Poetry competition CLOSED 15th December 2016 7:16am
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92

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FDT Movement

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Poetry Contest

Write your anti-Donald Trump thoughts out and speak out in protest in your poem
Looking back at election night I was extremely disappointed about Hillary losing the election and Donald Trump winning. So keeping up with the news and seeing that so many protesters have taken to the streets and are walking from California, New York, Chicago etc. and it makes me smile to see how many people want their voices heard so which is why I created this competition out of the frustration of the past several days after the election I felt. Now for those of you who are wondering why I called it F.D.T well if you heard the song by YG " FDT" which stands for F*** Donald Trump then you get why. So like the song let's bring the activist out of us and speak about what's going on instead of ignoring it.

- I will not tolerate posts from Trump supporters, I understand your political views are different from mine and everyone else's however do not! And I repeat NOT come on here and attack me for speaking about what I have to say. My right to freedom of speech should be exercised as much as yours so respect mine and I will respect yours!.
- You can talk about why you think he is unfit to be president and what do you think should be done
- Poems about asking for peace at the same time is also ok
- You can also talk about your reaction when you first heard the results
- You don't have to necessarily like Hillary in order to do this you basically can do this just by saying if he's unfit due to having no experience
- one entry only
-Can be as long as you want

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 2632

My initial reaction to the result, having watched all the debates and a lot of the coverage, was one of utter disbelief.
So I did the only thing I could. I wrote my way out of the shit.
It's a tad knee-jerk blue, but I find laughing in the face of adversity helps to move on.


Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

More to Come

I asked the man if it was done
the ending of the troubled times
unwanted by the ones that bled
for the trials imposed on them
from on high the crimes exposed.

The sun has set on chapters torn
from the hearts of many folks
with no sins to their name
other than those applied to their souls
by birth’s lottery turning round.

The answer came in reluctant words
expressed in the calm of the storm
chaos paused before it restarts
slave to none though many strive
to ask for the latter in their regret.

“The question is the edge of life
the wall built up by the lies
held to heart by dark intents
unable to see what is birthed
beyond the links of discontent.”

The blind lead those who see
the deaf listen for those who hear
perhaps they deserve what they find
in search of the salvation’s stairs
marked by the angel’s horns.

The man was the fool’s prophet
jester promoted by you and me
insecurities come out to play
spun from the horary silk of sins
another day with more to come.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Their Time

I've slipped down the rabbit hole
to find a world I once deplored
now transfixed as terra firma
dark fantasies are that much closer
for the ones once on the outside
the door has opened with winked invite
bidding fantasies to be expressed
asking nothing to be withheld
what was held deep in the dark
long held grudges now come to light

looking back at how this came
the cardboard targets were arrayed
behind closed doors for the crowds
filled with holes by practice shots
chants filled the air from raw throats
yelling loud for the earth to turn
the imagined to be allowed
by virtue of the ruling clout
permission granted to find their prey
to hunt in open by light of day

calming voices percolate
higher in the hole were I plunge
asking for my fight to yield
cooperation for my status quo
pledging that the landing found
will have no pain, this disavowed
while in the dark I hear the knives
sharpened on the whetting stones
desiring blood, it is their time.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Flock Confirmed

Welcome traveler to this land
where tribes do fight with burning eyes
you’ll wonder how this came to be
be careful how you now proceed.

The hate is now well steeped
filling every single crevice
deep within the screeching voice
of dog whistles blown to call.

Coded to assure the flock
not enough to alarm the others
stroking grooves worn in stone
invisible to the outside storm.

Nothing here to see observer
we are sane in our enclosure
this mantra is said with confidence
when sanity is told by self.

So my friend now well confused
if malice seems to be entrenched
turn away or be consumed
by hatred of the flock confirmed.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Have to Lose

Power held is sure to slip
if not renewed by consequence
of favors owed to the world
while the Devil takes his spoils.

The field was tilled with hatred's filth
manure of fear’s despair
by spiteful minds now long toiled
to prepare the way for their lord.

From pillared heights in golden chairs
fates are shorn with razor blades
welded by the one percent
cutting flesh from the repressed.

Surety is the greatest wound
inflicted by the ardent fool
bent to press the world to kneel
while angels beg the soul to heal.

With sick ease the knife does it work
faceless meat is the butcher's view
when all is same from that height
querying what do you have to lose?

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Better Than She Can

You've got another choice
she won't treat you right
I can love you better
I can hold you better
I can rule you better
than she can.

Liars know their own kind
I can tell you they are one
my sweet words will mold your soul
she seeks to only to abuse the same.

I'm your sugar daddy she abhors
I'll protect your big money
no matter what I whisper by the pillow
you know where my bread is buttered.

Your money will remain in pocket
our enemies will be dispatched
the lesser ones will be in their place
this coddling is what I promise.

I'm greater than you can believe
allow the narcissism to wash over you
you'll really really like me
you'll be a big fan of mine.

