Poetry competition CLOSED 17th December 2016 3:15am
View Profile Poems by Poetryman
RUNNER-UP: usernames_r_lame



Lost Thinker
Bahamas 1awards
Joined 6th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 32

Poetry Contest

Post a poem talking about the effects of pride or pride in general. just be you. can be dark.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

"Planting Dandelions"

As a child I picked the pretty dandelions
Rubbed them on my cheeks to make my face turn yellow
And when the flowers turned fluffy and white
I picked the white balloons and blew them into the air
Drifting on the breeze under parachutes spreading seeds
Landing where there once was untainted fertile soil
Taking root and taking over the lawns of greener grass
Laying in wait the butter cups on the hunt for virgin cheeks
The choking weeds suffocate the soft blades where children play
Shredding claws and ferocious teeth finish off the bloody feast
Until all that remains is a killing field of yellow hides
Where the dandy lion forever reigns as king of his pride
And smiling cheeks of innocence blindly embraced in claws of hate

(jj johnson)

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

"Pride Is One Seed"

One seed is masked in infancy  
With its intoxicating allure  
Its sexy remedy  
Impersonating ones esteem  
Inseminating the mind with arrogance  
An artificial substitute for confidence  
Yet this sweetener tastes un-Equal  
Stroking the ego  
Through external heights that excite  
Attempting to ascend it's slippery slope
Each icy step slides one down tenfold
Leading to a bitterness deep within  
Fueling a growing resentment  
For all that is physically different  
Forgetting that at the core we are One  
We are the same  
Letting go of who you are not  
Is the key to setting us all free  
As part of you is a part of me and we  
And in One we are all together  
Our commonality is the seed of our equality  
Yet in the end to ascend in parallel
Imperious souls must atone and reparate
In ways silver pieces cannot compensate  
For the shame I carry for four hundred years of hate  
Cannot be let go of by one alone  
It must instead be released as One together

(jj johnson)

Lost Thinker
Bahamas 1awards
Joined 6th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 32

This was an amazing poem. Thank you so much for joining. you have an amazing way with words.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 20th Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 46


Shackling pleasure
of what is put on the paper
close the bathroom mirror
save the pills for later
I used to cry behind my bangs
but I find alienation better than starvation of praise
I sound selfish and needy and maybe I am
I was
and will continue to be;
but as long as I can find my way
despite wiry frays
I can pretend to strive
I can pretend that pride
my pride
and your pride
and every ones unnerving intolerable pride
is what makes me happy;
I can pretend in between all these sappy
Christmas commercials that play on a loop until my eyeballs are sore,
that as long as I have apparent achievement, or some Admirality even in the most superficial arrangement,
I will continue to be here;

and maybe so will you

poet Anonymous

My pride

Alone at last with my pride
Alone, bitter down inside
I cast them all aside
To keep hold of my pride

Is it pride that keeps you alive?
Can we survive without any pride?

Oh I wish I could take it back
walk back along the track
my words they cut and hack
Eat my pride, the strength I lack

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

"The Echo that Never Fades Away"

I know what you are trying to say
But I hear the echo that never ends
What you seek is pure equality
But the monster inside thrives on the sin within pride
Waging war with fire burns the world entire
Fight fire with water to douse the flame
Burning down your white house on the hill
Baptize the beast to drown it's burden away
You must see pride in all it's forms to break free of it's embrace
For even tiny seeds grow into forests filled with mighty trees
So too it's true of pride we plant and nurture deep inside
With fangs that bite into the heart and suck it hard and dry
Murder the word that tortures our memories of bigger trees
Where a hanging was a lynching and a black life a disease
Yet bigotry knows no boundaries of skin or religion
It doesn't care so much about what you are
But it sure as shit will hate you for anything you ain't
So if you ain't like us, hate will string you up unless you kill it first
You must learn to let it go because it'll never let go of you
It will build you up and stroke your ego, filling your hardened head
Never letting you in on the secret that your soul's already dead

(jj johnson)

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

we shout
and fight
with our wounded
misguided pride
our commonsense
like a child in pain
crying to be
from these chains
that we insist
on creating

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

Is this
all we have
for the innocent
who are being broken
and starved
the same dream
of eating the food
that we
throw in the bin
is this
all we have
a strong hope
that we proudly present
to strangers
and friends
while our feelings
sadly sit back
and watch our ignorant
shallow thoughts
entertaining our mind
on how to pretend
that we
with our pride
change life's

Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 43

Eternal Pride….

Attracts and retracts, It pushes and pulls
Defies laws of science and creates its own rules
It hunts and attacks, adapts and reacts
Its never been defeated but often it kills
Lethal weapon of will, reinforced with steel
Bars, cages and barricades build my own shield
No compromise with lies, stains tears in your eyes
It pulls no punches and only gives truth,
Savage and vicious a beast and a brut
Enchanting and engaging, beautifully manipulating
It takes your queen and checks your mate
Holds you down with no escape
Loving and kind, Soul undefined
Fearless and strong, Pride has seen it all and is never wrong

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Undiminished Pride

Walk up with your head held high
Like the warrior you truly are.
Pride, something that is in your sky.

Take true courage for your scar
That made you brave enough
To face the world. Do not let it mar

Or ruin your ego. The strong stuff
You are made of is not for everyone.
You are one of the strong and tough

Ones, my dear. You still have the sun
Above your head and the clouds below
Your feet. Nothing is over or done

Just quite yet. You will always plough
Your way through. You will never let
Anything dim away including your glow.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


I've never meant to appear as prideful,
growing up in a loving family.

Youngest, the baby, who always felt loved,
as a giving child filled with charity.

And that's how I've tried to be all my life,
to not bray or hope, expecting in kind.

Yet times have I seen & recognized when
I've overstepped personal policy.

What do I mean when I say it that way?

It means that I know who I really am,
that I'm not as you think, full of myself.

I need to stay grounded, and eye to eye,
'cause I wasn't raised to be otherwise.

I'm not over, or under, anyone
and neither are they no matter what's said.

I welcome the true ones to come visit,
to remind me, and I too, remind them.

I don't need to make up a comfort zone;
I'll do without pride thank you very much.

Photo of a coffee mug design I donated my name to (as one of a group of poets) for a charity event some years back.

Lost Thinker
Bahamas 1awards
Joined 6th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 32

wow all of those poems hit right home. I love how everyone poem was different  but yet connected one way or the other. Thank you for submitting your poems

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

Thank you Cach, it is an honor, and at the same time a bit ironic for me to win a comp about Pride... i'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel.
Congrats to James k. (Jaykay) and usernames_r_lame for their being selected as well. All of the excellent entries should be applauded!!!

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