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Share Anything -- what's on your mind? <3

poet Anonymous

I’m not gangster
I don’t write free verse
hash-tag it rap
and then have it liked by
poets who are regarded top notch
That’s gangster
I’m not

poet Anonymous

Still one syllable Crash
your fault there’s a chip on my shoulder
You’re Bandicoot
and have stopped this boulder

poet Anonymous

There’s hardly any point in leaving comments
Wouldn’t want to mess up people’s poem section
seeing as I won’t be using this account after the thread is done

Maybe I should have left more
“Tight piece”
“Amazing work. Love and light.”
“Great piece. Loved it all.”
“Great work. Love and light.”
kind of comments

poet Anonymous

Wondering if anyone wonders whether comments like the above, are from people who have actually read what they wrote, and are not just leaving the same stuff to get their numbers up on their profile page lol

poet Anonymous

Two scenes from Rita, Sue and Bob Too, that someone loves me saying;

Sue’s dad to the old man on the balcony;
“You don’t stick your ore in, or I’ll come up there and fucking flatten ya, ya bastard.”

Sue’s dad walks in and when Sue’s boyfriend says he agree with what Sue said;
“You keep out of this you black bastard.”
“I can’t help being a paki.”
“Yes you fookin’ can. You shouldn’t interfere.”

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14458

Heads up, good peeps. Thread is about to restart

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14458

Heads up, good peeps. thread is about to restart

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