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Ask The Person Below You A Question

poet Anonymous

*hang on*

... teabag
... a peg
... a paperclip
... a receipt
... my hopes and dreams.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be?

Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305

Absolutely nothing, but I do have my pocket knife in my right pocket.

(Didn't see the post above, my bad, heh.)
The wreck of the Titanic, exploring as a mermaid.

What monster(s)/creature(s)/being(s) scare you the most?

poet Anonymous

I’m a bit scared of zombies. I don’t like them in films and stuff. How they move freak me out.

Do you celebrate Halloween?

Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305

I love Halloween! But I also celebrate Samhain (pronounced sew-in) on that day as well, it is a big holiday in my religion, where deceased loved ones are honored. I also still love to go trick-or-treating with my little brother (I still look about 12-14 depending on what I'm wearing, so I can get away with it). This year I am going to dress up as Saavedro from Myst III Exile (Linking Book and all), the role in which I first fell in love with Brad Dourif! Last year, I was Chucky from "Curse of Chucky" and even had an axe prop! I always seem to dress as very specific characters and have to explain them to people...heh, like the year before that, I was Boy George from the video for the song "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me", and one year I was Captain Amelia from the movie Treasure Planet.

Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, do you dress up? If you do, what will you dress as this year?

poet Anonymous

I’m a Druid... I know all about Samhain I have a ritual to honour my ancestors that day. Not really big into the dressing up side. I use it as a day of reflection.

Ah that’s so cool! Another one

Do you believe in the supernatural?

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

So when I go to market I can buy fresh bread from the lady, and a man is selling his onions...  Then I go to the Supermarket and I get a coffee and some brie, and laundry detergent...
So when I am walking around naturally I am wearing a thong and picking berries.
Supernaturally, I am naked, swinging frim vines, grab a woman, swing her up in a tree...
I can't say I believe in it but u often daydream...

How many pockets is enough?

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6693

Three pockets seems to be good enough: left and right, and an extra one on either side for surplus storage and to keep things separate. Anything more just seems superfluous, bordering on more pockets than things to fill them with.

Anyone else find zombies more annoying than scary?

poet Anonymous

It’s kinda the whole zombie package to be honest, Viddy. They are both highly annoying and genuinely creep me the fuck out. Maybe it’s the unresponsiveness. I dunno. Every time The Walking Dead is on in our house I have to leave... can’t stand it...

(Edit: I came back because I noticed autocorrect had changed Viddax to Viddy. I’m keeping Viddy. Imma like that. )

What’s annoyed you lately?

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Autocorrect , I turned it off but it keeps coming back, I think it's want me to be hauled away as a loony.

What situations lead to anxiety ?

Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305

It depends on the person, for me, it's my mom and dad fighting (which they rarely do anymore, they're friends now that they're divorced) or my mom and step-dad fighting (P.T.S.D. from the verbal fights my parents had when I was a child), talking to strangers (unless asking for help/directions and things like that), public speaking, singing around other people (unless my family and friends, but still nothing shout level or louder), school campuses (P.T.S.D. from former school experiences), getting a part of my body stuck in an article of clothing (I have Kyphosis of the spine, which means that my upper back is curved forward a bit more than normal, and therefore I can't reach my middle back, such as for zippers, hooks, ties lower than the base of my neck, and so on, and need assistance with such articles), and head lice (P.T.S.D. again! From a few years ago when I went through an on/off two year head lice battle because my step-sister would not do the necessary treatments to get rid of them, and so for two years, I could barely see my friends, couldn't hug my family, or sit on fabric surfaces (leather/pleather and vinel were okay though), which was hard, as I have very long hair, and I felt ostracized).

Ever been in a long-distance relationship, or are you in one now? Any advice for those (maybe) new to a long-distance relationship?

poet Anonymous

I wouldn’t choose to do the long distance thing on purpose, but it does give you that heightened sense of admiration for each other that you perhaps wouldn’t get if you saw each other all the time. Plus the welcome home “hug” is just... yeah. 👌🏻

I did the long distance thing for 3 years with my other half. We originally met online so circumstances made it that way for a while.

What’s your opinion on age gap relationships?

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14456

I do, thank you. there's always something in the distance which brings an "ooh, can't wait for that to happen/ come"

Is there anything you take into consideration before you take a seat on public transport, or planes

poet Anonymous

Trains and busses I always get sat next to the fkn nutter who’s got a metal plate in his head and is receiving messages from aliens or some shit... every time. Planes I consider everything because there’s nothing, and I mean nothing I hate more than being thrust through the air perched on a flammable glorified desk fan. Worst flier in the world.

Do you believe in forgiveness?

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5262

not all sins/crimes are forgivable. Most, though not easy are...and it Does help in the healing process

are you superstitious?

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