Poetry competition CLOSED 17th November 2014 11:04am
case28 (Alexander Case)
View Profile Poems by case28
RUNNER-UP: lepperochan

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Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Atakti said:If Lobo agrees, you can post, I will mark thread as explicit. One of you PM me later.


Thanks for catching that for me Atakti!

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- An Erotica of Eden -

There is no need to fear the flame, so embrace me as I desire!
Cast aside thy skirts and finery, that I may view thy nakedness.
Is such love a metaphor for the spirit revealed by a divine fire?
Then let us love like the gods: run thy hands across my dress…
And find delight between my thighs, as I ready myself for thee.
Let us dip our feet into the waters that wait to caress them soft,
The waters of passion, which lap and lick to set the spirit free…
Only for the heat of the moment to carry us ever so madly aloft!
Such is the moistness of a stolen kiss, from lips willing and wet.
My tongue laps against thy mouth, my teeth biting so playfully…
As we tumble at the foot of the Forbidden Tree without regret.
The sanctity of Eden’s gardens are remade by us, so blessedly,
So that God might be moved to blush by the fierceness of lust!
Thou dost divest me of my garments, as if opening a sweet gift.
I raise my rear, and into me I feel the pushing of thy first thrust,
Making me cry for wanting you bad, until naught to want is left.
In and out of me I feel thee throbbing hard and wet in thy sport,
One hand around my waist, the other reaching for my member!
I am pinioned, between two pleasures, as I beg three for more.
Thou hast me in thy power: and my love, thou shall remember!

Thrusting, grasping, in and out, and up and down, without end.
I moan for thee like a harlot and angels weep at what is done…
The roots of the tree that was blessed, our coupling does rend.
As thou dost climax, within me, the gardens burn like the sun…
Whilst thou hast caused my seed, to fall upon Eden’s carpeting.
Our flesh pours out its’ ecstasies like wine upon a sacred altar!
And Eden dies, as our sweat coats our bodies, ever glistening.
This is not the end of our love’s play, for we dare not so falter!
I lie upon my stomach, and thou dost fetch thy flagon of wine…
Pouring the blood-like nectar upon my skin, from neck to rear.
Thy lips lick it from me, but the pleasure is just as much mine…
For thy soul is entrapped by its’ thirst for me, drawing so near,
Unto damnation, and yet thou dost smile as if going to Paradise!
Through love thou art fallen, and we shall rise together in dawn.
I am thy addiction, I am thy craving, and I am thy favorite vice!
Thou are my lover, thou art the flame, which is unto me drawn.
Thy hands squeeze my buttocks, and I giggle like a mad child…
I turn unto my back, as I find myself grown hard and wet anew.
Take me again my darling, and in the taking be never too mild!
We have entire universes to defile, our madness to thusly ensue.

How many gardens were blighted by the power of our hunger?
I am the god and goddess of thy apostasy, thy angel and devil.
Pour thy wine, my Bacchus, and let Olympus rain its’ thunder!
We shall humble the gods, and cause them to worship our evil.
Let love be their downfall, let them rue the hour of my exiling…
As thy lips caress my hardness, licking and sucking with fervor!
Thy fingers do assist thee in these ministrations until I am smiling.
I rake my nails across thy body, marking thee as mine forever…
Thou dost not wince, even when I climax into thy tender mouth!
With this act completed we have nearly sealed the demon pact.
I dip my index finger into some of the wine flowing thus down…
From where it spilled from my flesh; and before thou can react,
I trace three sixes, upon thy lovely forehead, with my left hand.
Thou are forced to kneel before me, as I don again my clothes,
Whilst behind us there is no longer an Eden, only a wasteland…
Echoing with the cries of our love, wherever the wind so blows.
Come with me, my love, for we have other worlds to despoil…
And I have others gods and goddesses, to seduce to my cause!
Thou hast made love to a serpent, and felt that serpent’s coil…
Now thou art one thyself, entrapped by desire’s crimson claws.


Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483


He Drew Too

I knew a girl    
Who liked to draw.    
She drew pictures,    
that no body saw.    
She was more artistic,    
alone at night.    
Locked up in the bathroom    
and out of site.    
She didn't tell a soul,    
and her gallery grew.    
The art of this individual,    
nobody knew.    
Her drawings were different,    
no pencil or pen.    
She needed a bandage,    
now and again.    
She went on her first date,    
under stars.    
And by mistake, under her sleeves,    
he saw her scars.    
She felt so embarrassed, her eyes, never met his,    
she just stared at
her shoe.    
So he rolled up his sleeves,    
just to show her that,    
he drew too.  


Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 6th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 11


Skim the clouds
Brush the trees
Shrouded by blue

Higher and higher
The higher still





Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


She was lost within the poem
The words seemed like magic
It made her forget
That she’s all alone

Her name lost those years ago
When scenes became tragic
She bottled feelings
So she wouldn’t show

Tears blur the lines
When she says goodbye
No one will cry
On angel wings
She’ll start to shine

Years of scorn and of blue pills
Slicing flesh with scissors
It helped her forget
That she knows the drill

Tears lost to her broken will
When looking in mirrors
She smears the make-up
Moves in for the kill

These wasted days
Have faded to gray
No one will see
Her angel wings
Flutter in the breeze

She waits
For some attention
From those
Who swore to love her
To care
But will they care when
She’s gone?

Her name lost those years ago
When scenes became tragic
She bottled feelings
So she wouldn’t show

She was lost within the poem
The words seemed like magic
It made her forget
That she’s all alone

Tears blur the lines
When she says goodbye
No one will cry
On angel wings
She’ll start to shine


King Sammy
Thought Provoker
Nigeria 9awards
Joined 2nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 203

the Villain in me
I'm completely a botch of myself, a replica of
poisonous venom.
My heart, filled with deciets, a tantamount to
The sting of a seven headed beast
The villain in me
A perfect actor of a serial killer
I yearn for perfection, but my bile keep spicing
my thoughts
My Vile keep spitting my vilifications
Maybe the dove is just a shadow of it's
weaknesses to do evil
It's heart is probably the most vilest of all
The heart of a villain
The yoke of a rotten wound.
My heart is irritating with purulent discharge of
The purr form of my speech is only a disguise.
I long to be just, but my justification lies miles
Sin is my daily garment like the fur of a sheep
The mask of a villain
Unveil the innocence in me
I would probably have been better if I look like
the scorpion my inner man is.
Filty thoughts occupy my all in awesome
My evil mind has remained immutable.
I feel even worse the moment I fall of the cliff of
Unmask my evil mind with a drop of your blood
Golgotha seems too far up the valley.
I look up to the cross, this evil mask melts like
wax before your presence.
Tears rain down my eyes to become my new
I swim in it in total repentance.
I take a sip of living water, I was dying of thirst.


poet Anonymous


It is the last, of the loss that is found in me
The first, of the final, that awaits us
When you escaped, the whole interior
Turned into an exterior exile

It is the last of the evening
The first of the final days, that I count
Enclosed by the writings on these walls
Only spiraling spiders hear my aching call

Everything fades into one last line
Horizontal silhouette, drawn by moon
The sun, a place called home, far and further
Fresh breath of cold air circulates around

Gravitation lost, amongst the white willow
Grows, a single white rose, whilst I walk
On the surface of summer, I dream
Of the moss and the first drops of dew

And on this surface I lay
Buried my head into the scents
Shrouded my ears to the sound
Shrouded my eyes to the sight

Your voice and mine
A silent spoken vow
It is the last, of the loss, that is found in me
The first , of the final, that awaits us

SORRY dont know how to post a link so just pasted it
(in five reading lists)

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 38awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3274

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645


i don't even like this anymore,
i would have chose something else for best
but playin by the rules here.........

