Poetry competition CLOSED 17th November 2014 11:04am
case28 (Alexander Case)
View Profile Poems by case28
RUNNER-UP: lepperochan

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Reading List Add - What's your best?

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Poetry Contest

Post your most bookmarked poem!
This is a best of your best challenge.  Simply post your write that has the most "Reading List" (bookmark) adds.  In the event there's a tie within your body of work - choose the one that has the most reads.  If the piece has previously won a competition please do not enter it - just move to your next piece.  

I'm anticipating an eclectic mix of work - so I'll be inviting a few eyes to help with the judging.  If you'd care to be a reader on this one - just PM me.  

Post the entire piece as well as it's link.


FYI: there's a sort feature on the "My Poems" page that will help you sort through this.

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2081



here i lay
cocooned in my bed
your words floating in my aura
in all their glory
i've gone back through your poetry
reading your beautiful words
i want you to know
your work inspires me
you are a POET
there's no doubt about it
your melding of words
so delicious they make me
your artwork....
is there nothing you cannot create?
your mind
i want to explore
what makes you tick?
what makes you ache?
like van gogh who's muses were his contemparies
i think this is what you'll be to me
i do not need to name you here
you know
who you be

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Thank you for starting things off with such a fitting piece Kate.

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2081

a pleasure Lo and what a great idea....
i've just been perusing the most read...quite amazing...
am thinking about the least read....hmmm....

poet Anonymous


Suicidal Love

My bones moan with your sorrow,  
black and white shivers in moonlight  
as you scrape melancholy melodies  
across ribs which encase grey heart of night.  
Your fingers draw blood from hope  
with depression's desperate, fatal strokes.  
Spiritual whispers of precious dreams choked  
by the strangling stronghold of stormy reality  
echo out the final groaning beg to make it all go away.  
To feel your love--- when I can never have it--- is suicide.  
(Inspired by Trent Reznor on piano)

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

Building Ships

They start from seeming chaos,
Molten metal poured, moulded, hammered, rolled.
In machine shops, men hunch over lathes
And frown at slow-revolving shapes,
Engrossed in mysteries of size and tolerances,
Like alchemists who turn base metal into ships.

And somehow, one day, on the sloping slip,
Giant ribs stand stark, pointing skywards,
Like a carcass picked clean by colossal vultures.
Men swarm over them for weeks
Amid the endless din of drills and riveting,
And the hiss and spray of welders’ sparks.

Steel sides appear, decks are laid,
And suddenly a towering ship is there,
Black-sided, vast, festooned with ropes and cradles,
Impossibly balanced on its narrow keel.
Then launch day has arrived -
A bottle breaks and she is on her way.

Slowly at first, and then with massive, gathering speed,
She slides with grace towards her raison d’être.
Drag chains rattle and pull taut,
The waiting waves receive her like a bride,
The tugs hoot and she is gently towed away
To be prepared for life upon the seas.

So we, conceived by chance and shaped by many hands,
Set out. We know not where, nor what shores we shall see,
What storms, what calms we shall endure,
What monsters of the deep, what siren songs,
Our only certainty a final resting place
Far from the lost land of our home.


Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

invisible poem

Written by Alexander Case

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005


Slowly I strip
your silhouette
sinking solid seduction
into my skimpy sky
sexy shadows
in secluded starlight
slip and slide
in swelling sensuality
masterful motion
merges magnetic minds
moisture mixing
in a magical maze
of mutual madness
moonlit masturbation
inflaming imaginations
impulsive ignition
impaling me with
intense insistence
inside an irresistible
and intimate invitation
infusing internal inclinations
liquid luster
on limbs lubricate
listening to love's
libidos lift and lower
licking luscious lips
effusive eagerness
evokes exhilaration
and electrifying
entering ecstasy
we explode enraptured
enveloping each others



Just G
Fire of Insight
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 920

Word Fetish

Write me a letter, a song
Hate mail, or anything
Combine nouns and adverbs
For that perfectly honed sting

Caress my frontal cortex
With that silver tongue
Seduce my synapses
This romance has begun

