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write poetry in another language

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Bon Voyage lil rabbit ...bon fortuna!!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


Hennes skönhet i mitt sköte
Mina knän på hennes skuldror omsluter
Min saft så nära att droppa....
Tungan fångar
Hennes kåta blick

I extas...tungan fångar mig
Hon fångar mig...om och om igen
Och denna skönhet får mig på fall

Jag lyder...förförelsen får henne att sära
Hennes saft på min tunga smakar som honung....en clitoris av rinnande honung
Vaginan fyller min mun som bara en kvinna kan

Och söt som socker

Mot tungan hon stöter med sin kvinnlighet....
Vrider och stönar....
Och hon exploderar sin saft i min hungriga iver

Swedish..to English.....

I wish....

Her beauty in my spread
My knees on her shoulders embrace
And my honeypot inches to drip drip close...
Catch lick
And the ravenous look on her

In ecstacy grind
Her lap finds my wave

Oh sappho ocean
Currents crash hard my pleasure
Over and over she probes my pulse
And this sweet Goddess beckons me down

I oblige gladly
Seduction slide into her spread of knee
Her slick on my tongue tastes like the work of bees....
Honeycomb lace of clitoris
Vulva exotica and my mouth filled
By the very definition of woman

And sugar sweet

Upward writhe bucking feminine feline thrust..
Twist pelvis to unearthly moan...
As she explodes to my hungry suck

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

HarleyQinn_2 said: A Thing Wine
god no A Grog
God no  esuoh  
ereht's no erom
eci maerecem
ron seinap
ta eht  erost
ereht's eep ni eht llah
ssiut ni roomthab  
By Harley

"there's pee in the hall" !! LOL oh Ashley, you're funny!

Thought Provoker
Joined 7th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 342

Quod non potuerunt in ferravia subterranea manticularii , rerum memorialium mercatores facile fecerunt.
Where the pickpockets in the subway failed,
the souvenir dealers in broad daylight prevailed.

Miss Chi
Tyrant of Words
Germany 19awards
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 891

sodium589 said:
Quod non potuerunt in ferravia subterranea manticularii , rerum memorialium mercatores facile fecerunt.
Where the pickpockets in the subway failed,
the souvenir dealers in broad daylight prevailed.

Multos saepe loca faciunt committere furta.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

HedonsHerald said:"I hate stupid people..." (a lively poem in a dead language)
Quod mecum ignorat,
solus vult scire videri,
asinus asinum fricat,
Ita erat quando hic adveni.

Gotta say Herald...my favorite part is the parenthesis..
I love a great play with words....that is fun darlin...

Ello...my name is Jen, and I play the fooool...
Great pic wavy gravy....🎶🎶🎶🎶

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Everyone send Rabbit happy vibes....he wants us to comment on each other and cheer along as if he were here.

He is a cool dude....and needs those thoughts...🎀

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

uniqueshaky said:I will try - although I'm not fluent in welsh:

Peidiwch â gadael iddynt ddioddef,
peidiwch â gadael iddynt brifo,
ddod o hyd i ddioddefwyr,
droi yn hwy i enillwyr,
os byddwch yn canfod y wrthwynebydd,
gadewch iddo gael eu cosbi,
ond peidiwch â anfon casineb iddo,
neu y Cylch yn ailadrodd,
mae y Cylch yn cael ei ailadrodd.

Roughly translates to:

Don't let them suffer,
don't let them hurt,
find the victims,
turn them into victors,
If you find the antagonist,
let him be punished,
but don't send him hate,
or the cycle repeats,
the cycle is repeated

Babydoll...did you write this or is it an old proverb of sorts....Whichever...it is an echo of mercy....and stunning...
Though trying to pronounce is like whistling with a mouth full o crackers..lol....would die to hear it.
When and where is it from? Would like to learn more...

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Ankyouthay orfay uhthey illyray icenay
ommentskay. Itay akesmay eryvay appyhay

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 9th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 128


Te entrego
un beso,
para tomar de tu amor -
cada querpo un sol
con pura  passion
con pura calor
de los dos, se hacen uno
mezclados,sin fin
para ahora ,
para man`ana,
y para siempre  

I deliver you a kiss
to drink of  your love
Each body is a sun
 with pure passion
  with pure heat
Of these two
       they become one
 tangled with no end

    For today
    For tomorrow

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

rabbitquest said:Alamityjinkay,
Ankyouthay orfay uhthey illyray icenay
ommentskay. Itay akesmay eryvay appyhay


Ouryay elcomeway ollday acefay!

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

Η αγάπη

Η αγάπη - τι είναι;
Είναι ο άνεμος που παρασέρνει τα λογικά σου,
Η θύελλα που καταστρέϕει τον νου σου.
Σαν στρατός, σε κατέχει κατά την θελησή σου,
Σαν νόσημα, σε κατακλύζει,
Και δεν υπάρχει καμία θεραπεία.

Κι όμως...κι όμως...

Παρά τον πόνο της αγάπης:
Οι ποιητές την αγάπη εξυμνούν,
Οι νεαροί πεθαίνουν για την αγάπη,
Οι νεαρές ονειρεύονται την αγάπη.
Γιατί; Θα μπορούσε να είναι γιατί
Aγαπάμε tην αγάπη;



Love - what is it?
It is the wind which blows away your senses,
The storm which destroys your mind.
Like an army, it occupies you against your will;
Like an illness, it overwhelms you,
And there is no cure.

And yet....and yet...

Despite the pain of love:
Poets glorify love,
Young men die for love,
Young girls dream of love.
Why? Could it be because
We are in love with love?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2879

එක සුන්දර කවියක් යැය්
කිව නොහැකි
මගේ ජීවිතේ

පද පේලි රිසි සේ ගැලපුණු
අසීමිත ආදරයක් පිරුණු
සුන්දර වූ
කවියක් මැය්

a beautiful poem
which is not, i would call
my life

with well aligned rhymes
filled with an immense love
a beautiful
you are

Fire of Insight
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 228

Here are four short ones i have done recently.

Og fegurðin er falin
feiknarstór á ryðguðum jeppa
En tárin eru talin
tvöföld innan um slitna leppa

And the beauty is hidden
huge it resides on a rusty jeep
but the tears are counted
double among ragged clothes

Sama hve þú stynur
sundrungin magnast
Vittu það samt vinur
vargur á þér hagnast

As much as you moan
division increases
know this though friend
a beast profits by you

Ismi er ekki mér að skapi
endalaust skipar í sveitir
Þýðir lítið þótt hann tapi
Þá hann sér aftur breytir

Ism isn't something i like
endlessly divides people
It doesn't matter if it loses
it simply changes itself again

Fjandakornið hýmdi á fjósbita
froðufelllandi af einskærri kæti
hann gæddi sér þar á hálfvita
sá hamaðist með allskyns læti

Imp on his haunches on a sty beam
mouth foaming from sheer delight
enjoying a good meal out of an idiot
who below him shouted and cursed

poet Anonymous


Camminero sulle sponde del mare,
che danno verso l'ignoto,
e la speranza.
Il sole mi bruciera, e il
sale dell'acqua mi rendera
Avro il sapore sulle labbra,
e scendera giu in gola, fino allo stomaco.
Le tempeste strazieranno le onde
e una lieve pioggia mi rendera umido.
Il freddo si unira a me,
e l'aria fresca dell'ignoto entrera nelle mie viscere.
Le onde, leggermente mi accozzeranno.
E mentre io sono li morto,
il mio corpo si unira alla natura.

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