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write poetry in another language

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16181

Sesejuk Salju

Telapak tanganmu sesejuk salju
mengenggam tanganku erat
lafaz janji setiamu
bagaikan ikatan sutera

akan tetapi setakat tebu tertanam
dibibir...janji tinggal janji
habis madu sepah dibuang.

(Indonesian Malay)

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 53


El Otro sol

Ella cultiva
Las Flores de mi Alma
Con su sonrisa

The Other Sun

She cultivates
The flowers of my soul
With her smile

poet Anonymous

Tu che precedi la sera.

Tu che precedi la sera con tramonti dolci
Nel tuo rosso è imbrunire che la quiete precede
Dolci ricordi mi dai, di quel tanto forte ciel sereno,
Ora ad apprestarsi anch'egli al tenero riposo.

Oh forte luce del sol che li tuoi capelli oro rendono,
Facendo si chi la tua faccia come la luna,
I raggi del tanto forte sole riflette,
In questa nostra serata, che nussun abbia a vederci.

E mentre tu sei lì, nelli tuoi pensieri assorti,
Io che coi miei pensieri vago, all'imbrunire di questa alba siffata tramonto,
Che sia oh dolce il mio ultimo prima di dipartir per onde lontane.
Della quite che nel suo calore ella possa imbracciarmi.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Australia 13awards
Joined 5th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 6358

مجھے  ملنے میری کذا بھی جو آیے
چھپا اپنے ہاتھوں دوا تھے وہ لایے

मुझे मिलने मेरी क़ज़ा भी जो आयी
छिपा अपने हाथों दवा थी वह लाई !

when it came my death finally to meet me
hidden in it's hand was remedy to treat me!

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

Caesar ad sum iam forte,
Cicero ad erat.
Caesar sic in ombnibus,
Ceasar sic in at.

(schoolboy joke)

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393


Ο άγγελος είπε
«δεν υπάρχει ο παράδεισος»
κι εσύ σταμάτησες
να ποτίζεις τον κήπο.

Τα λουλούδια
είναι τώρα μαραμένα
τα δέντρα
δεν βγάζουν φρούτα πια
και όλα τα σαλιγκάρια πέθαναν.

Τώρα στέκεσαι
μπροστά απ’ το παράθυρο
κοιτάζεις το νεκρό χωράφι σου
κι ακούς τον άγγελο να λέει
«μόνο η σιωπή δεν είναι ψεύτικη»
κι εύχεσαι να υπήρχε.



An angel said
that paradise does not exist,
and you stopped
watering the garden.

The flowers
are now withered;
the trees
stopped having fruits
and all the snails died.

Now you stand
by the window
you look at your dead brown
and you hear a voice saying
“only silence is never fake”
and you wish that paradise existed.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 180


En busqueda de amor
Me encontré a tu favor
En tus brazos me has tomado
Y sin palabras me he quedado.

Muchas fueron las noches que pasé llorando
Pidiéndole a Dios orando
Que me diera un compañero humilde y Bueno
Pero pensaba que existias solo en sueños

Pero escuchaba Dios y a Su debido tiempo
Me hizo encontrarte en el mismo templo
Humilde y Bueno eres para mi
Con todo lo que tengo, me entrego a ti.

Como tu amada esposa
Em mi amor confía y reposa
Descansa en saber que eres mi diamante
Y por siempre me enlazo a ser tu amante.

Eres alto en calidad y de precio caro
Me pierdo en tu mirada de ojos claro.
Me comprendes y me amas
Con todo el respeto hacia una dama
Soy feliz al estar junto a ti
Y jamas quisiera que vivas sin mi.

En los dias Buenos y tiempos malos
En medio de la paz y apesar del chaos
Aunque sople los vientos
O venga el aliento
Tengamos mucho o cosa poca
Nuestro matrimonio siempre firme sobre la roca
Juntos por siempre venceremos
Pues, con Dios perserveremos…

English Translation

In search for love
I found myself at your favor
In your arms you’ve taken me
And without words I remain.

It was many nights that I spent crying
Asking God in prayer
That He give me a partner, humble and good
But I thought he only existed in dreams.

But, God heard and in His due time
He made me find you in the same temple
Humble and good you are to me
With all that I have, I surrender to you.

Like your beloved wife
In my love trust and relax
Rest in knowing that you are my diamond
And forever I am bound to be your lover.

You are of high quality and value to me
I get lost when looking into your clear eyes
You understand me and you love me
With all the respect toward a woman
I am happy being together with you
And I never want you to live without me.

In good times and those bad times
In the midst of peace or amidst the chaos
Though the strong winds blow
Or healing arrives
Whether we have much or very little
May our marriage remain firmly on solid rock
Together, we will always conquer
For with God, we shall always persevere.

poet Anonymous

yerp lezoun chartez
yerp zterkere’ gedres
yerp portzes anounin chenchel
arunov kervaz panasdeghzoutioune’
ge’ hosee…achkeren!

poet Anonymous


yo nunca pienso en ti
menos las mananas
y las noches
a veces las tardes pero
no los todos

solo a veces

algunas veces  

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085


wɒx bɿiqƨ, ɔoɒƚ ƚʜɘ iɿon ɔlɒb, ƨƨɘb dy ɿuddɘɿ ƨɘɒl
ƚʜɘ lɘǫion wʜiƨqɘɿƨ ƨinnɘɿƨ liƨƚɘn no ɔʜilb doɿn ʞinǫ ɔɿiɘƨ
liʞɘ ƚʜɒƚ onɘ muʇʇlɘb dy youɿ ɒǫɘb ʜɒnb

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