Poetry competition CLOSED 30th April 2017 11:43pm

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AEMelia don`t depart

Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

Poetry Contest

Keep this disillusioned wordmistress in the game. Dedicate some words in her direction. She is the awesome shieldmaiden from the north. Like the aurora borealis, don`t let her fade out into the night.
Rhyme, spit, grime.....Share your words

This lass is inspirational do not allow her to fade out.

It would be a major loss.

Show the love...........

poet Anonymous

She'll cope.

poet Anonymous

melia ~
15.04.17.    poem 15 of 30

she engraves
the slow glide
of eons into
grains of sandstone,
to the sirocco
as it swirls
abrasive motes of
verses to filigree
their legacy across
smoked glass rifts
scarring the aether ~
... her words reach
thru the
amorphous schism,
tendrils of enlightenment
misty wisps of aum}
undeniable as daybreak,
as nightfall,
as the violet fleetings
between both horizons ...
she is gaia & i have
buried the umbilical cord
of my subconscious
in her earthen words

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16218

Dusts on trails

happy trails
sad trials
part of life and living

on choppy seas
you fear the deep
yet listen
to the songs of whales

beauty abounds
wrought with words

shed the leaves
that are grey
look for green shoots
on bamboo groves

aches will go
friends are forever.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


She is living poetry
With breath that is verse
Words become her flesh
She is intimacy in verbs
She makes love with adjectives  
Turning nouns into kisses
While holding my love
I’ve gently fallen to sleep
Dreaming sweet dreams
Of when we will meet

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

I feel her shade
And it is kind
Her mind eclectica
Spreads her hue like fields of poppies
Reaching towards nurturing shine
And giving more than plenty
glowing fantastical verse
Bringing wild images to mind
nymphs seducing dragons
Taking paths with halcyon floor
Lighting quick femme feet with wisdoms gleam
But skipping stone to golden stone
Eager to meet a wise Wizard
With no real power to give her home
Or perhaps Tempests touch apon her sails
Plays havoc with her temper
Curling lip towards soft green of Earth
Oh Amelia please remember
That though Augusts rays grow unbearable.....
Yours give the comfort of Septembers

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

Norsk Skog

Over fjords
long winding hills
Freyja Country
sings the sails
that fly
an oar
to an ocean
rudder and mist
an eye
with tome
to breast
She is
magic and mountain
by Art
Sami sing
bringing Her home

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


The clouds flow brazen with the wind of sighs
To constant seek the one who calls for them

By names that last beyond their perishing
And leaves their seasons scented with the earth

While far below the life of air-bound song
I stand before the dawn with covered eyes

To open mouth to imitate her creed
In hopes the goddess of the morning rise

Will cast upon, assuage this subject, bowed
And give me peace that she will soon return.

Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

Ask for verse then its trolled
DUP Sycophants always seem to get involved
Always quick with a dismissive remark
Derisive quips are the trademark

Why pass comment on this thread?
Use your words on verse instead
The tedious kudos you are after
It’s nothing but self-indulgent laughter

Why the fuck are you so mean
Aren’t we part of a silent scene
Are you typing shit cos you are bored?
Easy to be the most clever bastard on the keyboard

I’m really not into many rules
Sweep away your words like stools
The paradigm was simple that you defied
Unfortunately, SNAGG a peedo CHILD is disqualified

Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

Earth_Child said:melia ~
15.04.17.    poem 15 of 30

she engraves
the slow glide
of eons into
grains of sandstone,
to the sirocco
as it swirls
abrasive motes of
verses to filigree
their legacy across
smoked glass rifts
scarring the aether ~
... her words reach
thru the
amorphous schism,
tendrils if enlightenment
misty wisps of aum}
undeniable as daybreak,
as nightfall,
as the violet fleetings
between both horizons ...
she is gaia & i have
buried the umbilical cord
of my subconscious
in her earthen words
where is the parking spot reply, I liked that one. Stay honest

poet Anonymous

composedWITHrazors said: where is the parking spot reply, I liked that one. Stay honest

i was just reserving that spot to post ^.^

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1301


an awakened cosmic fireflower
you bloomhold your ancient soul
in truth’s forever molten continuum
  scripted pearls in condensed essence
are eternalized encrypts highlighting
themselves with an impeccable aura
in sunlight rimming emanations

that mellows across in a fluidic haze
amidst whatever pralayam:  the
darkness apocalyptic storms
bursting within around
and beyond

syncing in sacred frequencies
all such similar soulblooms
in cycles of budding nascence
through egoless inflorescence
towards liberating senescence

reaching out to your
orbiting acceptance in an
unconditional coherence

an embodiment

you are freeform
you are evermore
you are a breathed in need  
wherever art is there

to  AEMelia ..with love n adoration xx

LeFay dear...i dunn believe in threads..for that sake even words. its in the essence of silence n consciousness where true art forms..i feel you there..
Read ur words of AUM written for me in another thread...i embrace ur love..tq:)

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2879

tusen takk

words are less
tip of an iceberg

alluring the readers
to the depth of the sea

of monsters and muses
you wished and dreamt

once I was chosen
to swim beside her

and for that milady
am truly gratified


Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

If I could, I would give a trophy to "all-yall" who got involved and took the time out to write something positive.

I was not sure if this thread would be met with a bunch of unnecessary foolish remarks and critisism. You folks have such good hearts. Gave the trophy to shieldmaiden as a default. A public vote perhaps would not have done it justice.

Its not about the trophies its about the love (you guys know that!)

Anyway you all know you are awesome.

You dont need me to kiss your arse, hehehehe.

Cheers folks, peace and uber kudos from the artistformerlyknownasblade

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