Rap hastily

Poetry Contest Description
Bring the rhymes fast and furiously
My turn to do a rap comp!
Back in a flash to give you an example.
Back in a flash to give you an example.

He's So Butt Hurt
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
Rawr! Meow
Me and my gal pals
We really gave it to him good
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
Yeah, more than ever
Likely to never see him around this hood again
Similar to Chernobyl way back when
Entering this quarantined zone
Now takes its toll
You've got mail to open
Check your smartphone
I'm taken it mobile
No, I don't wanna sext
Next text message
From me to you?
Mess with my friends
Vice versa
You fuck with me
Anyway you slice it
This ends badly
The level of humiliation?
Depends on my generosity
You don't know a fucking thing about me
Syndrome you seem to be suffering
You're in my yard
Outside my home
For you
This area is toxic
Shock jock
You're certainly not
The cock of the walk
Compared to this
Ballistic chick
In chic haute couture
Yeah, Prick
Better check the dictionary
That's fancy French talk for,
Hot cooter
Aw, that's cute and all
You wanting to pick me up
Riding your Vespa scooter
Doing laps around the mall
Time to be on your way
Not a chance in Hell any day
The Treat in these panties
You'll never Trick
Face the music
You can't touch this
Not with even with Ryan Gosling's dick!
Gag me
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
Can you imagine what I see?
The priceless look on his face
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
Yeah, more than ever
Likely to never see him around this place anymore
Think of all the cred you won't score
Acting cool
Like you've got me on some kind of Ignore
Listen up, Fool
What's been missing in your life
Has led you to my front door
Step into it ankle deep
You sure did
In a sad attempt to beef up your rep
Who you trying to kid?
No one cares what you say
While I tongue twist your words
Nine ways to Sunday
In my city
There are no undecided
My word is gospel
An ample commodity
I don't even lift a finger to sell
Who ya think they gonna believe?
Better leave
Exit my drama
Check your wrecked self
Straight into General Hospital
Because in front of God
And you're Mama
There's nothing worse
Than what you just got
Burned your ass white hot
Schooled with a butt hurtin'
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
Snort, snicker, grunt
Yeah, you really got me pegged
I'm such a cunt
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
I'd say,
See ya next Tuesday
But I totally don't think you'll be back around this way like ever
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
Rawr! Meow
Me and my gal pals
We really gave it to him good
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
Yeah, more than ever
Likely to never see him around this hood again
Similar to Chernobyl way back when
Entering this quarantined zone
Now takes its toll
You've got mail to open
Check your smartphone
I'm taken it mobile
No, I don't wanna sext
Next text message
From me to you?
Mess with my friends
Vice versa
You fuck with me
Anyway you slice it
This ends badly
The level of humiliation?
Depends on my generosity
You don't know a fucking thing about me
Syndrome you seem to be suffering
You're in my yard
Outside my home
For you
This area is toxic
Shock jock
You're certainly not
The cock of the walk
Compared to this
Ballistic chick
In chic haute couture
Yeah, Prick
Better check the dictionary
That's fancy French talk for,
Hot cooter
Aw, that's cute and all
You wanting to pick me up
Riding your Vespa scooter
Doing laps around the mall
Time to be on your way
Not a chance in Hell any day
The Treat in these panties
You'll never Trick
Face the music
You can't touch this
Not with even with Ryan Gosling's dick!
Gag me
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
Can you imagine what I see?
The priceless look on his face
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
Yeah, more than ever
Likely to never see him around this place anymore
Think of all the cred you won't score
Acting cool
Like you've got me on some kind of Ignore
Listen up, Fool
What's been missing in your life
Has led you to my front door
Step into it ankle deep
You sure did
In a sad attempt to beef up your rep
Who you trying to kid?
No one cares what you say
While I tongue twist your words
Nine ways to Sunday
In my city
There are no undecided
My word is gospel
An ample commodity
I don't even lift a finger to sell
Who ya think they gonna believe?
