Poetry competition CLOSED 18th November 2016 7:44pm
personanongrata (Astral Gift)
View Profile Poems by personanongrata
RUNNER-UP: The_Crone

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Science V Spirituality

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

The Big Bang? Adam and Eve? Facts? Legends? Magic? Theoretical physics? Sheldon cooper? Westboro baptist church? Whatever your view state it in your ever elegant DU flow. Comedic verse and clever rhyme schemes encouraged!
This is my first competition hosting. So if I have fucked up some how apologies. With your words be as concise, vague or mocking as you like. But please, no criticism of anybody elses work folks. I love rhymes, so any rhyming work will earn extra kudos. Even more kudos if the rhyme schemes are clever. Cheers guys, dress your words to impress

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1875

In Origin

It’s written that everything was created in six days
But what is a day really to a celestial being?
I’m not disagreeing but I have to keep mind
The span of mankind is but a tiny grain of sand
On the countless shores in the oceans of time

In Genesis…
I think Moses was breaking it down to simple mathematics
It’s quite pragmatic because our brains can only go so far
Because if each star tells a story across the vast universe
The reverse might be true, we’re still discovering who we are

If Darwin’s theories rocked people’s foundations and creed
I think there was need for human knowledge to evolve
It still doesn’t quite resolve or gives us all the solutions
But evolution and creation seem to somewhat convolve

I think of it this way…
I cannot reason or explain all of my knowledge to an ant
I just can’t have that type of conversation with an insect
I suspect our individual existences have a specific purpose
As I cannot grasp an amorphous celestial higher intellect

We are descendants of that big bang in the sky
As I am a remnant of that original integral element
We are the miracle, the particle, stardust in origin
Made in His image, each so distinct and excellent

Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

As you may know,
there was a time before you, we I were born,
a time before you had kids, before they handed you a treat,
Way back when, as a lonely bachelor you envisioned peeing with your boy
and crashing urine streams
A time before your primal mission insisted that you lay before you all your female choices
and make a logical choice
not necesarily a love choice,
as how far did love get a vulnerable boy like yourself?
Then there was the time during the reproductive years
when the babies came, the diapers came
life was full of burdens
but you were still immortal
death happened to other people

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 27th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 9

Powerful vs Possible

I bend the world to my will
Be it by my own power
Or by the unchanging nature of the world.
It does as I wanted,
Did I not make it so?

My intuition is uncanny,
The knowing comes naturally.
Nevermind the clues laid before me
In a small piece of the vast pattern?

My cells reproduce
Create themselves anew
By this restoration I am healed
Shall I cure your ills?

Within my body I hold the birthplace of man
My womb has given life, nutured it
Am I likened to a Creator?

Men have wished misfortune on each other
When the adversary drops in death or sickness
Is that proof of men's power
Or proof of possibility?

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

The archons

Science has proven
we are blind
just a thin band of light
that we see
in our everyday life
lost souls
on a narrow road
all in a Line
where our spirit
is being sucked dry
food for those
WHO have no wish
to be known
by any other name
but their own

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Our Own Version of Faith

I do not pray to the same God as you,
But I still carry that faith and hope
With me like the heavy load. Through

Every hard time, I hang onto the rope
Like a miracle. Somewhere up there
An angel is watching, trying to cope

With brokenness. I will not bear
Anybody else’s crosses except for
My own. You have a prayer

Spilling out of your lips. Save it before
You go preaching to someone who will
Never accept it. I have my own door

To open and walk through. Keep still
While others are feeding you made
Up lies. I hope that you continue to fill

Yourself up with love and every blade
Of grass running through your finger
Tips. Never let those moments fade

Away. Never let your hatred linger
Behind, even when you do not agree
With someone else. Imagine the bigger

Picture of the world. It is more than me
And it is more than you. It is not just
Black and white anymore. It is we

And us. Everything can be discussed
And heard.  Everything could be argued.
How can we ever have such distrust?

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Curse of Belief

If belief were a curse
tied to mind and strapped to heart
carried by the innocent
would it care for consequence?
When the birds come to roost
in aviaries on high roof
the bill is due, the time expired
now they see how they conspired.

