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who gets to choose what  'is' right? and what 'is' superior

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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R Byron Johnson
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 16th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 48

It ultimately just comes down to what works and what doesn't.  Any other lofty ideas about race, religion, party, etc....is inherently meaningless, stupid, and self-defeating.  

There is no nation on Earth that uses the standards of race, gender, or religion to define "superiority" as a matter of official policy that isn't a shitty, dangerous place to live.

All evidence and observation clearly points to the fact that checks and balances always work best.  And diversity, in its various forms, creates those checks and balances.

Laura Jean
Fire of Insight
Luxembourg 3awards
Joined 2nd July 2018
Forum Posts: 273

The people who report from positions of power. Simple.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Laura Jean
Fire of Insight
Luxembourg 3awards
Joined 2nd July 2018
Forum Posts: 273

Oh brutal clever. No but it is what is in my mind.

Laura Jean
Fire of Insight
Luxembourg 3awards
Joined 2nd July 2018
Forum Posts: 273

The macro level can be very different from what happens at the micro level...thinking on the topic in hindsight.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2295

I would be most curious to hear from those beings You say feel superior to the carnivores and omnivores (me).

One example of in the ancient inuit days -- I think if one was a Vegan Inuit, one would have not lived very long.
Got this from Google:
" Food. Because edible plants are scarce in the Arctic, the Inuit ate mostly meat they got from hunting. They ate animals such as caribou, seals, walruses, polar bears, arctic hares, musk oxen, birds such as ptarmigan, and fish such as arctic char, salmon and whitefish. "

I believe each individual must decide for themselves.  No one group "gets" to choose.

For me,
it's a spiritual gig.  I add the energy of what's being eaten to my collective.
One day, my energy will be added to another being's collective.

Laura Jean
Fire of Insight
Luxembourg 3awards
Joined 2nd July 2018
Forum Posts: 273

Nah. You are going somewhere else with it, which is alright with me. There are forces we can control and forces we can't; with higher players in the game. Signing off this topic.

poet Anonymous

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