Poetry competition CLOSED 14th September 2017 11:35pm
View Profile Poems by lunacherry
RUNNER-UP: SimpleTon


Pitbull Hope

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 12th May 2017
Forum Posts: 29

Poetry Contest

Write a poem in 1st persob of a pitbulll....how us it to be abused......how is it to be hurt.......and how is it to be forgiving.
1st person
Three weeks only
Good luck

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 20th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 79

Pit dog

Born and Raised in a FUCKING caGe
Fucking slave BRED into my Genes
RAGE, fucking Muscles, Smells of blood
pure lust, the FUCKING rusH

Chasing bitches down sends tingles down my spine, GRRRRRrrrr
i growl all the time, scars and bites from all the fights WOUGrrHF
not getting out alive clamping my jaws down hard on your skull GRRRRRrrr
forgive me for my sins o human overlords, Pop MJUYUMM YUMMM YUMM

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 29th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 22

Dogs always forgive

Humans say Elephants never forget and I bark Dogs always forgive,
I am a creature and I am a captive, I am a Pitbull and yet my owner is the greater savage,
I am beaten and starved, I have been abandoned and scarred, flea bitten and disease ridden.
 I live in a cardboard box in the overgrown back yard, it breaks my heart as I long to be kissed, hugged and fussed like all the other dogs at the park.
I howl and cry for you but you are never there, I fill my empty water bowl with endless tears.
You beat me with a belt, call me names, slap me with the back of the hand and kick me in the face.
When you approach to hit me again I do not growl, instead I lick your hand and wag my tail. We are a pack and you are the alpha male, if you got lost I would track you down, if someone hurt you I would hunt them down. If they took me to the dog shelter I would escape and return home.
Others have abandoned you including your parents, children and wife but I am by your side. You are evil, cruel and unkind but you are all I have and you are mine.
We are a pack of two and despite all the abuse my love is true.

(c) Copyright SimpleTon, 2017
Written by SimpleTon
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Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596


.:Me and Dawg:.

is of the
here & now
and treats
no need to

cuz, eyes
early on
would choose
all day long

and bites
them walled-in fights
cats clipped
had little

each ear & paw
t’was bloody work
to produce
a fall

of us
lost our life
many did
t’was ripe with

some wounds
the way
slim chance
to heal
that didn’t

but I was
saved by Dawg
we still
that daily

Strange Creature
Belgium 1awards
Joined 11th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 6

A shock collar by any other name
Still delivers the lightning
We're all trembling, it's frightening
Which of us will be thrown to the wolves next?
Tail between my legs
Hiding under the bed
Maybe they'll forget all about me
Just another piece of their property
All I want is to run and run
In the meadows of eden, with my kin
But night after bloody night
They force me into the ring
Even though it's not a perfect circle
But a wooden box stained with the crimson
That came from those before me
That will grow deeper with each dog after me
As we scrabble in this pit, for life
You can't imagine the bone shaking horror
To be forced to tear at another
Innocent, shining soul
Lest our lives be over

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