I wanna fly soHIGH

<< post removed >>

Contemplating years of uber binge
Crazy times partying on the fringe
Now sipping on this tin of red stripe
ASBO disco drew reflecting on oldskool hype
Anti Social Behaviour Order
Disco round like a twisted marauder
Asbo d and drucifer one in the same
Bouncing with gloxstix rave was the game
MDMA was my first love affair
Empathy shared within the first stare
Strangers woven together share mutual sweat
Conversations and fucking, snorting fat lines of FET
Coke made the guys so angry
Coke made the gals so incredibly horney
Coke was expensive, greedy, with no thanks
Shrivelled dicks made for belated aggressive wanks
Weed was a boring self indulgent haze
Never got the let’s get paranoid craze
A puff or two when I needed to sleep
And chant, I pray my lord my soul to keep
Always I said no to KET
This is how fucked can one guy get
Hey Brian understand this is no internet diss
But I dragged you out of that illegal party covered in piss
Weird tho with ketamine and coke
Mixed together become another bloke
A friendly guy that’s called Calvin Klein
A CK is so pretty, trippy and divine
Anyhoo guess it’s no surprise
Ex and I dabbled with legal highs
You seen the YouTube vids fo sho
It’s true be good to yourself just say no
Anyway, long have I ranted
Please don’t take drugs for granted
They can be evil, this I cannot stress
But If you find em cheap here is my email address
Crazy times partying on the fringe
Now sipping on this tin of red stripe
ASBO disco drew reflecting on oldskool hype
Anti Social Behaviour Order
Disco round like a twisted marauder
Asbo d and drucifer one in the same
Bouncing with gloxstix rave was the game
MDMA was my first love affair
Empathy shared within the first stare
Strangers woven together share mutual sweat
Conversations and fucking, snorting fat lines of FET
Coke made the guys so angry
Coke made the gals so incredibly horney
Coke was expensive, greedy, with no thanks
Shrivelled dicks made for belated aggressive wanks
Weed was a boring self indulgent haze
Never got the let’s get paranoid craze
A puff or two when I needed to sleep
And chant, I pray my lord my soul to keep
Always I said no to KET
This is how fucked can one guy get
Hey Brian understand this is no internet diss
But I dragged you out of that illegal party covered in piss
Weird tho with ketamine and coke
Mixed together become another bloke
A friendly guy that’s called Calvin Klein
A CK is so pretty, trippy and divine
Anyhoo guess it’s no surprise
Ex and I dabbled with legal highs
You seen the YouTube vids fo sho
It’s true be good to yourself just say no
Anyway, long have I ranted
Please don’t take drugs for granted
They can be evil, this I cannot stress
But If you find em cheap here is my email address

<< post removed >>
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 310
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 310
I'm not surprised to see this competition with your name on it, Nemo. You make me giggle, you know that? I'm the last person who should enter this competition, but it will be entertaining to watch the entries. :)
Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257
Not a flying fook you pretty clown fish!
Last time I did that for a competition
the piece went so hugely public. I stopped breathing everytime the ex wives attorneys emailed in search of my home adress
That shit be scary be scary as fuck!
Hey G
Don't be offended or any such like thing, my fam. It's just after 12 my head goes wam bam and my body parks while myself fucks off to gone land somewhere.
I was wondering what you were on when you came up with comp? It's really a odd comp, are we allowed to mix shit up abit this whole lovey feelin in a pub of dudes is scaring me to death.
I'm going to the bar to get a drink. Watch my back, these fuckers are staring at me.
Cash is tight now going to have to feed it cheap powder ffs!
But it's time to...
The fucking keyboard on this modile keeps moving around it's like trying to touch a nipple through an angora jumper.
Fuck this comp sucks. Just drove the bloody car in a wall. Well not the whole car only the front left part.
Okay going to sleep now I'm tired.
God whome I kidding. I'll be awake for month
Give us a hug Memo I mean Nemo
I love you bro!
My guy!
Have you ever tried mcdonalds icecream cones DUDE! They're the bomb! Wait I'll have one for you they're freeking brilliant.
Aah fuck!
My stomache aches dude!
I met this guy, he doesn't laaik ice cream or poetry but he's got some liquid G... Should we try it?
Shut up get out!
No come back here!
The peanuts on the bar dance everytime the bar chick puts a drink on the bar! It's fucking hillarious dude.
I see you never answer me. That's okay if I was you I'd be scared of me to.
Fuck my life like really! Here the ex wife is on the phone apparently this is a stoooooopid experiment.. Here tell her it's for poetry putposes please.. Thanks.
Fuck bwaaah this is funny! The peanuts are doing a can can

