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Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 2993

lepperochan said:I think we've gone beyond Orwell. where we are now is a place called proper fucked, there is no way back which doesn't involve mass bloodshed and a breakdown / reshuffle of who's in charge

it should be the people

what's your opinion

I think we are in a process of transformation. I believe governments are dying. Corporations are bigger and wealthier, spanning continents. War is becoming less and less appealing as a result. Only satalite skirmishes are approved. We the consumers of the world!

Do you think there will be a different political system one day?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I support financially OCD-UK which provides help and information for those with the condition and their families, The Woodland Trust which dedicates its work to protecting UK ancient woodland, and the Pagan Federation which promotes positivity of the wider Pagan community, and represents the community in the workplace, hospitals, prisons etc.

Have you ever raised money for charity by doing a sponsored event?

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

Yeah, done a sleep out a couple of years ago. had the craic, in fairness. but knew I'd a bed not too far away. raised a few squids

What aboot you

poet Anonymous

I’ve also done several sleep outs to raise money for local homeless shelters. That and I bake at every opportunity for charity bake sales.

What is your most treasured photograph?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 2993

lepperochan said:Yeah, done a sleep out a couple of years ago. had the craic, in fairness. but knew I'd a bed not too far away. raised a few squids

What aboot you

I was a volunteer missionary worker at a training place, doing the graphics and helping the publishing process along a wee bit. Revelation Seminars. I also sang, but it was all for food and a roof for less than a full year. And then I was supposed to go to a satellite mission, with a sponsor to pay my way, but I instead put that on hold, being alone... tried to sell books. Ending up giving them away, lol... and instead getting married! LOL

Talk about procrastination... 20 years later...  I'm back to giving away books and dreams of selling for real, soon.

What do you think of the book economy?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I just celebrate the winter solstice.

This question got missed so I’ll ask it again: What is your most treasured photograph?

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 2993

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 2993

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Sorry for ignoring Miss Sub! 💜

... it happened by accident so I'm using this shot at responding, too!

It's the most recent picture we finally took this thanksgiving of the two of us, my love and I. Finally! Gotta turn the camera on us sometimes!

Are you camera shy?

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6699

Sort of; seems half the time no one bothers to photograph me and the other half of the time is in less than perfect so not the worst photos but nothing to encourage fanatical followers!

Is there any specific advert, occasion, ritual or the like that you consider the 'start' of Christmas; with anything before that too early. Personally until I see the 'holidays are coming' Coke (insert trademark) advert all other adverts are just too early.

(Yes I know; asking about the C-thing on November 30th, oh the irony; might as well start some intellectual-ish conversation about it to stave off the mind-numbing soul-destroying commercialised march from droning on.)

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14647

Thanksgiving night was always family decorating night.  We would shop for the tree ( I mean literally cut one down ) after dinner, and then put it up and decorate it that night.  Anything before Thanksgiving is too early for me ( though I really don't care how others celebrate what makes them happy ).  

Is there one family tradition you have carried on in your adulthood?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 2993

Ahavati said:Thanksgiving night was always family decorating night.  We would shop for the tree ( I mean literally cut one down ) after dinner, and then put it up and decorate it that night.  Anything before Thanksgiving is too early for me ( though I really don't care how others celebrate what makes them happy ).  

Is there one family tradition you have carried on in your adulthood?

We started one we call "family birthday" mid-year from Christmas. It's hard to celebrate every birthday with cake and parties. We still do individual birthdays as we can.

Do you have a weird holiday or event you celebrate?

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14647

EdibleWords said:

We started one we call "family birthday" mid-year from Christmas. It's hard to celebrate every birthday with cake and parties. We still do individual birthdays as we can.

Do you have a weird holiday or event you celebrate?

I don't think so.   Writing Day if you knew how many hours I have been writing today!  It's been pouring here all day in an unusual thunderstorm for this time of year.  It was a nice, quiet writing day.

Do you allow what people say to affect you?

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