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Your Methods: How, Where, When

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2296

yelluw_always said:

Showering is another place of fleeting thoughts, like when stuck driving a car. What a great solution. What kind of pens???

I use Crayola Bathtub Markers.  I also have Aquanotes Pad and Pen when I want to soak in Green Tea in the tub.

In the car while driving I have my handheld digital recorder.

Haley Quaquaversal
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 24th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 141

Here is a link I found while wading through the internets on poetry workshops (this group does a lot of other awesome videos: How Writers Write Poetry, International Writing Program) but this one in particular is about notebooking. I'm sure many of you have similar approaches. I do a lot of those but could become more disciplined.


Haley Quaquaversal
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 24th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 141

Tallen said:

I use Crayola Bathtub Markers.  I also have Aquanotes Pad and Pen when I want to soak in Green Tea in the tub.

In the car while driving I have my handheld digital recorder.

I love it, thank you for the water-safe ideas!
I tried video-recording myself while driving as I have to sign not talk and I don't like watching myself, doesn't quite flow for me.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 4awards
Joined 4th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 3

Of late and often I wake with fresh dreams some personal nightmares and after coffee making I sit and type them out. Most just write themselves in one moment. Others get 1st drafted usually longer writes if none or when done I log in here and twitter and Facebook I have some poet friends on all and read and comment. Sometimes I write or eat breakfast and may have ideas any time. I tend to absorb about everything and for a while now the ideas just bubble or percolate as I have taken to thinking it as and when overflowing I write. Some get posted here, others on Twitter and FB and some only in my Closed Group on FB.
I rarely plan and even my novel I STILL need to complete is just writing it out like after above morning stuff ... Bless and love ... ..

poet Anonymous

Recently, I’ve been reading a lot of women’s work. Some crazy shit in it. I’m inspired a lot.

Lost Thinker
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 6

A notebook and four color pen.

Automatic writing.

Revision, revision, revision...

On the couch at no particular time.

Dangerous Mind
Mexico 6awards
Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297

I keep a spiral notebook to hand...
and pencils and pens in a tin...
and a palm sized spiral with a pen stuck innit...
in my bag for emergencies...
inspiration can come from anywhere...
and from anything...
a vagrant thought...
a snippet of chatter...
a comment of which I just thought...
a line in a play...
a freshly cracked joke
or a crack in the sidewalk...
I write them all down and look at them later...
some work our very nicely... I only wish I could type it all faster... Ely

anthony andrea
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 22nd Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 38

I simply have to recognise when I'm thinking of something that I want to say hey if I am not at home I can dictate enough of it it onto my phone phone so that when I do get home I'm able to then write it up. I do not ever sit down to write that is anti thetical to spontaneity I simply recognise when I'm having a thought and because I recognise it I am then able to write it down.

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 317

Notebooks everywhere, pens, napkins - if I can write on it, chances are something is scribbled on it. I have lately been trying my hand at music production, and some sounds evoke poetry or poetic concepts for me. If it is really worth pursuing, it sticks in my head til I can get it out.

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