Better leave
Exit my drama
Check your wrecked self
Straight into General Hospital
Because in front of God
And you're Mama
There's nothing worse
Than what you just got
Burned your ass white hot
Schooled with a butt hurtin'
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
Snort, snicker, grunt
Yeah, you really got me pegged
I'm such a cunt
He's so butt hurt
He's so butt
I'd say,
See ya next Tuesday
But I totally don't think you'll be back around this way like ever
Austin Rura
Joined 6th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 327
Austin Rura
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 327
Teach my fellow man preach well and scam
Eat well and plan
Always plan
All day man
Neva give up parlay man
Just party man
You've had it a hard way? Damn
All the people live in evil preaching under steeples school houses and the dr office stealing needles
Spreading diseases no vaccinations bring a plague of measles
It's the end of days
don't plan just prey
Die ignorant thinking the world isn't bigger than
Your thoughts
Don't learn nothin fuck and
Scream and beam and be the biggest piece of shit you can for your gods
Oh look outside Fox News says sharia law
pollute shoot and loot like a not so quiet riot spreading fast and furious dog
Bring it on if your curious marshal law
You ain't parshal? naw
Start it up
Cars and guns
Look out on the horizon quit laughin
Its a seven headed dragon
KKK The pope the CIA Crips bloods kings and the NRA
We've spelled our fate and expelled any form of knowledge great
Just stop and think
Eat well and plan
Always plan
All day man
Neva give up parlay man
Just party man
You've had it a hard way? Damn
All the people live in evil preaching under steeples school houses and the dr office stealing needles
Spreading diseases no vaccinations bring a plague of measles
It's the end of days
don't plan just prey
Die ignorant thinking the world isn't bigger than
Your thoughts
Don't learn nothin fuck and
Scream and beam and be the biggest piece of shit you can for your gods
Oh look outside Fox News says sharia law
pollute shoot and loot like a not so quiet riot spreading fast and furious dog
Bring it on if your curious marshal law
You ain't parshal? naw
Start it up
Cars and guns
Look out on the horizon quit laughin
Its a seven headed dragon
KKK The pope the CIA Crips bloods kings and the NRA
We've spelled our fate and expelled any form of knowledge great
Just stop and think
Forum Posts: 156
Thought Provoker
Joined 20th Apr 2015 
Forum Posts: 156
The Sound Ya Booty Makes
Love the sound ya booty makes
slappin' against your sister and me
while we're all doin' doggy style
on ya momma's new chocolate coloured shag pile
Horny young boys forever slapping
ya booty in da high school class
even some curious gals
slip in a quick feel
while flashing their hallway pass
The sound ya booty makes
you must be using an amplifier
with a lot of bass
Next time try turning the treble up
and turning down the bass
just in case
This morning I woke up dead
then picked up the paper
and read my obituary
I didn't feel that great
after we did the missionary
wish I was more of a visionary
Shit, I haven't even ironed my black shirt
for my very last day of sunlight
Will I need to take a suitcase
or maybe just some shorts
and thongs on my flight
The sound ya booty makes
was maybe too loud last night
and put me in a spin
The police came by to check it all out
with some mace
just when I was about to sin
Everyone's got a craze in life
and mine just happened
to put me in a daze
Should've taken a deeper breath
when going down between ya momma's thighs
Send flowers to my bitches and ho
and never ever forget ya Niggas nice ways
Always tried to satisfy the whole damn world
but still hearing some sad arse sighs
I like the sound ya booty makes
reminds me of a dance track,
played by DJ O'Lay
While everyone's dances to a beat
I'm always hard at work
trying to get ya to play.
Love the sound ya booty makes
slappin' against your sister and me
while we're all doin' doggy style
on ya momma's new chocolate coloured shag pile
Horny young boys forever slapping
ya booty in da high school class
even some curious gals
slip in a quick feel
while flashing their hallway pass
The sound ya booty makes
you must be using an amplifier
with a lot of bass
Next time try turning the treble up
and turning down the bass
just in case
This morning I woke up dead
then picked up the paper
and read my obituary
I didn't feel that great
after we did the missionary
wish I was more of a visionary
Shit, I haven't even ironed my black shirt
for my very last day of sunlight
Will I need to take a suitcase
or maybe just some shorts
and thongs on my flight
The sound ya booty makes
was maybe too loud last night
and put me in a spin
The police came by to check it all out
with some mace
just when I was about to sin
Everyone's got a craze in life
and mine just happened
to put me in a daze
Should've taken a deeper breath
when going down between ya momma's thighs
Send flowers to my bitches and ho
and never ever forget ya Niggas nice ways
Always tried to satisfy the whole damn world
but still hearing some sad arse sighs
I like the sound ya booty makes
reminds me of a dance track,
played by DJ O'Lay
While everyone's dances to a beat
I'm always hard at work
trying to get ya to play.
