
Title Titillation

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 2993

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I write my poetry in my head first, so can be doing anything while not even touching a keyboard or pen. The title happens in that phase, too.

poet Anonymous

I wing it 😁 Sometimes they change over the years. It's easier with my writing than my other art styles.

Void Dweller
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 12th July 2020
Forum Posts: 27

Whenever I'm trying to title something I wrote, I try to incorporate the feel of whatever it is that I've written and make it something simple. But there have been times when the title comes to me first and I go with the flow of it.

Dangerous Mind
United States 17awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1374

most often, i title my pieces after i'm done writing. i like to make the title feel like the rest of the poem. or make it part of the poem itself. if that makes sense.

oh, and i usually lean towards simple, very few words in my titles.

sometimes, though, a title will come to me and i write the entire poem based on the title. the other day i had this image stuck in my head and then the phrase "to all the men who have claimed to love me" popped in my head. the image and the phrase didn't seem to go together, but somehow i did it. ha!

so i guess, really, i just wing it.

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 299

I try to find a word or 2 that perfectly describes what it is about.  I have one called "The Latter"
and in the poem I mentioned in two different lines where I am the latter or at least I think.

Genius or insane
Brilliance and psychotic.

I don't like using a word in my poem as the title.  I don't believe I ever have because it is something that has bothered from #NoPoo {1}.

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