Poetry competition CLOSED 31st January 2017 3:56pm
View Profile Poems by Lyrical_Aptitude
RUNNER-UP: wallyroo92

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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 248

Poetry Contest

Write of ways to encourage and teach our youth to create a better tomorrow
Write a poem that encourages our youth what they can do to help create a better future for the world and each other.  We've fallen into a terrible state of being and something is going to have to change or we'll be lost.  
*New Write
*2 Maximum
*Your Choice of Encouragement
*No Explicit

My example:

the years
have reshaped
my landscape
my previous
points of view
when once
I thought myself
and no one else
made any dispute
I buried
who I could be
and became
who I thought I was
paths I might not
have wandered
became deep furrows
behind my back
in youth
we hold potential
nothing is carved
in stone
I was not born
to be a victim
he was not born
to attack
and action
where we will go
but this truth
I've learned
for certain
and I'm begging
please pay it heed
messages come
in actions
and determine
what we will believe
girls...you are more
than your bodies
your value
comes from inside
boys...your strength
lies not in your muscles
but in your courage
and what you do
with your mind
what we tell ourselves
what we tell each other
helps or hurts
sometimes belief
must come from
the outside
until we believe it
all the boys
(and men)
who grabbed
at my young
and nubile
but never asked
my thoughts
taught me
this lesson
when all worth
is placed
on body
everything else
is lost


Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2255

nothing will
will be enflamed
the youth will still
continue to be
worse than the animals
those who are
no longer free
for to change the path
that our children now walk
it is us
who must
change the things
that should not be

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 248

Thank you for kicking things off with a great entry, drone!  :)

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193


Future Bright

Future promise witnessed now
outcome shrouded beyond my gaze
hints of greatness tease my mind
I’ll state the ways you impress.

Beauty plain on youth's face
glimpses of what lays beyond
yet to blossom in readiness
for the ones that wait ahead.

Humor walks the cutting edge
the blood drawn is white on red
celebrating the wit that smarts
kind to laugh, sharp to slice.

Intelligence with room to grow
challenges will come and go
to each you'll find mastery
blessed with a mind most keen.

Your creativity is the cream
muse's favorite as well as mine
mixing of the former praise
greatest promise of future bright.

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 248

Thank you for taking part in this one, poetryaccident! :)

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Pay it Forward

keep the good
and pass it through
forget the bad
remember the truth
what makes for a good bed
is the tidy attention
earn your way
and spread the goodwill
what comes from you
will return to you
what you give
will be given inturn
from one hand to many
travelling ahead of you
give better today
and tomorrow you'll see
better is waiting
to your new today

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 248

What lovely advice, OxyMoronicMe!  Thank you for entering!  :)

Goes Without Saying
Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 92

Dear youth,

You are butterflies
Your wings are quite beautiful,
But they're also a disguise
To hide the fact that you burn so bright,
Then you die.

Butterflies live a life worth living
They mesmerize, even if only for a moment
They come and go with the seasons
Enchanting memories

Butterflies have pros and cons
They are all flawed, yet no two are the same
Whatever they do changes the world
If they fly left or right,
The entire Earth shifts with them
So even though they fade away,
Every little thing they do shifts history

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 248

Thank you, UnknownEmo, for joining in with your intriguing entry!  :)

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 3

Ode to Future Generations

This world....is a figurative maze.:.:
It's a rough place,
Materialistically misplaced...
Egotistically embraced,
catastrophically displaced...
Social narcissism runs biological clocks,
leaving the internal ticking tocks
in a permanent tuned "out" phase
Seeking approval in giant flocks,
Which feed on greed and hate....
Used to fuel their day to day...
Suck dry the hard work from the deserving......the needy,
the underpaid....

What can I say?
How should I relay this..?
Or with positivity?
How different the molds can be,
within the anomalies of the two perceptions,
Positivity being a weapon,
For it can be disguised so positively...
As does the deception of society....