Forum Posts: 156
Thought Provoker
Joined 20th Apr 2015 
Forum Posts: 156
My Hollywood Name Is Mr. La La
Yes, I am your chosen kingpin
My Hollywood name is Mr. La La
I don't need to listen to scum
Because all ya barber is blah blah
I take whatever hood rat that want to come
Just don't try and steal my hard earned bling bling
You're so friggin dope. Well thank ya my beloved sister girly
You remind me of an ex Brady, she too was a dirty little birdie
Come into my crib and I shall show ya the best time
Grab a smoke and choke on that hot pot, it won't cost ya a dime
Ride by done while on kids bicycles are just so insane, it seems
Leaves images I witnessed, carved into my crazy nightly dreams
The wild streets aren't designed for everybody out there, up to me
That's why they invented plain old grey sidewalks, for free
I feel totally naked without it, I'm not a bad arse dirty turtle
That's what my momma once said, but even I'm shell shocked, can ya tell?
But what you see, is what it really means, or so it should
So yes! It's good to be the king of the whole damn hood
One day I spilt the beans on some loyal corner crew boys
I tell the popo, I know that's so lo lo, but they killed using one of my toys
If your not encouraged in life as a child, like most of us
You'll always be in a cage as an adult, so what's the big fuss?
Attacking Mr. La La's crib and forced his family out, without a touch of doubt
Nobody likes a smelly snitch, for they will be hunted down and blacked out
They chose a new leader of the team and told him, you better be able to cope
But he was a brother who never really new how to tie up all the loose rope
I came on back and killed the whole damn hood
A true gangsta has pride and does what he should
I just rode on by in my sleek black low riding convertible Jaguar cat
Shot up and even sliced up all those former niggas of mine, and that's that.
Yes, I am your chosen kingpin
My Hollywood name is Mr. La La
I don't need to listen to scum
Because all ya barber is blah blah
I take whatever hood rat that want to come
Just don't try and steal my hard earned bling bling
You're so friggin dope. Well thank ya my beloved sister girly
You remind me of an ex Brady, she too was a dirty little birdie
Come into my crib and I shall show ya the best time
Grab a smoke and choke on that hot pot, it won't cost ya a dime
Ride by done while on kids bicycles are just so insane, it seems
Leaves images I witnessed, carved into my crazy nightly dreams
The wild streets aren't designed for everybody out there, up to me
That's why they invented plain old grey sidewalks, for free
I feel totally naked without it, I'm not a bad arse dirty turtle
That's what my momma once said, but even I'm shell shocked, can ya tell?
But what you see, is what it really means, or so it should
So yes! It's good to be the king of the whole damn hood
One day I spilt the beans on some loyal corner crew boys
I tell the popo, I know that's so lo lo, but they killed using one of my toys
If your not encouraged in life as a child, like most of us
You'll always be in a cage as an adult, so what's the big fuss?
Attacking Mr. La La's crib and forced his family out, without a touch of doubt
Nobody likes a smelly snitch, for they will be hunted down and blacked out
They chose a new leader of the team and told him, you better be able to cope
But he was a brother who never really new how to tie up all the loose rope
I came on back and killed the whole damn hood
A true gangsta has pride and does what he should
I just rode on by in my sleek black low riding convertible Jaguar cat
Shot up and even sliced up all those former niggas of mine, and that's that.
Forum Posts: 156
Thought Provoker
Joined 20th Apr 2015 
Forum Posts: 156
When I Wish Upon A Porn Star
Channelling Nostradamus from the sixteenth century
did you see what you wrote or did you just dream what we see?