I'm the one you wish you were
reality star with a model wife
model citizen of the upper crust
ready to get down with the louts.

You'll only cry at night
we need to be great again
I can love you better
I can hold you better
I can rule you better
than she can.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Vulture Wings

Past the edge of patience the people long for change.
Alarm bells of the elders tipped the scales for the extreme.
Cry not for the outcome, invitations have been sent.
Now the time for reckoning has arrived on vulture wings.

The old will be swept away by the anger of the crowds.
Don the garments of the conqueror if you seek to survive.
The clothe will chafe and the manacles will burn,
but consider this will be better than the guillotine.

Dare not block the will of the master now awoke.
Consider their warning words spoke with harsh concern.
Revolt is promised by the one with the will to consecrate
destruction of the blasphemies fear deigns to populate.

The decorums of the past are rudely pushed aside,
no longer will the once majority play the victim's role.
Equilibrium demands greatness for the new minority,
God help those who choose to stand in their way.

Nothing will remain after this purge has been spent,
save for the wish to have turned another way.
Cry not the people, this wish was their command.
The world will shift upon the flap of vulture wings.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Glassy Plains

They ask us why we want
plains of melted glass.
They wonder how our hearts desire
a landscape that deathly glows.
The walls in our imaginations
seem too tall for decency.
The future mass deportations
deny the alien’s inner dreams.

We are not the monsters you imagine,
the truth is the opposite.
We are the victims of history,
at the wrong end of possibility.
The talking heads told us this,
our chosen leaders blessed the news.
The sky has fallen on our heads,
this wrong must be addressed.

Our fear was to be channeled,
directed into the status quo
on the battlefields of policy
by the brokers of industry.
Our anger was to be chained
to partisan engines made to flay
common enemies preordained
by the men blessed to lead.

Shake in your boots paper dolls,
our support is not more.
The trust placed in figure heads
has been betrayed to enemies.
Your words have found their mark.
While we no longer fast obey
your demands of blind support
we embrace the call for great change.

In their place true leaders come
with words to rally fearful hearts.
Forceful actions will precipitate
from these men of who agitate.
They've heard our call for authority,
picked up the club to make the change.
The stick will wail in the night
to right the wrongs in the day.

Perhaps the deserts will not glass
and the dunes will not glow.
To speak strongly is their gift,
these future masters of destiny.
The walls will be shorter than words
meant to calm the frightened folk.
Only the evil will have to leave
while the others are made to know their place.

The iron fist will be put away
behind the calm of a velvet glove.
All the righteous have no fear
when the anger is well spent.
Our gowns will be perfect white
with our leader to take our sins.
Might makes right we slighted ones
as we gaze across the glassy plains.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Yeah.... I've written a few anti-Trump poems.  There are more, but this is enough for here.

Fire of Insight
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 228

Blowing The Trumpet

He arrived, he glared, he freaking won
And trumped them all and just for fun
His EGO is so huge it blocks out the sun
Soon he'll be riding on Hair Force One

Wounded Hillary and rubbed in some salt
Then told her it was her own damn fault
The silly cow shrieked it's a Russian assault
Her campaign it came to a screeching halt

The time is nearing when he will just say it
You know that wall that I am building today it
Is to keep you all in and there's no way it
Can fail because Mexico will gladly pay it

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Ok poetryaccident I love your enthusiasm, but you have to have one entry here.
You don't need to enter so many just enter one that's all I ask

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 217


Rich Men Dressed as Artists Sold the Original Copy of America

America is in the pudgy, fucking gluttonous hands
of a denizen who spent his bread to rudder the land:
to stuff the rich and fuck the poor and double-fuck the minorities;
to be the white man with money leading bland milk and porridge; he's
sipping on billions; farewell to any dream of milk and honey
now that this land is such a sundry; least no head can wonder
which nervous system grips the country to dip it in this ugly blunder -

what a little curse I'm under - seventeen and exposed:
the four most vital years of my life: guided and let go;
let slip - will I go hungry and jobless because I'm trans?
Will Republican justices ensure that, tossing my demands,
services can be refused; to the government, I don't exist
and who I know I am don't count for shit since I was born with tits;
been scorned a bit - I can take a horde of hits, my forest is the thickest,
but I'm on a hitlist for resistant diction -

let me paint a Trumpless picture:
freedom tall with none to kick her -
now it's hateful faces biting like some hounds when Master sounds the clicker -
a margin of ardent civilians who didn't give a shit about her
read in Red with eyesight clouded:
choked that woman while she shouted.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

My bad.  That's the result of early morning posting before coffee.  Please delete all but "Glassy Plains".

poet Anonymous


The man with the golden hair
The man that will take you there
Snowflake misunderstood
He wants to make America good.
It's time to buckle in.
Mrs Clinton didn't win.
This name is getting old
This story bin foretold
Bet you wish that you had voted
Sexist rasist suger coated

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