Open marriages

54.29% • 19 votes • Yay
45.71% • 16 votes • Nay
Total votes: 35
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Open marriages

poet Anonymous

I also voted YAY and an open marriage requires exceptional communication from both parties and boundaries need to be respected, it can work.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:Nothing wrong with two consenting adults agreeing to it.  It's their life. I agree. Freedom and respect. These are my principles. No forcings needed. Just complicity if the couple agrees and is happy. Sex is sex, love is both sex and beyond.

Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

I think open marriages are when you get married traditionally puritan way but then after some years you just wanna get jiffy with other people you meet on the street and yet you want to maintain the safety net of your marital commitment yet.

Jack Thomas
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 687

Other people can do what they like, that’s their business. All I’d say is that you shouldn’t feel pressured into accepting an open marriage if that’s not your thing, and it’s perfectly fine if it isn’t.

I know of a guy who “shared” his girlfriend with another woman because that’s what his girlfriend and this other woman wanted. He clearly wasn’t thrilled with the arrangement, but he loved his girlfriend very much so he tolerated it. That’s not an instance of pressure or abuse in any way (so far as I know), just an interesting dynamic.

As for me, I dunno. I’d find it easier to forgive my partner sleeping with someone else if, say, circumstances kept us apart or he acted impulsively while drunk, but I’d struggle to forgive him “making love” with someone else, telling them that he loved them, writing love notes and such.

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

I slept with someone.
what did you dream about?
No, no, I SLEPT with him.
Oh, you mean you, KNEW him?

the bible is all about fucking?

no no, mommy can I go to a sleep-over?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 103awards
Joined 28th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 332

snugglebuck said:I've always been 'open' to the idea of marriage. 💡
Problem is no woman has ever wanted to marry me. 😥

I would echo his first line - that's as close as the words 'open' and 'marriage' get in what I want for my own life. I am not going to take advantage of any 'open marriage' if I bumped into one to be someone's 'other partner'.

I would rewrite his second phrase 'not met a woman who has wanted to marry me.' So still 'open' to sound offers......

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