When your prophecies come true, I'll say, Son your on your own
and good luck to you and the brotherhood, once hit by that invisible drone
When I wish upon a porn star
It makes me appreciate who we are
Everything that she'll be requiring
I'll think about you and make it inspiring
The Niggers bitch always seems to wear lingerie that looks a little vulgar
but never ever to slavishly try and imitate her true identity and culture
While those Kardashian dogs dress up, trying to stylise society for a fee
speaking of canines, where's the poodle named Paris, she had talent, didn't she?
When I wish upon a porn star
It makes me appreciate who we are
Everything that she'll be requiring
I'll think about you and make it inspiring
I wish upon a porn star while screaming up to ones heaven
Most pussycats lives end in nine, but my time was all over within seven
Can I make it all alone on this place they call gods extraordinary rendition
or shall I live my life not getting to know oneself and fail at my own audition
When I wish upon a porn star
It makes me appreciate who we are
Everything that she'll be requiring
I'll think about you and make it inspiring
So get back on that bronco horse and dust off that hat, worn by certain gent
they will forever try and attempt to buck off, you the rider, of this serious event
Forget about the fame and money of the overhyped lives of Hollywood stars
Live within your means and save your silver dimes in your half empty glass jars
When I wish upon a porn star
It makes me appreciate who we are
Everything that she'll be requiring
I'll think about you and make it inspiring
When I wish upon a porn star
My dreams will start becoming the truth by far.
Channelling Nostradamus from the sixteenth century
did you see what you wrote or did you just dream what we see?
When your prophecies come true, I'll say, Son your on your own
and good luck to you and the brotherhood, once hit by that invisible drone
When I wish upon a porn star
It makes me appreciate who we are
Everything that she'll be requiring
I'll think about you and make it inspiring
The Niggers bitch always seems to wear lingerie that looks a little vulgar
but never ever to slavishly try and imitate her true identity and culture
While those Kardashian dogs dress up, trying to stylise society for a fee
speaking of canines, where's the poodle named Paris, she had talent, didn't she?
When I wish upon a porn star
It makes me appreciate who we are
Everything that she'll be requiring
I'll think about you and make it inspiring
I wish upon a porn star while screaming up to ones heaven
Most pussycats lives end in nine, but my time was all over within seven
Can I make it all alone on this place they call gods extraordinary rendition
or shall I live my life not getting to know oneself and fail at my own audition
When I wish upon a porn star
It makes me appreciate who we are
Everything that she'll be requiring
I'll think about you and make it inspiring
So get back on that bronco horse and dust off that hat, worn by certain gent
they will forever try and attempt to buck off, you the rider, of this serious event
Forget about the fame and money of the overhyped lives of Hollywood stars
Live within your means and save your silver dimes in your half empty glass jars
When I wish upon a porn star
It makes me appreciate who we are
Everything that she'll be requiring
I'll think about you and make it inspiring
When I wish upon a porn star
My dreams will start becoming the truth by far.

Great start, boys!
Forum Posts: 333
Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333
Black, White And Chinese Ninjas
the iron fist perfected, the iron body respected
next level kicks, hurricanes and fury contested
fought the Shao Lin descendants
put out the candle flame and the lion manes
martial arts matrix re-invented
warriors and wizards
black, white and Chinese ninjas
running on rooftops, jumping off boudoirs
slapping women and running being chased by rude dogs
leaving the evidence for the detectives to mull over
sniff out the snitch fuck up his bitch before it's all over
cash his check at the liquor store
donate the the money to homeless children doing chores
follow the police to the donut shop
steal the bear claws and ham and cheese croissants
tell the judge fuck the law if the law don't dance
fuck the judge if he sentence me to community service man
I ain't picking up shit, no trash
I'll jump out the window and spit at the jury,
no class
the iron fist perfected, the iron body respected
next level kicks, hurricanes and fury contested
fought the Shao Lin descendants
put out the candle flame and the lion manes
martial arts matrix re-invented
warriors and wizards
black, white and Chinese ninjas
running on rooftops, jumping off boudoirs
slapping women and running being chased by rude dogs
leaving the evidence for the detectives to mull over
sniff out the snitch fuck up his bitch before it's all over
cash his check at the liquor store
donate the the money to homeless children doing chores
follow the police to the donut shop
steal the bear claws and ham and cheese croissants
tell the judge fuck the law if the law don't dance
fuck the judge if he sentence me to community service man
I ain't picking up shit, no trash
I'll jump out the window and spit at the jury,
no class

Forum Posts: 596
Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596
.:B-More Burns:.
and friends
B-more smarter
the known...well known
as intifada
what’s unknown?