Do you believe in astra \ astral \ ass travel...
Yeah me either
Dude you gonna piss yourself that chick in the black dress walked passed me to the bathroom her asscheeks moved up and and down... Left Right Left Right...to the beat of the Techno bro... How fucking hillarious!
She's coming back
It's lit bro, they doing it in reverse now! Where the fuck she learn that shit its too fucking funny.
No wY this duDe has DNT
Gonna cUM doewn noew
Laterish whatever
Fuck flames check.
I think I can actually poetry wait
Red ..
No nothing just fucked
Last time I did that for a competition
the piece went so hugely public. I stopped breathing everytime the ex wives attorneys emailed in search of my home adress
That shit be scary be scary as fuck!
Hey G
Don't be offended or any such like thing, my fam. It's just after 12 my head goes wam bam and my body parks while myself fucks off to gone land somewhere.
I was wondering what you were on when you came up with comp? It's really a odd comp, are we allowed to mix shit up abit this whole lovey feelin in a pub of dudes is scaring me to death.
I'm going to the bar to get a drink. Watch my back, these fuckers are staring at me.
Cash is tight now going to have to feed it cheap powder ffs!
But it's time to...
The fucking keyboard on this modile keeps moving around it's like trying to touch a nipple through an angora jumper.
Fuck this comp sucks. Just drove the bloody car in a wall. Well not the whole car only the front left part.
Okay going to sleep now I'm tired.
God whome I kidding. I'll be awake for month
Give us a hug Memo I mean Nemo
I love you bro!
My guy!
Have you ever tried mcdonalds icecream cones DUDE! They're the bomb! Wait I'll have one for you they're freeking brilliant.
Aah fuck!
My stomache aches dude!
I met this guy, he doesn't laaik ice cream or poetry but he's got some liquid G... Should we try it?
Shut up get out!
No come back here!
The peanuts on the bar dance everytime the bar chick puts a drink on the bar! It's fucking hillarious dude.
I see you never answer me. That's okay if I was you I'd be scared of me to.
Fuck my life like really! Here the ex wife is on the phone apparently this is a stoooooopid experiment.. Here tell her it's for poetry putposes please.. Thanks.
Fuck bwaaah this is funny! The peanuts are doing a can can

Do you believe in astra \ astral \ ass travel...
Yeah me either
Dude you gonna piss yourself that chick in the black dress walked passed me to the bathroom her asscheeks moved up and and down... Left Right Left Right...to the beat of the Techno bro... How fucking hillarious!
She's coming back
It's lit bro, they doing it in reverse now! Where the fuck she learn that shit its too fucking funny.
No wY this duDe has DNT
Gonna cUM doewn noew
Laterish whatever
Fuck flames check.
I think I can actually poetry wait
Red ..
No nothing just fucked

Astral Gift
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276
Astral Gift
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 276
All you need is weed
- Who wants drugs?
-That'd be me
-Oh, you're nothing like we've seen
-I'm a fan of Kurt Cobain
-The suicidal junkie?
-Ahh..I felt his pain...Then I possessed one of my own
It made me beg in front of a phone
It made me crawl
It turned my lost
It made me fuck for a 10 dollar dose
It dug inside me
It blew my mind
It blew the shit off of my fuckin eye
- OMG! But you're alive
- Sure! I'm like in an enlightened tribe
No, for real ... I gave up
Or it gave up on me!
Subjective fact...
I now find ways
to truly feel,
to experience this fucked up world' acid trip
with no drugs, just some seeds
weed is a medicine our world needs
To survive
To align
To expand the human mind
To make piece
a human tale
To slowly lift that annoying veil
between the real,
the fake, the surreal
To realize what's the big fuckin deal
- Who wants drugs?
-That'd be me
-Oh, you're nothing like we've seen
-I'm a fan of Kurt Cobain
-The suicidal junkie?
-Ahh..I felt his pain...Then I possessed one of my own
It made me beg in front of a phone
It made me crawl
It turned my lost
It made me fuck for a 10 dollar dose
It dug inside me
It blew my mind
It blew the shit off of my fuckin eye
- OMG! But you're alive
- Sure! I'm like in an enlightened tribe
No, for real ... I gave up
Or it gave up on me!
Subjective fact...
I now find ways
to truly feel,
to experience this fucked up world' acid trip
with no drugs, just some seeds
weed is a medicine our world needs
To survive
To align
To expand the human mind
To make piece
a human tale
To slowly lift that annoying veil
between the real,
the fake, the surreal
To realize what's the big fuckin deal

