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Multiple Soul Mates?

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 10th Sep 2015
Forum Posts: 10

Right/ wrong/ someone with sting morals would look at peoples morals to say they have none we've all have bad judgment calls we are not perfect but the strive of it only detachs us as people I agree with both sides but now finding myself now I don't want a sexual relationship its like a animal chasing prey then the prey stops its no longer fun now that you pretty much own something you don't want it because we always want more but instead of judging love lust or individuals look at the human psychology of how they act we don't remember every single day its more moments and these moments is what keeps me going as myself to learn something about anyone he who lives in the past is scared to look ahead and ones that plan for the future are just words to be said but ones that live in the moment are the ones that cherish every one

poet Anonymous

most people will never even come remotely close to locating the soul within, much less without
if we spent half as much time questioning the purpose of our own soul as we do trying to find another to fill us, we'd all be asking questions about hate, not love. Hate would be the taboo and love would be the norm.
solitude and loneliness would be mental illnesses

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 30th Sep 2015
Forum Posts: 3

I believe, for some, there can only be one person they feel is their soulmate. In the way that you connect on a serious mental, emotional, spiritual, and sexual level. For some there might be many and others may only have one. And let me tell you...that sucks.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 30th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 101

Our souls grow, like anything else when it's fed and nurtured... maybe each one is meant to feed our souls and help us grow so when we finally meet the one and only, there are no more questions or doubt, no what ifs... Just the sense to know that this is the one you shouldn't let go...

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 27th Oct 2015
Forum Posts: 1

I do agree with you about our souls need to feed and nurtured... But I really believe relationship come down to accepting ones imperfections and deciding to commit to them anyway. It takes a lot of maturity to be able to do so, but it can be done.

Big Virge
Fire of Insight
Barbados 1awards
Joined 15th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 329

Well, it's pretty obvious that a soul mate, should be that person who fits all your needs, ALL the time, so, to have multiple soul mates seems a little ridiculous !

According to societal definition.

However, multiple sexual partners, well, all you have to do is look at the sexually experimental, and sexually free world that the young'uns have got.

Damnit, it must be pretty cool to know that your peers are mostly, up for some, and aren't shy to tell you, "Hey, I want to have your friend too !"

As long as the relevant precautions are taken, and hygiene elements are not neglected, fuck man, get you as many as possible, but, calling everyone, or most of them a soulmate, is where the problems are likely to occur, according to the standard perception of what a soul mate is ....

So what do you folks define as a soul mate eh ?

Don't just say the person you're currently with, give us the details as to what makes them a soulmate in your opinion, without genitalia references ideally !!!!

is anybody that perfect for another person ?

I think not, but hey, as per Case, i'm old and somewhat bitter now,

It's the control/stigmas of societal pressures, that have made some tell themselves, that the one they have is enough I think.

The rising levels of divorce and separations seem to indicate, that compromise, only lasts while the sex is good, then, all of sudden as the ladies start to droop and horny men, remain horny, soul mates become less important ... and sexual activity reigns ....

So, go forth and be multiple I say !!!

Just protect yourself all the way, if that's how your gonna play, because spreading disease is NOT THE WAY !!!!!

Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 8

Soulmate is such a strong word. Not every relationship has to include a soulmate, even if it's a good and long relationship and you may consider this one to be "the one". For me a soulmate has nothing to do with ordinary relationships. And I believe that you can have several people who might get very close to the idea of a soulmate, but I guess the one true soulmate exists in once in a lifetime for everyone, and this might be your man, your woman, your child, your mom, your best friend and for some it might be their cat :P

Strange Creature
Joined 2nd Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 11

Fated love doesn't exist, It's all a matter of a choice.
But want to talk about what kind of fate does exist? Death.
But hey.. Look to the up side, you get to experience Death, life is short. Make the best of it. Take any opportunity that crosses your path. Experience all that you can before your organism is either forcefully ended or natural causes.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2879

There won't be multiple soulmates. If you found your soul mate, then others are just relationships. Also imo its just an idea till you find another relationship that makes you more of who you are. So I believe your soul mate is when you can be yourself, and share your secrets, talk openly about anything and listen without judging. The true understanding of that one person. Well may be one can have these things with two people then it has to be a three some otherwise your lying or cheating on the both of them.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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Soulmates:how romantic to think that they exist. Those elderly people who have lived with and loved one person all their life and are still devastated whrn their mates go...or die a few hours later...were they soulmates? So much so that nothing can part them. I would like to think so.
I have friends who believe in reincarnation...as I do and they believe that people in past lives through their souls  will circle their next life. One of them could be the soulmate ...karma defines their next incarnation though...so they might not come back as lovers or spouses. Interesting thpughts though.

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Excerpt from a poem of mine, titled Love and the Likes :

To Love Again and Again and Again
One at a time...
Hold on to it, as long as its mutual...
But when it cease to be one...
Let go and wait for the next RIGHT ONE...
One at a time...

It is really true for most. When you are with someone, you love them at that time. But after it went sour, and the love's lost, someone would come who you would love again. I am not sure about the term "soul mate" . It just sound so biblical to me.

There are those who found love only once, but it is also true that there are those who refuse to give in to despair and move on and love again... and again and again...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3112

to me a soul-mate is a term for the intensity of a love/lust....one that either you never get over...so you can never fully give yourself too another, or that it weakens your self-worth and you can only feel in lesser waves.

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 1404

The enigmatic quest for the 'one'...like dancing on razors edge with butter on your pointes. If you survive the hard fall, you have won the lottery! So run away, live happily ever after and remember...no sharing ;).

PS: I am with Taryn! I have collected many soul mates...most importantly myself...

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 9th July 2017
Forum Posts: 63

Soul mates...
In our lifetimes we all have a soul group.
in hat soul group you will always meet in every life you have, so look at the people you have met throughout your lifetime, even the most annoying person, they are part of your soul group.
now maybe your partner in this lifetime, was your brother in a past life, the life before that, you were his father, in every lifetime, you meet and the system of your soul group changes, so the man or woman you eventually marry may have been your waiter, or the flower girl in a previous life.

when we come across a 'Soul mate' they are just one of many that are a part of your 'soul group' and each one is potentially a 'soul mate'.

I have had a few past lives, I work on regression therapy and it really does explain some very strange things (I wont bore you) but it depends on what you believe yourself. if you don't believe in soul mates, then will you have one?

at the end of the day, it all comes down to choice, and circumstances, I have had a relationship in this lifetime with the same person I had a relationship in a previous lifetime and this is very rare, needs to say this time around and the previous time round it did not work out, so maybe I am not meant to end up with that particular person in my soul group?

or maybe our circumstances were not right in either times.....

I would like to think I have a soul mate out there one person I am eventually meant to end up with and have a life f bliss with, but will I be in this lifetime? that is the question.

I think what we really have in each lifetime is an opportunity to find someone we like a lot, then fall in love, and through that relationship, honesty, integrity, support and compromise, means it can last a lifetime, but can we find that person to do that with?

I guess thats another question.

I am a hopeless romantic, so when I find someone I like a lot, I tend to work at it until they ruin it hahaha

Love is where you seek it
love is where you hold it
love can be, If your willing
to work at it
soul mates are always with you
just choose the right one
and most of all
be happy in whatever choice you make

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