Poetry competition CLOSED 15th July 2017 7:37pm
RUNNERS-UP: David_Macleod and KublaiSwan


I Love Spaghetti

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write a creative poem about eating spaghetti...simple, huh?
Please describe the fine art or not so fine art of eating spaghetti. It really doesn't matter what kind of spaghetti you like...just write about how you eat it.  If you don't like spaghetti then please don't participate. I do not want to make you sick, especially if you are allergic to spaghetti.

Not too hard, is it? Write on you poetic spaghetti eaters!!! Yum.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 59

Spaghetti is that noble food
When times are tough and walking nude
Throughout the house cause laundry's broken
& Verily these words are spoken:
"Man, I got no money, Rasta"
ALAS we have delicious pasta!
Cook and boil tendrils toil
Round and round the heating pot
Bubble nicely, add some spicy
& let it cool! Spaghetti's hot!
Yummy, now we needs make sauces
Spicy garlic always causes
Us to say "excuse me, boss is
it okay to cut my losses?"
The meatballs got me running wild
Fast! The toilet seat is filed!

"Little less spicy, next time, Rasta"

Alas, Spaghetti's still my pasta

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

I refuse to write a poem
About spaghetti
I can find more important
Things to do to pasta time
So don't pesto me
And pizza me alone

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983


I don’t like Sagetti I said
It’s spaghetti mum said
I know, but I don’t like Sagetti I said
And without supper I was sent to bed

I don’t like Macaroni I said
But it’s just like thick short spaghetti mum said
I know, bit I don’t like Sagetti, I said
Another night, no supper, straight to bed

I don’t like Tagliatelle I said
But it’s spaghetti that is flattened mum said
But I don’t like Sagetti that’s been flattened I said
Yet another night, no supper, straight to bed

I like Dinosaur pasta I said
But that’s just like spaghetti mum said
No! cause it looks like dinosaurs I said
That night, for being cheeky, straight to bed

Tyrant of Words
United States 147awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1796

Through Good and Tough Times

When times are good, when times are tough,
Or when I find I didn’t have enough,
And there is too much month at the end of my money,
I rely on the frugal dinners of spaghetti and sauce,
A gourmet feast fit for a king or a boss,
It always does the job and fills up my tummy.

Even in those times when I’m not on a budget,
I still will make it, I still won’t budge it,
It’s a meal that's quick and easy for the family,
On a regular schedule it makes the menu,
Whether at home or at a diner, whatever the venue,
I won’t complain, I always eat happily.

And though at times I’ve been unable to get it right,
When the noodles are too soggy at first bite,
I prefer them al dente just because it’s so delicious,
I don’t care about carbs or all that other stuff,
I still prefer them even when times aren’t tough,
No matter what, I always find my spaghetti so nutritious.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 24th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 414

Eating Spaghetti

Eyes ever twinkling
And bright smile wide with only
Two bottom teeth showing
I laugh
Not at you but with, as you
Grab noodles by the fist full
Smashing them in your
Pudgy cheeks
A swallow them whole
Grabbing more and rubbing them in ur
Hair-my God girl! There's noodles
Thrown on the floor- between ur toes
Tumbling out of your diaper
I laugh again-till tears down my cheeks roll
Written by Afroqn73
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poet Anonymous

It's going to be a tough decision...all good entries thus far! How 'bout some organic noodles? Come on you spaghetti eaters...cook me up some more pasta poetry!!! It's yummy up in here & I'm hungry for some more noodles....there's still time...

Lost Thinker
Joined 3rd July 2017
Forum Posts: 48

i like spaghetti,
but after we stared into our
own reflection for
far too long,
he handed us
our microwaved
school cafeteria grade
noodles and sauce.
they looked like
sad, thin worms
in a pool of grainy blood.
i pushed the sad worms
around with my
barely clean fork,
eating a small portion
but only because i was hungry,
lengthy, bloodied worms,
slithering down my throat
good-bye, twenty-five dollars.
good-bye, hope.
nobody can even make
quality spaghetti.

poet Anonymous

I'm a bit hungry....a winner soon!!!

poet Anonymous

Monsieur Messier with all these delicious oodles of noodles to choose from you had a tough job I'm sure and my Nana would be very proud right now.  Congratz to David and Kublai.
Anni, amori' e bicchieri de vino, nun'se contento mai..Salute'!!

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