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Ask the person below you a question

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I could chuck more wood than a wood chick should cause I can’t chuck old fucked wood.

What is your most embarrassing story?

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 317

Since woodchucks don't chuck wood, who knows?

What is one phrase that seems to stay in your mind, no matter what?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I’ve gone hound rocking. It’s like dogging in caves.

What would you use as your weapon in the event of a DU zombie apocalypse and who would you rescue first?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

🎵 So you want to be a rap superstar
And live large a big house
5 cars, you're in charge
Comin up in the world
Don't trust nobody
Gotta look over your shoulder constantly 🎵

- The Pope.

What’s the biggest load of shit you’ve ever heard?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

It was a rap superstar
who lived large, a big house
5 cars, they were in charge
Comin up in the world
Didn’t trust nobody
so they called him paranoid and locked him up constantly...

Have you ever looked at a piece of art and gone... what the hell is that all about?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Go and volunteer at a hedgehog rehabilitation centre. So I wouldn’t be the only prick in the room.

What is life without whimsy?  

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Cactus. 🤣

Favourite way to eat marmite?

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