
For my Immortal Beloved

Nixon Wagalla
Lost Thinker
Joined 21st June 2015
Forum Posts: 12

I have a loved one, today being Valentine’s Day, I’d love to tell her something wonderful, memorable and explicit. I want her to feel erotic, and I also want her to feel loved. She’s used to my words so today I’d like to request yours. Give it some thoughts. Thanks 😊
Include the phrase “this is my house”

poet Anonymous

My main thought is the irony that lingers between posting a thread wanting ‘words’ for someone special from other people


and a profile picture that says “fuck love”.

Ps - this is my house.

Nixon Wagalla
Lost Thinker
Joined 21st June 2015
Forum Posts: 12

Right, now incorporate the irony and decorate it with words that give an illusion  of love but does not really imply it.

poet Anonymous

Yes but how impersonal is it if YOU are the one feeling the love and YOU are the one in the relationship for YOUR blessed love muffin would you even entertain the idea of giving somebody else’s words to her?

Bloody hell. I’d make you sleep on the couch.

Nixon Wagalla
Lost Thinker
Joined 21st June 2015
Forum Posts: 12

Missy, do you really get the point? I only need words that create an illusion of the love. Putting yourself in a similar situation, you love and you don’t, give it an approach with words that define how you feel and those that delude your entire feelings.

I’d love sleeping on the couch....with you

poet Anonymous

Wagalla21 said:I’d love sleeping on the couch....with you

I’m sure your “beloved immortal” is every bit as important to you then with comments like that.

and for the record, not even with a can of Ajax and surgical gloves, Pal.

Nixon Wagalla
Lost Thinker
Joined 21st June 2015
Forum Posts: 12

Missy, I love your words. I can’t even feel what they are trying to insinuate but I love the beauty of them. You’re  a master 😌

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