<< post removed >>
Astral Gift
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276
Astral Gift
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 276
I'm sorry, what??
Is it inappropriate ?
Is it inappropriate ?
Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257
personanongrata said:I'm sorry, what??
Is it inappropriate ?
It took him thtee days to get home...After I shareded my stuff.... He / she (do FISH have a sex?) took my whole jackeyt this time...and ran! Give heem a few days till the pockets in the jacket empty... But no inapropriate posts can happon in dis thread I'm looking for a white nissan with "JOIN THE REVOLUTION" printed on the sideds if you checking for like things... Cool guitar! You play Rock?
Bro check.... The greener stripes around this page... They roll themselves... Fuvking hysterical man.
Bro favour if you see either Lavander or Eamon...please tell them I'm stuck in here for a few dayz... Can they please throw an age restriction onit before the strip show? Thanks man....
Noway china brother your poem is epic... High Fivez and Kudos man!
Oh dude I got some CAT left
cam I cut you oneOR you want a bullet rather bruv?
Is it inappropriate ?
It took him thtee days to get home...After I shareded my stuff.... He / she (do FISH have a sex?) took my whole jackeyt this time...and ran! Give heem a few days till the pockets in the jacket empty... But no inapropriate posts can happon in dis thread I'm looking for a white nissan with "JOIN THE REVOLUTION" printed on the sideds if you checking for like things... Cool guitar! You play Rock?
Bro check.... The greener stripes around this page... They roll themselves... Fuvking hysterical man.
Bro favour if you see either Lavander or Eamon...please tell them I'm stuck in here for a few dayz... Can they please throw an age restriction onit before the strip show? Thanks man....
Noway china brother your poem is epic... High Fivez and Kudos man!
Oh dude I got some CAT left

cam I cut you oneOR you want a bullet rather bruv?

