
"Dear Poet" - Academy of American Poets Napo Initiativ

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14578

Do you know a young person who might be interested in poetry?  Here’s your opportunity to spread it to the next generation:

For National Poetry Month 2019, The Academy of American Poets is presenting “Dear Poet”, a multimedia education project inviting young people in grades five through twelve to write letters in response to poems written and read by some of the award-winning poets who serve on the Academy of American Poets Board of Chancellors.  Students can participate in this year’s Dear Poet project by watching the videos [at the link] below of Chancellors reading and discussing one of their poems. Then, students can write letters in response and send them by post or email to the Academy of American Poets.

ALL letters will be considered for publication on in 2019, and our Chancellors will reply to select letters of their choosing.

Remit letters via post or email by the end of day on April 30, 2019, with your name and contact information; each student’s name and grade; the poet who inspired each letter; and the name and mailing address of your school.

The Academy of American Poets
ATTN: Dear Poet
75 Maiden Lane, Suite 901
New York, NY 10038

Project link:

Let us know if someone you know participates so we can honor them!

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