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Writing for fun or money?

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 21st Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 16

Writing poetry is a fun hobby, no question about it. Easy for me to say as I have been a poetic composer for the past seven years (basically since I was 15 years old). I was never the best at getting to draw something for a piece of art, but as a poet it has been my way of creating art with the mind. Like I have said it a moment ago, it's a fantastic entertainment. Unless one day long after I am put to rest, my works will be saved and posthumously published in a complete volume and make millions, who knows.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Since the beginning of 2014 I've had about 20 poems and micro stories published for about $10.00 ... Clearly I'm here for the money.

Outside of the fame (damn paparazzi!) and fortune I'm just honing my craft so one day I'll be able to truly say, "I'm a writer."'

Lost Thinker
Joined 12th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 25

I'm only writing for fun for that I'm not good enough just yet to call myself a poet. I'm however not excluding the possibility of becoming one later on.

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1781

lepperochan said:communist.


Strange Creature
Joined 29th July 2015
Forum Posts: 3


Strange Creature
Joined 31st Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2

I write for my sanity. It's the most beautiful of escapes.

Strange Creature
Joined 27th Oct 2015
Forum Posts: 3

I mostly write what im feeling and I feel more when I'm drunk,  never planned to make money off it,  to be honest I'm here to see if they are even any good, and I suppose good is relative to the person? Anyway off topic here.    If you can make money great I think for most it's for 'fun'  or rather to put their reality into words...  Some people I suppose do do 8t just for the money and don't care what they write,  but they would have to be few and far between

Strange Creature
Joined 13th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3

First and foremost, write for yourself and yourself only. If it doesn't come from the heart, then your audience will undoubtedly notice as it won't be as good to either yourself of them. I find the best way to get yourself notice is by researching various magazine publishers and sending pieces off to them - even if you aren't successful the first few times, you will be one day and it is a good way to get noticed by the literature community.

Lost Thinker
Joined 6th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 29

Kou_Indigo said:Me, I have always written things of a deeply mystical and spiritual sort, which is great for helping to enlighten and teach people… but it is terrible for making money. But making money with my writings has never been my personal priority. I write my mystical and spiritual works to express myself: my beliefs, and my deeper thoughts, and to show people an alternative way to believe, if they wish to. Something outside of the mainstream, so to speak! Whilst I never specifically seek converts to my faith or to my way of thinking (despite being a Gnostic and Wiccan High Priestess)… since I prefer people to come to the wisdom and knowledge I have to offer willingly rather than by conversion… I am always happy if at the end of the day I was able to either teach somebody something they didn’t know or may never have thought of, or if I was able to help them in some way through inspiring them with my writings or by the way I’ve lived my life (which is sometimes another subject I write about). Of course, if someone felt that my way was right for: them, I would not ever begrudge them the opportunity to join my faith so long as that was what they truly desired. I just do not care for the word “convert” is all since it has such a negative connotation to it due to how it has been used by fanatics and zealots since practically forever. But the self-expression thing is another reason why I write… since sometimes I’ll write things of a more personal nature that are not always of a mystical or spiritual variety. Now regarding when I write works of fiction, which I also sometimes do… those I write simply to entertain and to tell a good story. I’ll typically write the kinds of stories I also enjoy reading, so you’ll find amongst my fiction a lot of fantasy, sword and sorcery, gothic horror, and science fiction themes. But I always have a lot of fun writing and sharing my works with others, so that is another component of it for me… writing for the love of it, and I suppose in that way for fun as well. So for me, there are a LOT of very different reasons why I write. None of them money-related though… but I salute anyone who chooses that for a career and is able to make it work! If anyone can make money doing what they love doing the most, there is certainly nothing wrong with that. :)

I also write for my children!

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 4th Jan 2022
Forum Posts: 9

My material was banned by crown court so unfortunately I was unable to publish my work for 5 years

Strange Creature
Joined 23rd Feb 2022
Forum Posts: 3

For me writing is the best way to express my emotions. So, not for money

Strange Creature
Joined 10th Mar 2022
Forum Posts: 3

I write for fun. I have a good imagination, and for me writing is a chance to create life for my characters, like for myself - my dream life

Justin Coates
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 21st Feb 2022
Forum Posts: 2

I just like to write, I do it for fun, I will be very happy if someday others like it too

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2285

i write for therapy
i write for fun
every now and then enter an online contest for cash and every now and then win a few bucks but i
write mostly for the hell of it.

Strange Creature
Joined 19th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 5

I write for my pleasure. Haven't received a penny for it yet.

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