Freddie’s slaughter
where the
looks of
Blacks are
too much thug
but most 2Pac
not whack-2hug
with a
as we stroll & clap
yes, no doubt
certain fact
with roles exact
consider the map
longstanding trap; some
vicious crap
ain’t nuthin new-
cause they
all done knew
cause what they do
is Coded Blue
Gray done-in
by a
slimy few
what’s sighted?
prolly true
gotta bust2do
drag a Bro
each Trip~6 Crew
toss, when turn
that’s what they do
the story
for that Line that’s Blue
but all
we’re asking
for Deed's
then will know
B-more grows new

Witch King
She dodges it,
when it gets too real,
but I stay tough in the pocket
slaying fools like a rocket
hot jagged steel, knows how I feel
When I tear into flesh
I remain the most fresh
leaving holes in these hoes
from Sactown to Dago
She remains,
my lyrical miracle,
sex so dope its justified empirical
bayside flex bent minds
flow spherical
Time will pass
like this joint of grass
I will be exonerated, celebrated
transformed from loved
to most hated
Extradited, blind sided
betrayed by close minded,
stabbed in the back
by those once confided
Shadows grow long
endings of all songs
use of power wasted
to right the most wrong
She dodges it,
when it gets too real,
but I stay tough in the pocket
slaying fools like a rocket
hot jagged steel, knows how I feel
When I tear into flesh
I remain the most fresh
leaving holes in these hoes
from Sactown to Dago
She remains,
my lyrical miracle,
sex so dope its justified empirical
bayside flex bent minds
flow spherical
Time will pass
like this joint of grass
I will be exonerated, celebrated
transformed from loved
to most hated
Extradited, blind sided
betrayed by close minded,
stabbed in the back
by those once confided
Shadows grow long
endings of all songs
use of power wasted
to right the most wrong
Joined 17th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 28
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 28
Joined 17th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 28
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 28
New pluge freestyle:
I got that purple kush that would make Bob Marley proud
I'm selling all across the Puget sound
I've already became the king of the under ground
And I never gonna give up my fiery crown
Cause everyone wants a taste of this fire
They want another toke, they want to get higher
No time to chit-chat I got to head to another buyer
And I'm selling in bulk more than Fred Meyers
I'm selling pounds of this purple everyday
And the whole town knows its worth the pay
They are calling me wanting another Jay
And I don't fuck around, got no room to play
My phone constantly getting blown up
And all these niggas wanna smoke up
First you gotta pay don't get worked up
Cause you know with me your just pressing luck
And you want it to rain hundreds but you got a drought
For me it's always raining to much to count
And my shit is all everyone seems to talks about
Try to pull a fast one on me get laid out
Put my name in your phone as the plug
Then go ahead and smoke this fat nug
These niggas be slipping when I pull out the rUg
Cause I always got my boys with me,I'm not getting mugged
So go ahead and hit me up,I got what you need
I'm never behind I'm always in the lead
I got those editables so go ahead and feed
Cause with me you will never get a seed
And the whole town knows my name
Everywhere I go people be asking what strain
Taking all that smoke straight to the brain
And I'm the brand new plug, nothing gonna be the same
I got that purple kush that would make Bob Marley proud
I'm selling all across the Puget sound
I've already became the king of the under ground
And I never gonna give up my fiery crown
Cause everyone wants a taste of this fire
They want another toke, they want to get higher
No time to chit-chat I got to head to another buyer
And I'm selling in bulk more than Fred Meyers
I'm selling pounds of this purple everyday
And the whole town knows its worth the pay
They are calling me wanting another Jay
And I don't fuck around, got no room to play
My phone constantly getting blown up
And all these niggas wanna smoke up
First you gotta pay don't get worked up
Cause you know with me your just pressing luck
