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Preference: Handwriting or Typing?

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14554

JohnnyBlaze said:

And the sound effects!

EXACTLY! hahahaha!


Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 17th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 868

always always always used to be pen on paper - but over the years i've found i prefer the immediacy of seeing text appearing onscreen, neat and tidy, and rewrites are so much cleaner... errors tend to jump out faster.

when i wrote exclusively in pen (usually a cheap biro), i'd be rewriting and see another issue, so start rewriting again, over and over. pages of messy edits. now i can do it faster, and tidier! i've got very comfortable with writing on my pc but would hate to try using a phone! as it is, i sit, my hands hover over the keys, and as soon as they touch them something tends to open and let things happen

one christmas, just before me coming over here, i bought the most beautiful small book - hide-bound, a soft, velvety leather, and thick, creamy paper. i dug out my fountain pen and filled the pages with poems i'd written to H and sent it to him as a part of his xmas present. for him, it was better than typewritten - my heart/mind to my hand and then to his eyes and soul.

one of these days we plan on writing another, gathering together all the back and forth love poems we wrote to eachother... 'cos we may be old, but even us oldies can be sappy, right? :p

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