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Behind The Wall of Government  Election 2020

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2254

Georgia election official refutes Trump's voter fraud claims

What i find
a little strange
how come they put the box's
under the table
and not on it
the table ain't being used
they put them under the table
and walked away
maybe it's just me
that i'm seeing wrong
but what i find strange
is that when they came back
to take the two box's
you could see a bit of one of those box's
at the end of the table
but when they first put
those box's
under the table
they were put
under the table
at the other end
of the table
maybe i'm wrong
take a look
am i

you see
I have a little problem
i believe in only one thing
it's called
Democracy to be done
not Democracy to be seen
to be done
but to be done
to me
it don't matter
who wins
to me
they are the same

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