengthen your willpower so
you can accomplish any task you choose. The Ascended Master El Morya brings you his particular blessing and encourages you to believe in your own
strength and take the initiative on what matters most to you.

If you are confused about which path to take or whether to continue a certain relationship, course of action or lifestyle choice, the First Ray of Power will clarify matters for you. When it moves through our
lives, whatever is holding us back will be removed – either through circumstances seemingly beyond our own control or by our own actions, based on a sudden inner knowing.

Nope, no confusion. I know what's coming next for me.


Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

The cards do not lie! You can try to convince yourself they do if you don't like the answer; however, the cards never lie. . .

-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ Daily Oracle ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ


Message: Self-doubt can be a habit that is hard to break. It can slow down your spiritual progress and the fulfillment of your life purpose. Ultimately, it won't stop you, but it can make your progress seem more challenging. It's easier to fulfil your purpose when you acknowledge your own goodness and talent and do what you love to the best of your ability. Realize that you are enough, that your work is good and that you have something of value to offer. It is time to let go of fear of failure, concern about  your ability and your right to live a happy and fulfilled life of success. The Universe believes in you.

You are being called to service beyond that which you have accomplished thus far. That is because you are ready, capapble, and willing to step up to another level of spiritual responsibility and freedom. Your mind, however, may question your ability. You may be afraid that you cannot perform well enough, that you are not skilled or experienced enough, that you are not as good as others or that you do not have enough value to offer. These are nothing more than wounded beliefs about your self-worth. It is time to recognize this wounding and not empower these beliefs as truths anymore. Be kind to your mind. It will be happier without such beliefs. You can free yourself from the pain they cause and become more realistic about your gifts and your potential. Now is the time for you to trust love more than your wounds.

As you release these old beliefs, you create more space within you to receive impressions of how you can most joyfully serve the greater good. No longer hamered by undermining and draining beliefs in self-doubt, you will have more energy to act on your intuition and guidance.

If at any time you find yourself blocked by fear or performance anxiety, it can be helpful to release these blocks by simply asking yourself how you could best serve the greater good at this time. The answer to this question will never be to shrink back in fear! It will always be to choose belief over doubt. It will be to move ahead. To take the opoortunity offered to you as a vote of confidence from the Universe. This realization will bring you peace of mind so you can resume your progress and share what you have with the world.

If you hae been working hard, taking the opportunities that have come to you and are still feeling as though you are not quite where you wish to be in terms of fulfillingyour life purpose and divine destiny, you are now asked to acknowledge all that you have attained so far. Acknowledging all the people you have assisted in your own special way, all the positive influence of love that  you have added to the collective human soul through your willlingness to take your spiritual journey, open your heart and care about life on Earth. Your spiritual service has been noticed by the spiritual worlds, and you will be empowered to serve in increasingly beautiful ways. Your service is already successful and will only increase in potency, power and peace.


Universe, I love you. How can I serve you? I accept love's protection and love's purpose in my heart, in my life. Love empowers and protects me, gives me purpose and passion, peace and play. I believe in love. I am love, and I believe in me! May the joy of helping others give me energy and courage to continue to serve and grow spiritually. May all beings receive your love and be healed through your grace. May all those who want to serve be empowered through mercy, compassion, joy and love to do so for the greatest good. Through my own free will, so be it.

Have a beautiful day believing, Lovies! <3 ☆♬○♩●♪✧♩

Dangerous Mind
United States 17awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 885

This has been on my mind for days now.  Life is beginning anew, what now?  Thank you for the always timely messages, Ahavati xo 💜

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

LunaGreyhawk said:This has been on my mind for days now.  Life is beginning anew, what now?  Thank you for the always timely messages, Ahavati xo 💜

I KNEW that was for you; however, I never call people out. The Universe appreciates your gratitude, Luna. It's got your back. 💜

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

For the last 20 years I've had a pretty good sense of how I can be of service ( above and beyond being a cat whisperer and stray sanctuary ). Being able to focus on the person I could be without having to navigate an obstacle course of distractions has always been the challenge.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

JohnnyBlaze said:For the last 20 years I've had a pretty good sense of how I can be of service ( above and beyond being a cat whisperer and stray sanctuary ). Being able to focus on the person I could be without having to navigate an obstacle course of distractions has always been the challenge.  

They say you've reached enlightenment's door when you can meditate on a busy street-corner without being disturbed.

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

Ahavati said:

They say you've reached enlightenment's door when you can meditate on a busy street-corner without being disturbed.

