Poetry competition CLOSED 8th May 2017 5:12pm
case28 (Alexander Case)
View Profile Poems by case28
RUNNER-UP: summultima

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I Pet Goat 2 Analyses /Apocalyptical ?  Or What?

poet Anonymous

Great stuff, Oxy
Thank you for your entry.
very thoughtful piece.

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1376

so many amazing reads above..
juz my try for this stimulating vid n theme, not a best sure.

the battle [within]

“தருமத்தின் வாழ்வதனைச் சூது கவ்வும்;
தருமம்மறு படிவெல்லும்” எனுமியற்கை
மருமத்தை நம்மாலே உலகங் கற்கும்
வழிதேடி விதிஇந்தச் செய்கை செய்தான்.
கருமத்தை மேன்மேலுங் காண்போம். இன்று
கட்டுண்டோம், பொறுத்திருப்போம்; காலம் மாறும்
. தருமத்தை அப்போது வெல்லக் காண்போம்.
தனுஉண்டு காண்டீவம் அதன்பேர்' என்றான்.

rough translation:
"the life and its length, this lifeline Dharma- Evil preys upon
yet Dharma will again win in an eventual say"- this nature's
mysterious way, let the universe learn from the quintessential us
the pathways of such treaded victories are sought
from ardent search that's destined
more and more will we visualize the Karma, today
we lucidily imbibed upon this..and shall we wait the wait
there will be the inevitably changing time when we
shall win over Dharma too...Have faith on the lighted
hopes, the skillful bows within'  Arjuna said


the varifold symbolisms does draw 
correlations to the timeless epic 
‘Mahabharatham’ … some classic 
verses from Bharathi’s version 
of it, “Paanchali Sabadam” [Draupadi’s Vow]
feels quite apt to quote above.. 
strikes chord in an immediacy 
of erupting consciousness,  their essences 
coincide with the singlemost~ the only 

like the dark-knotted twisted hells 
mushrooming within 
for a suicidal Doom..to the still-spirited 
lighted channels in an inter-connectivity 
taking on the looming lethality 
whatever inner or alien 
whilst traversing electric as fine nervelet 
networks..in an ultimate formative 
in the Mystical Mass, the Ocean of Oceans, the 
Sun of Suns, the Unknown of Unknowns 

now that the stage been handed over 
(rather snatched) in reigned supremacy 
to(by) a hypocritical mind, all it 
shamelessly dances [in disguise 
of a inarguably intellectual-timed comedic  
entertainer]  is to the tune of its own 
curses..the  endless 
Saturnish stint- Kanda Sani & its many 
lobbying devils, in a stormy 
rock-n-roll as the choking audiences with
and within  you..desperately 
give in to the generated toxic fumes 

its still the virtuous Satyayug prolonging 
in patience ..but you see,  it’s in bearance 
of a well-maligned 
yet ‘instantly reaped in karma’,  the 
Kaliyug mode…

just have this slight awareness sparkle 
within…in your much possible revival 
from these eonic long 
deliberated ignorance, a self-suffocating 
erosion meted out towards a fateful 
blinding trance [as if given up 
in a call beyond thresholds, when 
in actuality, you never even had taken 
an efforted  pint towards 
your time & again inner calling 

as you struggle for a rescue a 
salvation.. a paradise to be regained 
a liberation…all in the highly 
impossible waters in LD100 killing 
probabilities’ self-effluent stinks 

an asariri..a vedavaakku, the 
Oracle’s prophecy …there is neither 
a shortcut nor an un-necessitated 
long-winding route to reach 
your realized shining suns within

… your chosen way hailed with holy-flaming 
comets as all your sin-goodness balance 
keep thunderously marring you down 
alongside million winking angelic starlet 
kisses on your feet 

…and as the clearing skies & sun 
open a hopeful dawn of a touched in 
heaven in possible dimensional realities
what you do 
for the better or rather the best
is the miraculous self-engineered reconstructs 
of starry-crosssectional dna-blooms 
of a super-consciousness
eating away 
those rottenly shrunken to  disintegrative 
purely political fragments 
shedding out 
their corroded to biased to insecure 
to their fearfully fascist figments

dying a dear death 
in dearth of any faintly ploying to solid plotted 
divisibility plans and plays staged upon 

P.s: thanks to miki..i enjoyed this comp for its thought-provoking and spiritual dimensions..no word limits n no style preferences of the comp. is really welcomed. Tq:)

poet Anonymous

Thank you for getting this fine entry in here, Summultima
I try to read from The Bhagavad Gita daily,
and the Vedas as much as possible so your intellectual metaphor was not wasted on me.

I thank all of you who took the time here.
I think it will be a surprise to everyone that the artist who created this video was taken aback by similar interpretations of his work. Most found it to be apocalyptic,prophetic type stuff but he was surprised at the suggestion. It was his one and only piece. He does not want to do more ,last I heard.

I will be back shortly with the winner.
every entry is worthy and appreciated.

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1376

Thanxx to you Miki for a great comp! N very deserving win Mr. Case. Congrats!!
tq fr that nod too on my piece..
great entries everyone, wishes:)

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

Awesome comp, miki, thanks for the introduction to artist and his creation.  Exploring the huge response "I pet goat 2" ignited in social media was definitely a very engaging way to build on inspiration, so thanks again for the challenge.

Well done to Uma and all the poets who took part in the comp, there were a lot of cool ideas weaved into fine poetry.

poet Anonymous

:) thank you, Mr. Case
means a lot.

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Congratulations to Alex and Thanks Miki for this Competition.

poet Anonymous

Thanks, Oxy
I thought your piece was extremely well written.
It was overall very hard to pick a winner here.
and you were very close. the two I mentioned were tied for first
is why I didn't give another runner up.

I really appreciate you taking the time to enter

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