burden of proof

i prey to an empty bottle of pills  
i'm sundowning  
i'd rather be close to the birds  
than live my life lying wasted  
without wings  
sometimes i think i can fly  
or maybe i'm just constantly falling  
i've been so busy perfecting my hatred lately  
that it's been difficult to schedule a relapse  
with a sentence to crash heaven from chapter to page  
after the said penance there is nobody saved  
this is for hell's tenants and the coming of age  
so here is to your mom  
and all the anti-depressants we're on  
the storm chasers who bitch about their broken windshields  
Darwin, Jesus, Bob Dylan  
and all of the other great storytellers  
marriage is methadone  
an m.r.i. with a stomach full of quarters  
i am a supreme being who has never needed to hustle,lie,cheat, or steal  
i'm just like you  
i blame everybody else for how shitty i feel  
with a sentence to crash heaven from chapter to page  
after the said penance there is nobody saved  
this is for hell's tenants and the coming of age  
something inside you has gone and died  
there is no more fire  
no more shine in your eyes    
tomorrow will never come  
unless it's leap year  
or maybe yesterday never happened    
i give you to ghosts  
this bottle has drawn empty    
and we are not drawing pictures anymore  
i can't make like it never happened  
you can't put a band aid on cancer  
i've gotta stop getting blowjobs from vampires

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 25th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 35


I become stone under the sharpened chisel
My ribcage rattles
beneath the artist’s rendition
of the tree of life:
a glyph left behind
by an ancient tribe
from a forgotten time
high on a canyon wall
etched hauntingly into the rock.
Electromagnetic pulses
drag the dagger down sharply
Metal pierces living parchment
tickling my fancy
lulling me to sleep
as the ink digs deep
defiling the flesh
forcing dark imperfections
into the dermis.
As my perfect skin tries to deny
the blemish I desire
black latex hands swab at
traces of rejected stain
bleeding from a thousand open lesions
and I lay perfectly still
as the needle licks at the tincture
corrupting the once pure
now forever marked.  


Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

earned run

I know that I haven't earned the redemption
that I write towards    
but I do know that I own the right to say damned. 

Damned to the lifecycle of an apology 
and the consistency of numbness 
required to deny regret. 

Damned to the chase of timing 
that love   
lusts to lose.    

Damned to obesity 
when I am a track-star 
spitting in the face 
of the word that I've earned most, 



(Suprised that this was my most reading listed. Certainly not a favorite)

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983


The truth is harsh, sense it
The truth is sharp, feel it
The truth always cuts
The truth bruises and scars
The truth always hurts
The truth will make you cry
The truth will make you scream
The truth is poison injected
The truth insults freely
The truth will not set you free
The truth will bind you with force
The truth will chain you in shackles
Nobody tells the truth
Nobody wants to hear the truth
Nobody can handle the truth

“The truth is a fib, told by a liar full of spite and amorality
  signifying evil.”

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Thank you for the incredible entries thus far ... I have had a great time giving these a first read as they came in.


Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 303

Knife of Steel.

I hold you still with,
my knife of steel.
I hold it to your vein,
because you have caused a lot of pain.
You stole my life,
so I'll take yours.
I watch your blood flow on the ground.
You look at me with eyes full of hate,
as your soul enters the gate.
You're in hell and I am here.
I'll bring you back,
so you can feel it again.
Dying a thousand times over isn't enough.
I need you to suffer,
so you better be tough.
I'll take your life many times,
because you ain't worth a dime.
Now you are not living this life of crime,
so therefore I made it your time.
So go to hell my once known friend,
I need you no more.
This is the end.  

poet Anonymous

I Will

He takes a compliment like a man who's
self worth doesn't depend on it
and gives them in a way that shows he thought first

he's a poet who knows the difference between words that are spewed into existence too carelessly and those that carry human sentiment at their cores

he'll risk never arriving while deciding which path is his because he'd rather walk slowly to the right place than run to the wrong one
he knows curiosity can kill but that it feeds the imagination
and creativity is true intelligence  

he's made me listen to what I say
because he listens to me
quotes me to myself at the most inappropriate times
telling me how smart I am and grinning
thoroughly entertained when I can only say Touche!

and no matter where we are
when I look at him, he's looking at me
because he's solid enough to know that keeping what you love
means a hell of a lot more than meaningless conquests

when I feel the most undeserving
wear my weaknesses like my armament
and expect to lose his allegiance
he loves me more
because he knows that's when I need it most
and fair weather lovers are a dime a dozen

I used to bang my head in the the shallows
that were the depths of most people
but I could swim through him for eternity
and I will


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