Poetry competition CLOSED 5th October 2016 10:34pm
View Profile Poems by MadameLavender
RUNNER-UP: ClearmindedVillain

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Perfect balance

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write a perfectly balanced poem
Tomorrow (at this end of Earth anyway) is the Autumn Equinox. Mabon. Alban Elfed. Some of us are digging out our drums and greeting the sun.

However you roll, the equinox is a time of balance. Day and night are equal in length. The harvests are rolling in, the colder half of the year begins.

I'd like a poem about balance - it may be two sides to a conversation, two halves of a situation, two halves of the year - be creative, but interpret the theme how you will. Take your time and think about it.


* New writes only please
* Please title your piece
* One entry only
* Any length, as long as it's relevant
* Collabs allowed (that could be interesting)
* Audio / video entries allowed
* 2 weeks

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Edward E. Edwards' Esorteric Entrepreneurial Example

Edward E. Edwards
examples explaining
Equitorial equinox
exquisitely entertains
equality & equity

of enzimes
light & dark

Ever envisioned
exits 'n entrances
express education
entire entertainment
The Evolving Entre ?

Edward E. Edwards
& erected

At eleven
Edward E. Edwards
example Edward's exact
external environmental

Then Edward E.
had a E- cigarette
& went to
excersize gym
after breakfast
& energy drinks


Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5598



Resin-toed pointe shoes
kick, kick, flick—ballerina;
lights illuminate

tulle and lace tu-tu’s.
Sparkle—Tchaikovsky’s dream-scene,
she spins on tip-toe,

knee anchored to air.
Invisible forces pull
pirouette balance—

impossible speed.
Sugarplums rain, and she bows,
to the curtain fall.

poet Anonymous

Mr. blue skies and the lovely lavender lady... thank you for your entries, and for kicking off my comp. Just what I was looking for.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5598

Miss_Sub said:Mr. blue skies and the lovely lavender lady... thank you for your entries, and for kicking off my comp. Just what I was looking for.

Do I get bonus points for the blackmail photo ?.... Recognize the dancer?  (Yes, that's me at 17 in 1984)

poet Anonymous

.... nooooooooooooooooo.... really?! I didn't even notice that. That's gold. 😂👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Tyrant of Words
United States 147awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1794

Octadiddle-Tron* 0808

You can make my heart skip some beats
And that’s hard when I’m a drummer
Keeping time in mind I repeat
Losing focus is a bummer

When you glance I lose the rhythm
Not that I had much from the start
But it does something odd to me
Me thinks it syncs in with your heart

I know you may not believe me
But the things you say pull me in
Even with your slight peek or glint
I lose the pulse and so I grin

I think of it as a cadence
That measures the feeling I feel
It goes off track in your presence
Because of your lovely appeal

I can sense the fluctuations
Especially when you are near
A pattern of expectations
The pulsing dance kicks to high gear

And I mutter and I stutter
Then my heart flutters and quivers
The commotion when you‘re close by
A high like nothing else delivers

Then there’s that stare just between us
The connection raises the heat
I melt away into the groove
The way you move into that beat

I think I know what you’re thinking
A slight inkling of what you’ll do
But then the tempo picks back up
I’m just simply smitten by you

* A hybrid rudiment composed of two paradiddle diddle diddles played in octuplets.

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

MadameLavender said:

Do I get bonus points for the blackmail photo ?.... Recognize the dancer?  (Yes, that's me at 17 in 1984)

You were on point at 17?
That's worth a bonus point surely.

Naah is that on point or a clever photographer... At 17?

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

American Quilt

At dusk she lights a candle in memory of her first love blooming red in her spring of life
The glow and it's warmth suggest hope
Some residual light left from his effect on her
The flame reflects and dances in her eyes
Like the glint and smolder one sight of his smile once set off in her baby blues
Now dimmed to a whisper of memories song
She feels wrapped in sorrow like a moth eaten blanket
No matter how tight she tugs the cold of lonesome still finds its way in
He slips further away with each tick tock of old grandfather clock
His image fades from her memory with the slow passing of days
With them her blue eyes have turned grey clouded by.a melancholic fog
She can no longer see the strong lines of his face
Hear the low timber of his voice humming a melody
Or smell the scent of him on his shirt she holds clenched tight in her fist
At night in restless dream she is haunted by his shadow detached from body
With trembling hands she reaches through emptiness trying desperately to touch
She wakes feeling acutely alone fearing the unknown dark space around her
The candle has long burnt out and gives no glow or illusion of warmth
She shuts her eyes hard against hope and now longs to forget
She shivers as eternal winter becomes the season of her heart.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5598

RevolutionAL said:

You were on point at 17?
That's worth a bonus point surely.

Naah is that on point or a clever photographer... At 17?

Lol--it was the real deal; we didn't even have home computers back then, nevermind Photoshop for trickery

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 29th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 69

Whoever saves

Chills run up and down my body these days only.
Drives when the street lights shine and single me out in my car alone.
Is it possible to be afraid of the daylight?
As the sun dims I know it's time.

You're out there the one I've been working hard for.
Stronger I'll  be handle the next one.
She's going to be full of passion.
The kind of passion that attacks me as I get my keys in the door.
In the future I belong now.
No destination for play no seat is safe.

Maybe there should be a screening this time.
A free agent in time whoever saves will be completely invested.
I would have liked to have to restrain from the past.
No time wasted I was the student back in class.
The bed will not consume me no matter how comfortable.
Out to feel what's  left of my summer.

poet Anonymous

Wonderful entries guys! Thank you. Inviting many more 😄

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

This piece replaces my previous entry...


The scent of my stroll 'cross the fences
'neath the midnight blue of a new moon
arouses my gentleman's senses
on this night down the street where he croons.

He sings out to me in the clear night
with each call we arch in sympathy
I reply with the thrill of invite
as I hasten while he waits for me.

There he is, here am I in a trance
yet awake so alert as we greet
then to leap and to spin as we dance
and to share in our nuzzles so sweet.

There's nothing that's more stimulating
when it comes to our trysts in the dark
meeting near humans congregating
yet unseen when the time comes to spark.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 28th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 15

Returning light

Life is leaving
But returning
All in in the darkness
As well as the light
Balanced like the fall day

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