And you want it to rain hundreds but you got a drought
For me it's always raining to much to count
And my shit is all everyone seems to talks about
Try to pull a fast one on me get laid out
Put my name in your phone as the plug
Then go ahead and smoke this fat nug
These niggas be slipping when I pull out the rUg
Cause I always got my boys with me,I'm not getting mugged
So go ahead and hit me up,I got what you need
I'm never behind I'm always in the lead
I got those editables so go ahead and feed
Cause with me you will never get a seed
And the whole town knows my name
Everywhere I go people be asking what strain
Taking all that smoke straight to the brain
And I'm the brand new plug, nothing gonna be the same
meme machine
Joined 18th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 12
meme machine
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 12
su-su-su-su-su-suck my ass
nothing that you say will ever come to pass
if im 24 carat then these niggas is brass
?? lmao im done
it took me 15 minutes 2 come up w those 3 lines *drops mic*
nothing that you say will ever come to pass
if im 24 carat then these niggas is brass
?? lmao im done
it took me 15 minutes 2 come up w those 3 lines *drops mic*
Big Virge
Joined 15th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 329
Big Virge
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 329
Okay Okay
Here's some rhymes for today
I see how y'all play
talking bout sex displays
and butts of pain
Bootys and Butts
You nasty cunts
need to write better stuff
Talking …… O.M.G.'s
What does that mean ?
Ovary …..
Malfunction Girl !!!!
Go on give us a twirl
cos it'll be your last
in this lyrical world
I'd rather relate
than make bootys shake
and elevate … the lyrical plate
from ones that dine
on deviant lines
Too many lyrical crimes
in todays freestyles
while cops take lives
like laboratory mice
Y'all think ya nice
like you bring the hurt
chickens will get jerked
and punks straight served
up on a platter
of dumbass rappers
fake ass gun clappers
and dirty lil slappers
or freaks who speak
about how man weak
when them pussies wreak
of the geek from last week
who hurt their puss
with intellectual speech
Meowww … said the cow
as her puss got ploughed
Dumb lil’ trick
like these masculine bitch
kicking weak lyrics
cos the dicks they lick
emit what they spit
Humdrum cum
out their masters bum
ass lickers city slickers
Presidential tricksters
Well i'm the elixir
and permanent fixture
whose form of scripture
paints lyrical pictures
beyond sex scenes
and hollywood dreams
because that’s all fake
and the games not straight
that's why everyday
there's another gay
talking bout' how it hurts
to be seen as perverse
Well butt talk whores
are todays new cause
for weak ass rhymes
and designs inclined
to bend over … for time
in the f'ing spotlight
Enough of behinds
who like to grind
on cocks and dykes
to have a good time
The world is ending
because of folks bending
over like cobras
Stallone should of told ya
to keep them verses
in ya head and folder
ya not fit for purpose !
cos you just can't shoulder
the war that’s colder
than three or four
you lyrical whores
need to read some more
find some lyricism
that's written … not bitten
from whores whose scores
have been heard before
These … words of war
Define … hardcore
without the porn !!!
Hardcore like Thor
or … My Man ... Spawn
Ready to sell
weak souls to hell
where the devil can meddle
with heads whose spirit
is far from level !
I deserve a medal
for the way I heckle
so just cool and sekkle'
yourself ... stay well
before you get blast
as I bomb like shells
or maybe that's … crack …
your back like … Shell …
or maybe that's
fry ya boils … in oil …
I'm the f'ing Gargoyle
who plots and foils
your lyrical plans
cos i'm the man
whose spiritual stance
is way above
You … Mr. Hans … !!!!!
Enter this dragon … if you dare
cos like Bruce i'm prepared
and … ain't ever scared
to take you to school
and martial laws
fa you lyric-less fools !
Here's some rhymes for today
I see how y'all play
talking bout sex displays
and butts of pain
Bootys and Butts
You nasty cunts
need to write better stuff
Talking …… O.M.G.'s
What does that mean ?
Ovary …..
Malfunction Girl !!!!
