Poetry competition CLOSED 24th September 2016 00:34am
OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
View Profile Poems by OxyMoronicMe
RUNNERS-UP: Gahddess_Worship and UbiquitousVoid

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I'd die for you...

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

Poetry Contest

Extremely love poems!
This time I want to see extremely love poems!
Let's say you would die for the other and let you imagination work for you!

This is the song/video inspiration! I love this song!

and the lyrics/poem...

My heart weights minimum a ton
An army's feet pounding on my head
Maybe I'll wake up one day to notice
that all my life was just a dream...

And maybe I'll be better off without you
You left me here with all my thoughts
I'd write a zillion words or walk a million miles
I'd sleep on broken glass just not to lose your smiles

I travel for you around the world
Collecting moments, o how absurd
To bring your beauty, to bring your joy
I wish I'd be a little boy

Where is that silence you promised me?
Why is that distance so close to me?
Why is your violence still hurting me?
Why are your eyes avoiding me?

Let me say thank you for all that you have given me.
Thank you for everything you've done.
Forgive me for saying one last thing:
I miss you and I hope you hear this song!

I travel for you around the world
Collecting moments, o how absurd
To bring your beauty, to bring your joy
I wish I'd be a little boy

I'm dying for you, can't you see?
I'm lying for you to be free!
I hunger for you, 'cause I can't eat!
I'd vanish for you in defeat!

one entry
only new poems
extreme love

Good luck to all!

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17117

My Angel My Love

lend me a breath of you
to stoke the fire of my love
to stroke the desire in my heart
to love you and be loved by you

my soul my heart my life
my arms long to hold you
to fill out the gap of its emptiness
to feel your warmth within

My Angel, let me drown in your eyes
let me disappear into your body
and merge with your essence
infused and imbued in your being

if the stars in heaven are eternal
then my love for you is galaxies more
if the days from creation to eternity
are time for me to love you, its twice that

I love you.

Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273

I am not exactly proficient at standard, non-violent love poems, but here is my attempt.


You are as the whitest snow  
Eyes so pure they seem to glow

Did you see me in your dreams
On a knee?
Did you hear me breathe softly
In your ear?
Did my heart just cease to beat
And restart?
Could this moment be what I
Think? Oh no
Never mind, I must have tripped
On the blind

I just keep stuttering
I can't keep my mouth shut
I know I must bore you
But I simply adore you
I can't shake the shivers
When I'm standing there with her
I can't even hold a glance
Scared to grasp the chance
How crazy I must seem to you
I'm just a darker shade of blue

Did you watch me as I went
To the lodge?
Did the smile on my lips speak
By the mile?
Did I really have to lie
For a thrill?
Could this moment be what I
Think? Oh no
Never mind, I'll keep the bliss
For a while

Can I tell you the truth
That I just want to spew
I won't reveal why
But I feel so alive
This love is a lie
But I can't say goodbye
You are as the whitest snow  
Eyes so pure they seem to glow
Clothe me in this work of art  
And douse the fires of my heart    
I am as the barren land  
Without you here I cannot stand  
My love won't you become the rain  
And fall into my arms again?

Strange Creature
Joined 17th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 1

I feel so walked on, and used. You were unhappy when I met you. It seems that you are fine now. After everything I did, everything I helped you through. I did your dishes, because you asked. I cleaned your bathroom, because you asked. I took out your garbage, because you asked. I helped you move , because you asked. I rubbed your feet, because you asked. I massaged and scratched your back every night I was with you, because you asked. I threw sex to the wayside, because you asked. I put hundreds of dollars, and miles on my car, just so I could see you twice a week, because you asked.

I would have destroyed the planet, if you had asked. I would have spent more time with you, if you had asked. I would have done anything, if you had asked. I would have been what you needed, if you had only asked.

Now that all of the changes in your life are through, I get tossed away, because you don't need me anymore. Because you got bored. Because you didn't love "us" anymore. Because you don't love me anymore.

I wished to all the gods and Devils, that we could try to make it work. You won't. You refuse. Those things made me think.

If the opportunity presented itself, I don't know what I would do, now. You shattered me to pieces one too many times already. Who is to say that you won't do it again? For that question alone, unless proved otherwise, I cannot and will not trust you with me again. Then again, you don't love me anymore. You gave me my heart back, broken, battered, and trod upon... And you could care less. I wish that you felt like me. Bad and good. The bad, so you understand my anguish. The good, so you could understand my love.

But you threw us away. You healed me, then broke me even further. You should have come to your senses, before it resulted in this. I could have done something about it. I would have.