In between the spires of truth
bridge impossible between the heights
far below the golden streets
the valley is life's harshest lie.
Spawn of desire for the best
and hypocrisy of the reality
the depths breed deepest contempt
for the vanguards of opposing tents.

Struggle against the beliefs embraced
once a blessing now a web
of contrary dogmas in long rows
like the markers above the graves.
The protectors come with long knives
honed to quiet the dissenting voice
sharp from the unpleasant tasks
gleefully chosen as their life path.

The wheel turns to grind the meat
something must grease the gears.
They'll pick the weakness links
no longer part of their chain.
Don't lay down when beliefs betray
the one they swore to protect.
Walk the canyon of your making
with assurity a lifetime does create.

Belief is more than a curse
it is the beginning and not the end
for the innocent no longer pure
made holy in the crucible.
The sword does not dig the grave
the shield is not a burial stone
trust the path in the wilderness
when safety brings only ill.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625


If evolution is just a myth
How do super bugs exist?
Bacteria mutate to survive
Although to kill them we strive.

Mutations arise at random
Often they are a burden
These mutations rarely survive
They inhibit the chance to thrive

A few mutations are of use
Over time they become profuse.
Step by step creatures evolved
Without the hand of god involved

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276

theory x

Don't ask me where we all came from
your soul was also there
We all agreed on everything
and our guides to interfere.

We're multidimensional beings
created by starseeds
Beyond each of our realities
there's space that can't be seized.

Worlds without counted time
but of myriads layers of it
Supernal light energies
take forms of angelic wit

Some call it home or celestial sphere
the air color seem so light
You sense felicity, a nirvana state
with prayers dressed in white

'Life' is only an experience
you just have  to go through
You may make something out of it
or someone else will, by you.

You may learn, you may teach
You may even just die
But your soul will be back,
or elsewhere, with luck,
make sure that you'll go high

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


His narrow hips would have the play
To orchestrate the telling sway,
Like sporran of a tartan clan,
Accentuating talisman.

What science does this charm behold
For such a strutting nuded bold,
Who's calling for a second fame
As if he's God without a name.

Is this the way the scholars took
To thinking merchants had a rook
By selling Jesus' shrouded sheet.
Might just as well be rabbits feet.

Mandla Msibi
Thought Provoker
South Africa 5awards
Joined 29th June 2013
Forum Posts: 92

A spirited rhyme of science

Science, Science, why are you so bias?
God, God, cause of chaos

Science, science, search for truth
God, God, you are my truth

Science, science, cause of chaos
God, God, why are you so bias?

Spirit or Science. what can I say?
Science or Spirit which do I follow?
I know I pray
whenever I feel Hollow

Spirit, Spirit, I know you guide me
Science, Science, you set me free
God, God, oh my Lord
You gave me Spirit and Science
Oh my Lord

Science or Spirituality
What can I say
I only know my reality
So both of them stay

What can I say, what can I say
Science, science, where's my spirit
What can I say, what can I say
Spirit, Spirit, teach me science

What can I say, what can I say
I guess I'll hope to have this answer by next may

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

Mr. Bel Low

We are all born from Adam’s allergy
when eating the apple, reading mythology.
One bite was enough to make his belly swelling
one bite was enough to fix his prostate wedding.

Eve was clever enough not to bite the apple
her father had told her not to put in her mouth
whatever it is bigger than her tit’s sample.

Science was far more advanced million years behind
there was no need for a woman to create the man kind.
God was the father, God was the mother
of Adam and Eve, for more… he couldn’t bother.

How they appeared is not a mystery though
they came from a song called “Mr Bel Low”:

"Don’t look for explanations
they are in the world’s carnations,
there’s no smell to get you pregnant
there’s no God like an agent
to find you the solution of you being an alien crow
and if don’t believe me, ask Mr. Bel Low."

poet Anonymous

So many awesome words, interesting perspectives and some very clever rhymes schemes. I could learn a thing or two! let democracy prevail. let the masses decide!

Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276

thebladeartist said:So many awesome words, interesting perspectives and some very clever rhymes schemes. I could learn a thing or two! let democracy prevail. let the masses decide!

Thank you for hosting bladeartist
that was so interesting subject and relative important
thank you all people
I wish democracy could be honored all across the world, as it was firstly born

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