How often do you go out during this corona virus crisis.

33.33% • 3 votes • Once a week
33.33% • 3 votes • twice a week
22.22% • 2 votes • I have not gone out since the outbreak in my country/city/state
11.11% • 1 vote • I go out everyday/anytime, I don't believe any of this hype/hoax
0% • 0 votes • huh, what are you talking about, what is going on, are we all part of Hollywood movie?
Total votes: 9
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How often do you go out during this corona virus crisis.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

As I have mentioned before , elsewhere on site...

Anytime I want , no mask , no gloves...

Most don't wear them , where I live...

And we do not fear...

My roommates and their friends , just left for long walk...

No gloves , no masks...

I do wash my hands , all the time now...that is all...

Soon , I will be in Northern California , on a hundred
acre ranch , mostly by myself for about six months...

Some people coming and going , some trips to town...

But it is on top of one of the tallest mountains in the
area , very remote...very much wild , and *free*...

I do NOT play the game...I refuse , and have created
my reality , and my life...we all choose our paths , and
pay the dues , associated with that chosen path...

I hold good thoughts for those who have chosen different ways...

By the way , I did not choose any of the options , because
none apply to me , or my well , everyone !

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