Poetry competition CLOSED 21st March 2016 8:24pm
View Profile Poems by Artemios
RUNNERS-UP: gazellemon and calamitygin


Life of a day

Fire of Insight
Canada 6awards
Joined 11th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 514

Poetry Contest

Suppose you have only one day to live and then everything will vanish along with your identity.How you live that one day of your life.
An entry a poet.
Minimum 175 words.
With suitable title and endings.
Must be filled with metaphors of life to show maturity.


Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2687

missed it

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 218

[ everything will Turn Up Right /b]

        I Would Fight For My Life            
   I Would Hunt That One Person Down
         With More Prove Then They Know .
              I Will Stock Them Like A Night Shadow
                 I Would Spy On Them While They Walked
                      I Would Get My identity Back!
                           I Will Not Let them win

[b]By: Harley xoxoxoxoox

Twisted Dreamer
United States 4awards
Joined 20th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 83

To Live a Day

A bestowed happiness
fluttered upon the wings of angels
Falling amongst me

To prove worthy of a day
A day spent by me

So I begin.

Soft grass ruffles my finger tips
A pair of black shoes beside my head
Bright, the sun is, whilst among me.
Ultraviolet rays twinkle.

The sidewalks, busy
Alike Moses, I depart the crowd
As I run through
My mind does not coexist with
A Destination.

As blue fades to purple,
Shades of colours, given
To a newborn baby girl
Fore I as well, am newborn.

A day spent as a newborn
I walk back to the grass
I feel the flutter of the blades
Push around the
Cracks in the surface of
My skin.

So close are the bones to the skin.
So close is the heavens to the Earth.
So close is one day to the heavens.

Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

Playing in the Rain.

The minute the rain hits the pavement,
I found entertainment,
Look out the window like 'Ah shit',
Witness me strip down to my draws
cannonball into this water reservoir,
It's hard to stay dry so I get soaking wet,
I needed this to keep my emotions in check,
I guess I will keep floating till I forget,
That before i was in over my head,
So I keep my baggage on land,
As I watch each wave break upon the sand,
I feel no pain as the droplets of rain drain from my hands,
I embrace nature's message as I stand,
in and endless expanse of water dancing,  
I am amazed... what are the chances,
Nature pressed play and I am in a damn trance like dream,
where i am jumping in streams and making a splash,
after I open all of the taps I can finally relax
but in a flash like lightening blasting it will pass,
so I leave my freighting actions back in the past,
i find peace at least as this moment lasts,
but really, how did you expect me to react?
I make my own path and quit following the script,
meditate to awake inner bliss,
high tide is great i love to swim,
bad vibes levitate gone with the wind,
my mission is to be my own best friend,
through a new vision i may transcend material ends,
i said it before so I'll say it again
happiness comes from within,
never dismiss what is inside your skin,
we just may persist through all the bullshit that this life gives,
trials and tribulations make the mind fit,
so I commit to transmit experiences,
in hopes it just assists just one of those kids,
who are scared of the world that they are living in,
Till they witness people playing in the rain,
strange what it takes to wash out the stains-
in an environment that shapes our brains,
don't complain just embrace the rain,
forfeit the shame and give it a page,
absorb the pain we coming of age,
remain at the top of the game as the clouds fade away,
how could rain change everything..
..if only for a day.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


Needles of glass, their never-ending
rage; a ghost fire, spreading

the slow burn that licks at my
calves, that makes my toes seize

and my fingers buzz, fighting the
hollow numbness that encroaches,

harbingers of the saccharine drip,
crystallizing synapses

eroding the perception of sight and
thought that drowns in a single depth

the ebbing of low tide on a beach of
finest silt, unable to support

anything heavier than the sea salt
that weeps from my nostrils,

a cycle, a cyst; moon phases
extolling their revelation,

a parasitic resolve,
reading a muted fortune

as seen through the uncorrupted
facets of a perfect diamond

that never realizes its own
appreciation, only the inevitable,

unable to grant that
this too shall pass,

when I will be reduced to crawling
through needles of glass,

never mind that tomorrow
is my last, should it actually be,

I've lived every day that way,
not waiting till the eleventh hour tolls

if it comes soon,
and takes my essence,

then let me finally know bliss
from all of this that keeps me
from remembering who I was.