If only I could have lived on a busy streetcorner all those years.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

JohnnyBlaze said:

If only I could have lived on a busy streetcorner all those years.


Boyana Popova
Thought Provoker
Joined 4th Sep 2020
Forum Posts: 51

To be honest, I don't know what energies you channel, but I immediately released what tortured me tonight, and I feel much lighter + a lot was released with my newest poem, but also this card presentation is a powerful one.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

AaronBraveHeart said:To be honest, I don't know what energies you channel, but I immediately released what tortured me tonight, and I feel much lighter + a lot was released with my newest poem, but also this card presentation is a powerful one.

Thank you for taking the time to share that, Aaron. It was a very moving blessing. Namaste, my friend. 🙏💙

Harry Rout
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2014
Forum Posts: 433

Voces8 singing the most beautiful song ever written.


Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

2 minutes before Mountbatten was blown up in Season 4 of The Crown, I knew he was going to die in an explosion. I figured it would be the IRA, given they were the focus of Episode 1.

Was in intuition? Or was it predictable elements leading up to the explosion scene?

Or a combination of both perhaps? I feel that this is the case; intuition merely told me to be more observant.

This happens a lot when I'm watching television or movies, perhaps because it is a time when the mind is very relaxed and on auto pilot.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

I'm glad you're enjoying that series. I wasn't certain you would like British history. I think the parking of the auto and the two men watching were pretty predictable that something was going to happen. Had they not been there, I think it would've been a total shock to you. I do believe your intuition led you to pay close attention because of the two men, as opposed to other scenes where you may not have been solely focused.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ Daily Oracle ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ

No 33. Master Healing

As you meditate, remain true to what inspires your heart, and commit to your spiritual path, you become an increasingly powerful healer. You are here to live your own life, to be true to what genuinely moves you. The unconditionally loving guide and Ascended Master Serapis Bey comes to you now with a blessing of master healing to further your success on your path.

The Master Serapis Bey is a beloved guide for those who feel a strong soul connection to ancient Egypt, for healers who are developing their own modalities, and those who love to work with high frequency concepts. He also assists with the translation of spiritual inspiration into practical worldly plans. He comes to confirm that the ascended masters are aware of you. You are an integral part of a powerful spiritual team that has taken physical incarnation to help awaken consciousness into love.

You re asked to tune into your heart. What do you love enough to overcome any obstacle to attain it? What motivates and inspires you? Not what seems possible or practical, but what is authentic? We are most powerful when we serve authentically from the heart. A bird might learn how to dive under water from time to time, but it is never going to be its most powerful if it has to live underwater. It would struggle to thrive if it were to force itself into such unnatural expressions of its life energy. The bird yearns to fly because that is its divine nature and purpose. You too have divine nature and purpose, and your heart holds the clue. What feels most like you:

It is difficult to access the truth of our own nature when we believe we should live up to the expectations of others. If we are attached to an outcome or afraid of an answer, we can unintentionally block our perceptive faculties—a spiritual version of sticking our fingers in our ears and shouting, 'blah, blah, blah!' the blessing of Serapis Bey will help you see yourself truthfully. You may gain feedback from others that helps you understand the value of what you share. Or you may simply find it easier to view yourself objectively, with a compassionate, appreciate and discerning inner eye. As you learn and accept who you are, you become a more powerful vibration for masters to put to use in the plan of love.

If you have a dream in your heart, know that it has been placed there for divine purpose. What you dream and desire contains the seed of divinity. It is meant to help attract your life mission and fulfil it with love, joy, creativity, and pleasure.

If we are willing to go through what is necessary for an outcome, it will happen for us. The details may appear different fromm what we imagine they would, but the truth remains: If you ask for something, and are willing to fo through the process required to have that come to life, it will happen for you. The Universe is that generous, unconditionally supportive and loving of you. It is your creative partner. It will provide you with all that you need to manifest your dreams, desires, and destiny.


I call upon loving master Serapis Bey and his master healing through the clear flame of truth and grace. I ask to know, in the perfect time and the perfect way, according to divine wisdom, the truth in all matters of importane to me and my divine life journey, now, including ( here you may ask any particular questions ). I ask to be lovingly shown my true nature, my deepest desires and mostinspired dreams. Please help me know myself so that I kow how best to live my divine destiny. May all beings on the path of self-knowledge be assisted and supported with unconditional love. Through my own free will and divine grace, so be it.

Have a wonderful day of manifesting your dreams, Lovies! <3 ☆♬○♩●♪✧♩

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

badmalthus said:Voces8 singing the most beautiful song ever written.


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Sorry Harry!

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