Your subtle nuances
Make it hard to detect
Quit boring me with platitudes
Molest me with your intellect

To seek and to find
My most sumptuous bits
To unclasp and grasp
My dazzling wits

I didn't think it ever
Needed to be said
The best foreplay I've had
Is when you play with my head

My mind to be precise
You cannot be mistaken
If you use the right words
There's no need to be faking

More adjectives and metaphors
I'm about to go insane
This isn't the only time
I take the lord's name in vain

Oh god I think I'm coming
To the inevitable conclusion
That this truly is
My only absolution

I penetrate your mind
When you hadn't a clue
My pen planted seed
I just mind fucked you too

I'm a sexual intellectual
In double entendre I dabble
I can't help but smile when asked;
"Who's down for some Scrabble?"


(Not one of my favorites anymore, but dems da rules).

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14592

Just what the doctor ordered
never been one to invest too much hope    
when blowing out candles on my birthday cakes    
not since the age of nine    
when I was sure I'd done everything right    
eyes shut tight and fists clenched    
blew like a boy possessed    
woke up the next day    
still me, and not where I'd asked to be at all    
don't mind saying    
that a world without magic    
can age a kid    
up the park yesterday    
walking 'round taking in the scene    
kind of serene in it's own way    
watching nature's course    
had the little fellow with me    
he's nine and he still sees magic about the place    
you should have seen his face when we found the well    
Christ, I envied him    
watched him throw my coin to water      
close his eyes  
and clench his fist    
he smiled, kind of smile    
that said he'd done something good for someone    
never asked him what he'd wished    
some things are best when they're left unsaid    
up the park again today    
alone this time    
because sometimes I like it better that way    
found myself at the well    
threw a coin in,    
shut my  eyes and clenched my fists white    
and made my wish    
never even crossed my mind      
that I didn't believe in magic


Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273


I am the moon and the tides.
I am the storm, the battered sea,
raging, raging, until the waters whirl,
deliquesce to droplets, dried in torrid heat…

I am creatures reposed to salty bones,
and I am the undulating desert gorging on them.
I am the Aeolian winds grinding mountains to sand,
blowing away my own dust to bare rock.

I am the tremors, unrelenting shockwaves, collapsing cliffs.
I am the molten lava flows, undermining tectonics.
Beyond the caldera, the release withheld…
The intensity is high, I bleed diamonds…  

Shear and tensile cracks throughout,
upwards and downwards;
unpeeling the mantle, liquid substrata, shaken core.
This world is crumbling... I am crumbling.

I am the imploding planet, spinning off axis,
out of orbit planetary collisions, the space flak.
I am the unfathomable supernova, cluster detonation
white nuclear, radioactive fusion.

I am the fading neutron stars, the star dust...

the black hole...

v   o   i   d


Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 38awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3265

What if the piece is classed as explicit content?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

If Lobo agrees, you can post, I will mark thread as explicit. One of you PM me later.


Just a Puppet
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 22nd Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 88

Awkward Beautiful

Today is the day I die.
But that doesn’t mean a thing to me.
Because the last thought I will have is of you.
And as the flames cover me just know that I am at peace.
Reminiscing of the day we first met
That sight when I looked into your eyes,
you were so awkward yet so beautiful.
That smile drove me into your heart
Day’s got hard but we fought through the odds.
We were young and had it all.
Still I feared it would end because I could be such a dork,
I realized in time, that you were the same.
Just know the pain doesn’t hurt me because the last memory I have is of you.
Like when we laid down together talking about the sky,
As I turned to kiss you, you begged me to wait.
So I took your hand and ran it across my face,
and told you that the next time will be the day.
Now I know what we are,
We are human.
I know what we are meant for,
It’s to live.
And when we die it’s not a tragedy.
It’s just the end.
So I’m sorry, but just know I loved you more and more every day.
If there is an afterlife I will wait for you.
Than I saw it coming, the crash shattered my ears.
As the flames covered my body they evaporated my tears.
I started to turn to ashes as I stood up so unprepared,
not ready to lose you,
But so happy I knew you.
With all my heart.


Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 38awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3265

Atakti, I messaged you. I'll post it up soon.

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