But you told me you would not, because I asked.

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

Thank you all for great entries till now!

I´ll take time to comment on all poems after the end of the comp.

Come on poets! I wanna see more extreme love feelings!

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2668

My Love

We breathe the same air
one heart
two people
embraced by love

When I look at you
my soul sings with happiness
I would do anything in the world
just to be near you

I will forever be the one
to chase away the pain
to comfort your mind,
warm your heart
and love you deeply

Michael Ash Sharbaugh
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 18th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 30

her eyes are something
words can't describe
the scent of farewell
the bite in her lies
yet there's something precious in the weight of her kiss

I can't breathe when she's around

gunsmoke in the air
when she arrives
a rose is a rose
but she is not a girl

I can't breathe when she's around

sparks and crimson
she stares as with a hex
in a moment she has blown away
the theory of the next

i can't breathe when she's around

if only her love could suffocate me like her britches do
then maybe we could talk
'cos sometimes she makes me feel like a vegetable
and then I want her even more

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 113awards
Joined 28th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 333

I would die for you, to see you watch over me
As I slip to the world I hope you too will be.
Having done my duty to keep you protected,
As the wedding vows that I gave you expected,
And provided for in sickness as in heatlh;
To you alone, girl, I dedicated my wealth.
With my body I have worshipped only you true,
So will you hold my hand the way you always do?

Thought Provoker
South Africa
Joined 24th Sep 2015
Forum Posts: 449

They walk in
AK47's in one hand
never saying a word
only firing at people

I cover your body
becoming your shield
feeling the your heat
and shaking body

Your face is destroyed
sparks flying everywhere
the i7 processor is safe
the graphics card is safe

Most importantly
I finished the game
before they walked in

I can now die happily

Authors note: Noone specified that I had to die for someone else

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

Thank you for your entries Greg, Solomon Song and MiKash!!

Welcome to DU Mikash!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880


you purposefully estrange me
I see that, but
sigil to my affection,
please don’t wring my heart to bleed
I can only endure a limit of agony, at a time
knowing the fact of losing you is already a suffering

submissiveness of my heart, mind and soul is to you
I don’t have any power to alter their motive

what my eyes show is you
what my ears hear is you
what my senses feel is you
what my soul craves is you

it is always you
it will always be you

oh my love,
I don’t have a power to alter my selfish desires
how can I think of changing yours?

it is
the slightest feeling,
the thin ray of light,
the joy in my heart,

it’s the hope.
an empty hope...
that fuel my desires.

it’s truly wonderful...

the waiting...

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th July 2015
Forum Posts: 48

How deep is my love for you?
Your breath on my skin warming my soul,
Your kisses filling my broken pieces like glue.
The touch of your hand sets my skin on fire,
My very being filles with desire.
Every part of me aching when you're away,
Dreaming of the day you'll walk through the door sweeping me up into your arms.

Pull me closer let me breath you in.
Let me feel you under my skin.
Deeper into me deeper then anyone has ever been.
How deep is my love for you?
Deep enough to give up my last breath for you to live.
Deeper then the blood that rushes through me.

Look into my eyes so that you may see my soul, it's a reflection of yourself.  Two are now one, deeply intertwined.
My sex is your love, my love is your sex.
Enter into me deeper then any other before you.

Reach into me pull out my soul, eat it up take it into you. How deep is my love for you, look inside your self that's where you'll find me!

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Autumn Night
(A necrolovers' demise)

Clapping leaves left behind their branches
As darkness embraces my wounded soul
Seeing nothing I raced against time
Towards the unknown with hate in my heart
Wherever I would find my lost being
Know that it's towards you I was going

You were my nemesis, how come my pillar too?
As much as I liked to kill you
That's as much I love you too
As well as I detested the sight of you
It's as intense of how I longed to touch every inch of you

Vile taste resides inside my mouth
And the chime danced to the tune of loon behind my back
Our bodies unite and my sanity falls in chunk
Mixing in with the salad of delectable insides
Of someone lifeless, swimming in crimson grounds

Oh, what heavenly smell and enticing sight!
Absolutely beautiful, making me reached a record's high.
You and I, we are two of a kind
We never should have met
Perhaps one life could have been spared

Before another one is sacrificed
To the glory of our earthly desires
Let me pull close the season come sundown, my love.
Our kind shouldn't be allowed a spring nor summer
Not even the white snow of winter
With this blade, let's fall to darkness together

They are safe now
And we are together
Never to be apart
In death we love
In love we find death

That's how I love you to death and back.

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