Copyright ©2016 Jade Pandora.  All Rights Reserved.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

day flower

I see the bright mornings always smiling
not knowing what the noon is gonna bring
always making the people around them cheerful
expressing the feelings of the growing soul

am the noon watching how the evening dwells
their minds filled with memories and stories to tell
sometimes I wish my noon will pass taking my misery away
the night will come and pull the curtains and end this day

day starts with the morning star but it begins with the noon sun
it took me a thirty to realize how to adopt to the changing sun
late is better than never , and its never too late to take the chance
my sweet Magnolia would you hold me untill we finish this dance?

as a morning flower I didn't have many butterflies on me
but I will make more cocoons under my sweet morning tree
teach them how to cover from the burning rays of the light gods
I wish my evening stayed a little longer to teach me how to be prepared

I want to paint our evenings just to talk about our lovely day
watching our commelinas  grow and with butterlies they play
let's paint more colours now to forget the regrets and sorrows
I will kiss you under the red sky like there is no tomorrow

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

Clothes are not important any more

The morning is my childhood, my brightest toy,
I cry, I laugh, and I meet my mom and my dad
they give me a name, a hug and a slap.

The noon is coming with my coming of age
and I start my manifest
choosing the green from the meat.
I play with boys, I play with girls
I feel I am the freedom in the cage of the world.

When the afternoon comes I already have a past
I am trapped, I need to escape from it
I do meditation, I read a thousand books,
I listen to the music and play guitar
I write poems and go to church.

I feel ready for the night, my last point of view,
people think I’m wise, having white hair and a beard,
I’m just staying naked doing nothing
I’m just doing nothing feeling naked
I just feel nothing, being naked
I just feel naked, being nothing.

Clothes are not important any more
finally I have no fear of the people
no fear of the night and its lonely moon
it’s just me naked between the floor of life
and the ceiling of death.

The only window in here is my memories
I choose to spend my last impulse
close to my past, near to my future view.

I look at my feet and I feel the rocks
the rocks I once stepped on
and it was then, when I realized that I needed shoes,
they now fade away, away from my kissing desire.

I look at my sex and I feel like to pee
I pee on me like the day I was born
crying for the dry safety on my mother’s eyes.

I look at my hands and I feel you
you, you and you and all of you
that I touched once and never took a glance.

The little bear on the sofa is crying for me
I look at him once and then I close my eyes
to see nothing, to see everything
to strangle the need of the leaving truth.

I start laughing, the harder I can,
I finish my life with some cheap wrinkles
and an expensive timeless wine.

It’s not me wanting to die
I know I will never fly,
it’s not me wanting to leave
I’ve just been given a hard day to live.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Last Moments in Rock

First...i play Janes Addiction and dance
And while in my groove mood...
Chrissy Hines
And she inspires a gesture....
I sing whine in Rock 'n Roll whore glory...

Gonna make you make you make you notice.....and I...

I stuff in my back pocket
Every transgression
By me
Against me

And then...
Unzip, shake out of ...
and burn my denim sacrifice of resentment..!
Burn baby burn...!

Make you make you...gonna use my arms...

A bonfire of meaningless
In the face of the end...

And then scream loud for my loves
And spread my legs wide for him
And her...

Gonna use my legs...

An orgy for the appocolypse
Oh imagine the climax knowing...
It is my last grind..
My last fuck
My last flood

Gonna use my style..

And i catch theirs on my lip
And lick
Savour mmmm delicious sip

Gonna use my side step...

And naked carve a monument...
We were here
And we loved

Gonna use my fingers...
Gonna use my my my
Oh oh and i....

Yes let the loss
And future aboriginal faces
We loved here
And in the end
We loved free

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Art! Oh honey congrats! Kisses darlin...And Brad...great company to be with....fab write..

Thank you so very much...great comp...and what awesome entries!

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 218

It Was Close. Great Job Everyone...

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Congratulations everyone, with kudos to Art, Brad and Jennifer ...all deserving...

This was a great competition!

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

Waw! Another surprise! Thank you all so much!! Congratulation to all! Honestly lovely pieces, I enjoyed all of them!

Great comp! Thank you for the inspiration and the win mcjay! I had a very good time writing for this one day!

kisses to all,

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