<< post removed >>
Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257
Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
It's all good mate.
I'll see if I can try conjur another stanza tonight.
I'm glad you okay though, when you loose fam it's scary man.
My mobile keyboard is the same as yours.. The other day I was looking for me? Missioning pubs and every review I wrote on them they said my keyboard was stuck... Idiots its ytrewq like qwerty but more fucked than mirror.
Cool bro!
I'm enjoying the research for this comp.
Its been epic!
It's all good mate.
I'll see if I can try conjur another stanza tonight.
I'm glad you okay though, when you loose fam it's scary man.
My mobile keyboard is the same as yours.. The other day I was looking for me? Missioning pubs and every review I wrote on them they said my keyboard was stuck... Idiots its ytrewq like qwerty but more fucked than mirror.
Cool bro!
I'm enjoying the research for this comp.
Its been epic!
Duncan Alexander
Joined 4th May 2010
Forum Posts: 2144
Duncan Alexander
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2144
I Be Fiery!?!
The fire thats inme
It burns right through eternally
Burns straight through this monopoly,
They'll all see,
I Be fiery
This arrogant prance
This deadly dance
It leaves me scorched
I've been torched
All this peace
I won't let the turmoil cease
I let chaos reign
I feel it ravange my brain
It should be profain
To be this fucking insane
To be in my own lane
To break this drug fuelled chain
I keep the right to abstain
From the race for personal gain.
[I wrote this a few years ago, in highschool. I have been sober almost 3 year now]
The fire thats inme
It burns right through eternally
Burns straight through this monopoly,
They'll all see,
I Be fiery
This arrogant prance
This deadly dance
It leaves me scorched
I've been torched
All this peace
I won't let the turmoil cease
I let chaos reign
I feel it ravange my brain
It should be profain
To be this fucking insane
To be in my own lane
To break this drug fuelled chain
I keep the right to abstain
From the race for personal gain.
[I wrote this a few years ago, in highschool. I have been sober almost 3 year now]
Astral Gift
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276
Astral Gift
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 276
I'm not a man but can you please someone explain to me the meaning of your post. I can't understand a thing and translation doesn't help. Was the poem silly?
Astral Gift
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276
Astral Gift
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 276
RevolutionAL said:
It took him thtee days to get home...After I shareded my stuff.... He / she (do FISH have a sex?) took my whole jackeyt this time...and ran! Give heem a few days till the pockets in the jacket empty... But no inapropriate posts can happon in dis thread I'm looking for a white nissan with "JOIN THE REVOLUTION" printed on the sideds if you checking for like things... Cool guitar! You play Rock?
Bro check.... The greener stripes around this page... They roll themselves... Fuvking hysterical man.
Bro favour if you see either Lavander or Eamon...please tell them I'm stuck in here for a few dayz... Can they please throw an age restriction onit before the strip show? Thanks man....
Noway china brother your poem is epic... High Fivez and Kudos man!
Oh dude I got some CAT left
cam I cut you oneOR you want a bullet rather bruv?
I can't get your talk. What do you mean by CAT. bullet??fUckin men?levander?Is this an attack ?
if not, yeah men I play fuckin rock I'm a woman and all that I wrote in the poem
It took him thtee days to get home...After I shareded my stuff.... He / she (do FISH have a sex?) took my whole jackeyt this time...and ran! Give heem a few days till the pockets in the jacket empty... But no inapropriate posts can happon in dis thread I'm looking for a white nissan with "JOIN THE REVOLUTION" printed on the sideds if you checking for like things... Cool guitar! You play Rock?
Bro check.... The greener stripes around this page... They roll themselves... Fuvking hysterical man.
Bro favour if you see either Lavander or Eamon...please tell them I'm stuck in here for a few dayz... Can they please throw an age restriction onit before the strip show? Thanks man....
Noway china brother your poem is epic... High Fivez and Kudos man!
Oh dude I got some CAT left

cam I cut you oneOR you want a bullet rather bruv?
I can't get your talk. What do you mean by CAT. bullet??fUckin men?levander?Is this an attack ?
if not, yeah men I play fuckin rock I'm a woman and all that I wrote in the poem
Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257
Oh dear, we need to chill.
The thread became a "hotbox" of drug / alchohol affected humans and a fish (Nemo - the host) the banter got wild due to the fact that we were completely wasted.
At no stage was there any attack, indeed "Noway china brother your poem is epic... High Fivez and Kudos man! " I do apologise however for calling you a man, I had no idea you were a woman (and should have checked).
Please realise that in our completely wasted state it did not occur to me at all to check the vital stats.
If you can manage the humour; one of my most favourite DU poets wrote a piece that was the reverse of our experience and it was extremely funny because he thought he was talking to a woman who turned out to be a man. If you want a laugh I'll send you the link.
Please please accept my appology for my behaviour during substance tests for poetry purposes. I am sorry.
But no hard feelings from my side you welcome to hang with me anytime.
The thread became a "hotbox" of drug / alchohol affected humans and a fish (Nemo - the host) the banter got wild due to the fact that we were completely wasted.
At no stage was there any attack, indeed "Noway china brother your poem is epic... High Fivez and Kudos man! " I do apologise however for calling you a man, I had no idea you were a woman (and should have checked).
Please realise that in our completely wasted state it did not occur to me at all to check the vital stats.
If you can manage the humour; one of my most favourite DU poets wrote a piece that was the reverse of our experience and it was extremely funny because he thought he was talking to a woman who turned out to be a man. If you want a laugh I'll send you the link.
Please please accept my appology for my behaviour during substance tests for poetry purposes. I am sorry.
But no hard feelings from my side you welcome to hang with me anytime.