I can't break life to you lightly,
the white lies of past lives have damaged human kind,
brainwashed our psyche...
So it will be up to you to stand tough
Be that diamond in the rough
And show you can outshine the outer layer scaling your beautiful existence
Which will take consistent persistence
of standing up for you who really are,
But you must remain the warrior whom traveled from afar,
Whom fights hard,
and insists to allow your uniqueness to
be accepted into coexistence...
Don't charm the stories of queens and prince,
Rather create your own,
And allow life to evince your emotional experiences

Some will hurt,
some may never heal,
Few will be blessed enough for love to be
all they feel,
Such rarity indeed.....,
Yet, although we all come from the same species seed,
We have been granted our individual ability to guide our own destiny,
Note to guide.....never control,
not even your own.....,
because freedom in itself needs its own soul,
don't constrict yourself to your own mental drone...
Address the world like a game of chess,    
Play their pawns,
while wearing a crown,
being aware of your surround,
ready for any battle or test

Honor your temple, your shell, your body....
Value yourself with utter royalty,
Ladies embrace and own your covered pearl,
choose wisely as to whom it is revealed,
And when chosen, be his personal gentility
Be the balance to instability....
Fellas be the foundation of our land,
Let the feme drink from your masculinity,
Respect and love the stream of her estrogen
Worship the spirit of feminine aura that is so easily given
And to both.....
understand without man there is no woman,
And without woman,
can there be birthed a man......
We are meant to need eachother....
We fit together hand in hand
Shine light on the ties and cycle of our natural Graceland

Be sure to stop and breathe...
take time to dance in the rain,
wearing a sundress.....
or even your Sunday best....
Smell the flowers,
Dress to impress...
physically....and with mental finesse

You stand to walk a long road of learning to digest,
All of life's torturous.....
giant...hot mess,
that will be thrown upon the heavy plate
in which you will wear across your chest,

Your weighted, inspirational vest

Your shield of self empowerment

The world is only the platform to the path you choose to step....

Now rise....with diligence,
and let your spirit guide your sense...

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 248

Lyrical_Altitude, I am deeply honored by your beautiful entry into this arena. Your words touch me and inspire. Thank you for joining! ☺

Dangerous Mind
United States 30awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 753

Next Generation

Raise our girls to have voices and be fearless.
Teach our boys to be respectful. Show kindness,
Tolerance and honesty. Show richness
Without having money and power. Erase blindness
And carelessness. Have an open heart and mind.
Reach out a gentle hand to help those below
Us. Keep your love free flowing. Let us remind
The future of our promises. Never be afraid to grow
And learn more. The world has so much more to teach
And give to us. We take care of each other and this
Earth, even in our differences. We preach
Fairness and equality. We all deserve our bliss
And happiness like everybody else we walk with.
Every voice is listened to. Every opinion is heard.
Even every lie, made up story and every myth
Is on the table. I hope we believe every single word.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 3

Thank you for giving me the inspiration!

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 248

eswaller said:Next Generation

Thank you so much, eswaller, for your brilliant entry into this hopeful write for our future generation.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 148awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1806

True North

The world can be a rough place,
But there is also beauty in it,
There is kindness in people,
You just have to be diligent at finding it.

I don’t mean to sound cliché
But don’t just hope and pray,
Or wait for things to come your way,
You gotta chase ‘em and face ‘em
With honor and integrity,
Otherwise life will just pass you by.
Surround yourself with successful people,
Find those who do what you want to do
Because if you want to improve your talents,
The key to balance is what you invest in you.

Read with a voracious hunger for knowledge,
Study the greats and all that they’ve shared
So that when you run into certain situations,
You’ll remember and be better prepared.

But most importantly, be kind,
Show compassion toward others
And you’ll find it to be very fulfilling,
There are others just like you,
Searching for answers,
On a quest to find their calling.

Be of service to others for the greater good,
Know your true north with a clear sense of direction,
Because no matter how many times you fall,
You’ll get up again and make those needed corrections.

Have faith, in yourself, in a higher power, in humanity,
It will help you keep your sanity to make sound decisions,
So that even when you make mistakes, it will be ok,
As long as you keep working toward that dream or vision.

Find good people, and good people will find you,
Put into practice the great things that you learn,
Give the world a little bit of your kindness,
Because what you put out will surely be returned.

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