
Open mic poetry for the high

poet Anonymous

To relaunch Saturday Asylum we bring you open mic themed for those touched by the further, or at least their poetry....Temulence and raw fuckery be rampant as we call for your experienced poetry that saw Lucy in the Sky and purple haze Sundays... live tonigĥt on talkshoe

(724)444-7444​ ​id​ ​#143267​ ​*8​ ​ques​​
is​ ​the​ ​link where​ ​debauchery​ ​is​ ​breathing....

Brainstorm VowelMovement
Strange Creature
Joined 6th July 2017
Forum Posts: 7

Are we discussing the various different forms of dope chemicals using poetry or just posting up shit we wrote while visiting the other side?

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