Go on give us a twirl
cos it'll be your last
in this lyrical world
I'd rather relate
than make bootys shake
and elevate … the lyrical plate
from ones that dine
on deviant lines
Too many lyrical crimes
in todays freestyles
while cops take lives
like laboratory mice
Y'all think ya nice
like you bring the hurt
chickens will get jerked
and punks straight served
up on a platter
of dumbass rappers
fake ass gun clappers
and dirty lil slappers
or freaks who speak
about how man weak
when them pussies wreak
of the geek from last week
who hurt their puss
with intellectual speech
Meowww … said the cow
as her puss got ploughed
Dumb lil’ trick
like these masculine bitch
kicking weak lyrics
cos the dicks they lick
emit what they spit
Humdrum cum
out their masters bum
ass lickers city slickers
Presidential tricksters
Well i'm the elixir
and permanent fixture
whose form of scripture
paints lyrical pictures
beyond sex scenes
and hollywood dreams
because that’s all fake
and the games not straight
that's why everyday
there's another gay
talking bout' how it hurts
to be seen as perverse
Well butt talk whores
are todays new cause
for weak ass rhymes
and designs inclined
to bend over … for time
in the f'ing spotlight
Enough of behinds
who like to grind
on cocks and dykes
to have a good time
The world is ending
because of folks bending
over like cobras
Stallone should of told ya
to keep them verses
in ya head and folder
ya not fit for purpose !
cos you just can't shoulder
the war that’s colder
than three or four
you lyrical whores
need to read some more
find some lyricism
that's written … not bitten
from whores whose scores
have been heard before
These … words of war
Define … hardcore
without the porn !!!
Hardcore like Thor
or … My Man ... Spawn
Ready to sell
weak souls to hell
where the devil can meddle
with heads whose spirit
is far from level !
I deserve a medal
for the way I heckle
so just cool and sekkle'
yourself ... stay well
before you get blast
as I bomb like shells
or maybe that's … crack …
your back like … Shell …
or maybe that's
fry ya boils … in oil …
I'm the f'ing Gargoyle
who plots and foils
your lyrical plans
cos i'm the man
whose spiritual stance
is way above
You … Mr. Hans … !!!!!
Enter this dragon … if you dare
cos like Bruce i'm prepared
and … ain't ever scared
to take you to school
and martial laws
fa you lyric-less fools !

Walking Undyed
Could have been an ice cream dream
Cold have been hot cherry pop
Could have been midnight blue raven
Now I’m just a calico mop.
Yep. I see.
They don’t make ‘em
anymore like me.
Off the shelf but never on the scene.
No mo gel for me. Oh hell.
No mo Healthy Look Pearl Crème.
(A girl's gotta have her pearls!)
Could have been a black blood cat
or a tigress twist in jungle braid
now I’m just a mad cap
cougar on the bad slap fringe of fade
Think I’ll shave my hair in protest
Park my ass on a Paris lawn
yawn, “O’LO!
I got a REAL goth glow!
Let the new day DIE!”
Paint my skull Raw Dawn.
Once a golden truffle,
now I’m just dull yellow bun
Could have been a green porn queen
Now I’m just a snow-white icy one.
Think I’ll hide myself in corn rows
cry to the scarecrows “Give me straw”
Gonna dump mud lump on that Pit Bull
grumpin all night with his graying maw.
Could have been an ice cream dream
Cold have been hot cherry pop
Could have been midnight blue raven
Now I’m just a calico mop.
Yep. I see.
They don’t make ‘em
anymore like me.
Off the shelf but never on the scene.
No mo gel for me. Oh hell.
No mo Healthy Look Pearl Crème.
(A girl's gotta have her pearls!)
Could have been a black blood cat
or a tigress twist in jungle braid
now I’m just a mad cap
cougar on the bad slap fringe of fade
Think I’ll shave my hair in protest
Park my ass on a Paris lawn
yawn, “O’LO!
I got a REAL goth glow!
Let the new day DIE!”
Paint my skull Raw Dawn.
Once a golden truffle,
now I’m just dull yellow bun
Could have been a green porn queen
Now I’m just a snow-white icy one.
Think I’ll hide myself in corn rows
cry to the scarecrows “Give me straw”
Gonna dump mud lump on that Pit Bull
grumpin all night with his graying maw.