
Sensually, Erotically, Poetically

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

It needs to be said and instead of saying it to a hundred different people on a hundred different poems, I'll say it here one more time.

I see this often - someone writes "I touched her in a sensual fashion" or "We danced erotically" or "I wrote to him in a poetic way" .....

But, what ... does ... that ... mean?

This is only a suggestion meant for the betterment of writing:

Strike these particular words from your vocabulary as often as possible - they are too vague in their broad spectrumness to do your poetry any justice.

Make the most of the opportunity by being more specific; encourage your readers to experience a particular association with more triggering wordage.

Yes, sometimes they do work, but usually when there is enough context involved.

"His salacious tongue in my virgin ear was a sensual overload"  

"Her poetic use of spoken words aroused my diction into action"

"This diverse collection of artwork was an orgy of erotica"

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